First experience with gLite testbed prototype - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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First experience with gLite testbed prototype


Introduction to EGEE middleware architecture. gLite first partial implementation ... WMS (SLC3 ) being configured. Julia Andreeva CERN. 7 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: First experience with gLite testbed prototype

First experience with gLite test-bed prototype
  • Julia Andreeva CERN
  • APROM meeting
  • 27.08.2004

Short overview
  • Introduction to EGEE middleware architecture
  • gLite first partial implementation of EGGE
  • Main components
  • Use for CMS distributed analysis
  • Currents status
  • Short term plans

Main principles of EGEE middleware architecture
  • EGEE middleware is supposed to be developed
    following Service Oriented Architecture model,
    delivering application functionality as services
    with the additional emphasis to loose coupling
    between interacting services. A service is a
    function which is well-defined, self-contained
    and does not depend on the context or state of
    other services.
  • The services communicate with each other
  • through well-defined interfaces and protocols
    (data passing or coordination of activities)

Main principles of EGEE middleware
  • Based on WEB service application that exposes its
    features using standard Internet protocol. WEB
    services interact by exchanging messages using
    Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) standard.
  • Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) is used to
    specify the interface a service exposes.
  • Grid Access Service (GAS) provides a common
    framework by which the user may gain access to
    Grid services. There is also API (which is not a
    service by itself) which provides a way of
    direct access to the services

What is gLite? Main componentsexposed to the
  • First ( not complete ) implementation of the EGEE
  • Lightweight GRID implementation
  • Distributed file catalogue built on top of RDBMS
    with user interface that mimics the file system
  • Authentication module which supports various
    authentication methods
  • Jobs queue which holds jobs to be executed in the
    system (commands, inputs and outputs are all
    registered in catalogue)
  • Metadata catalogue
  • Package Manager
  • Services that support above components

Test-bed configuration
  • Machine Type
  • VOMS/myProxy

  • SE (dCache)

  • SE (Castor)

  • SE (Castor, full
  • CEi

    I installed
  • WN

  • WN (SLC3)

  • LRC and RMC catalogs
  • web portal

  • R-GMA registry/MON

  • GAS

  • core services (task
    queue,optimizer, FTD) installed
  • database (mysql), proxy,
  • Metadata catalog

  • CE, WN and SE (castor)

  • SE (dCache)

    being installed

Authentication and logging in
  • Possible ways to authenticate to gLite shell
  • - Certificates
  • - SSH keys
  • Test status
  • Straight forward, except some problems in the
    beginning caused by the fact that users had not
    been informed about VOMS
  • naming convention chosen by the VOMS manager
    for user names.

Authentication and logging in(continuation)
  • Another possibility to access gLite through Grid
    Access Service (GAS).GAS will start services with
    user credentials on the remote machine. Then only
    a small subset of the system has to be installed
    by the client. Using myproxy-init command user
    create a proxy of his certificate and allows GAS
    to retrieve this proxy
  • Test status
  • Currently limited functionality is available
    while accessing gLlite through GAS

gLite shell
  • Looks like UNIX shell
  • Provides a set of UNIX-like commands
  • cat,cp,echo,execute,exit,find,help,kill,ln,ls,mkdi
  • pwd,quit,rm,rmdir,whereis,whoami .
  • Some commands are gLite-specific
  • add,register,addTag,duid2lfn,lfn2guid,deleteMirror
  • showMirror,submit,preFetch.
  • Some commands have slightly different
    behavior/output than UNIX ones
  • top,whereis
  • Test status
  • User friendly environment
  • Developmet team is providing bug fixes,
    improvements, implementation of the suggestions
    from the users

Interfacing gLite services from outside gLite
  • Using perl API
  • C library developed by Andreas Peters, Derek
    Feichtinger and Birger Koblitz from ARDA group
    (for file I/O there is also a POSIX style C
    library). Provides native shell commands having
    the same functionality as gLite-shell internal
  • Will be deployed very soon
  • From UNIX shell
  • glite exec ltglite-commandgt
  • Not recommended, since would pass authentication
    procedure for every command
  • Through web portal
  • (currently mainly for getting status information
    about test-bed,
  • but in future should be possible for the
    user to submit/resubmit jobs, for administrator
    to configure the system, check syslog,
  • update distribution)

gLite catalog
  • gLite catalog plays an essential role in the
    system since not only files but commands (job
    specification) as well as job input and output ,
    as well as tags are all stored in the catalog
  • gLite LFN name space is organized as a directory
    tree structure, which allows to
  • - record in LFNs some file META
  • - define cleanup and access policy
  • - optimize access performance

Example of the output of the tree command
  • /egee/user/j/jandreeva/ gttree
  • - - ./
  • - - bin/
  • - - dar
  • - -
  • - - Install
  • - - packages/
  • - -ORCA/
  • - -8_1_3/
  • - - Linux-i686
  • .
  • /egee/user/j/jandreeva/ gtwhereis bin/dar
  • And the file is in EGEECERNSRM

Catalog test status
  • Populated catalog with data for one dataset
    stored at CERN castor
  • /egee/user/j/jandreeva/ gt cd cms
  • /cms/ gt ls
  • DigiPU04
  • DST04
  • Hit04
  • /cms/ gt cd DigiPU04
  • /cms/DigiPU04/ gt ls
  • bt_2x1033PU761_TkMu_g133_CMS
  • /cms/DigiPU04/gt cd bt_2x1033PU761_TkMu_g133_CMS
  • /cms/DigiPU04/ bt_2x1033PU761_TkMu_g133_CMS gt ls
  • bt03_ttH130_6j1l
  • /cms/DigiPU04/bt_2x1033PU761_TkMu_g133_CMS gt cd
  • /cms/DigiPU04/bt_2x1033PU761_TkMu_g133_CMS/bt03_tt
    H130_6j1l gt ls
  • 86800001
  • 86800005
  • 86800009
  • .

Catalog test status (continuation)
  • No real stress testing yet, since access to CERN
    castor from the gLite worker nodes was not
    available for a long while . Under pressure of
    the ARDA group it was finally resolved but still
    does not work with stable performance
  • We are planning to use gLite catalog for defining
    of data location for gLite resource broker and
    for file management (moving/replication files) .
    Somehow CMS executables use POOL and need POOL
  • catalog as an input, which creates an issue
    of synchronization between XML POOL catalog
    (which has to be sent with the job) and gLite

META data catalog
  • Modern file systems have META data attached to
    the file/directory
  • gLite has a similar concept
  • Information containing file properties (file META
    attributes) can be defined in a tag attached to a
    directory in the file catalog.
  • Any arbitrary number of TAG tables can be
    attached to the corresponding directory table.
  • Has to be discussed between CMS and ARDA
    how/whether this
  • approach can be used for CMS
  • Test status
  • Stress test of the META data catalog was
    implemented by ARDA group, showed some scaling
  • gLite development team is working on
    improving scalability

Job submission
  • Steps required for submitting of user job to
  • Register executable in the user bin directory
  • Create JDL file where executable, required
    packages, input and output files, possibly some
    additional requirements are defined
  • Run submit command providing JDL file as an input
  • Test status
  • Job submission is rather simple

JDL file
  • In the JDL file user can define input, output
    files, files to be staged locally by gLite to a
    working directory before the job starts, package
    to be used (possibly first installed) by the job,
    and a set of requirements to be satisfied by a
    resource broker while taking a decision where the
    job would run .
  • For example
  • Run my job close to a given set of data
  • or (one does not want to rely on RB choice)
  • Run my job on a given farm

Testing of the Glite job queue
Package manager
  • Currently provide a possibility to register a
  • tar distribution of a given package (of a
    given version) either in the user or VO package
    directory. Package can contain a sort of setup
    script which by default would be run by gLite
    when user job required a given package starts
  • If user defines in JDL file a given
    package/version to be used, package should be
    checked in the user/VO directory on the worker
    node , if it is not there should be fetched and
    unpacked there by a package manager and a setup
    script (if included in distribution) should be
    run before user executable starts.

Testing of the package manager
  • Package manager on Glite testbed was released
    juts recently, for the moment was tried with DAR
    ORCA distribution
  • Somehow for a heavy ORCA distribution (3,3GB)
    created through cmsi , including SCRAM and
    allowing to build executables, present
    functionality of the gLite package manager is not
  • Requirements for the package manager are
    currently discussed with the development team.

Running CMS analysis test jobs on gLite farm
  • First prototype allowing to submit CMS analysis
    jobs, defining as an input dataset-owner name of
    a given collection, providing that this
    collection is published in RefDB/PubDB and data
    is available at CERN is under development by the
    ARDA group.
  • First tests of the simple jobs reading CMS data
    (using ExDSTStatistics executable) were
    successfully run on the Glite farm.
  • Real analysis jobs using executable provided by
    Lucia , were also run on gLite test-bed but with
    a small number of events. Currently jobs with a
    normal trigger failed due to the troubles of
    reading files located in castor.
  • More work required to improve access to data
    files located in castor.

First histograms!?!
EGGE middleware deploymentissues
  • Project started just in April, so it is quite
    impressive that we could have first prototype for
    playing already at the end of May, though with a
    very limited functionality
  • Current test-bed prototype can not be used
  • for testing analysis framework in a real scale
    (farm consists just of several PCs)
  • We hope to have a preproduction test-bed
  • available at the end of October to run tests
    in a more reasonable scale

Next ARDA work shop
  • 20-22 of October is an open workshop
  • which is held at the time of the transition
    from the closed development environment to a
    preproduction test bed which should result on the
    expansion of the user community.
  • Future deployment of EGEE middleware
  • will be discussed there.

  • First prototype of gLite testbed is available at
    CERN and Wisconsin.
  • Still very fragile and unstable, some components
    are delivered just recently and their
    functionality is rather limited.
  • The existing system allows to develop prototype
    for CMS analysis , try it by the users and give a
    feedback to the gLite development team
  • While CMS decision for ARDA activities is
    pending we hope to have a first prototype
    available next month and we will very appreciate
    some volunteers among CMS users to try it.
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