Stacks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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To learn about the stack data type and how to use its four methods: push, pop, peek, and empty ... Four operations are empty, peek, pop, and push ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Stacks

  • Chapter 5

Chapter Objectives
  • To learn about the stack data type and how to use
    its four methods push, pop, peek, and empty
  • To understand how Java implements a stack
  • To learn how to implement a stack using an
    underlying array or a linked list
  • To see how to use a stack to perform various
    applications, including finding palindromes,
    testing for balanced (properly nested)
    parentheses, and evaluating arithmetic

  • Dinner plates at a cafeteria
  • Spring-loaded stack of plates
  • Push a new plate onto the stack
  • Pop an existing plate off of the stack
  • Only the top plate is accessible
  • Last-In, First-Out, or LIFO

  • Pez dispenser also uses a stack
  • Only the top Pez candy can be accessed
  • Can only extract one item at a time
  • Push candy onto stack
  • Pop candy off of stack
  • Only the top candy is accessible, LIFO, etc.

  • Stack might seem to be too restrictive
  • LIFO
  • Only one element accessible
  • Only operations are push, pop, peek, empty
  • However, stacks are extremely useful in CS
  • Simple and useful
  • For example, stacks used when executing programs
  • Used like scratch paper to keep track of info

Specification of the Stack Abstract Data Type
  • Only the top element of a stack is visible,
    therefore the number of operations performed by a
    stack are few
  • The only operations available are
  • Inspect the top element (peek)
  • Retrieve (and remove) the top element (pop)
  • Put a new element on the stack (push)
  • Test for an empty stack (empty)

Specification of the Stack Abstract Data Type
StackIntltEgt Interface
  • / Stack is a LIFO data structure /
  • public interface StackInt lt E gt
  • / Pushes an item onto the top of the stack and
  • returns the item pushed. /
  • E push(E obj)
  • / Returns the object at the top of
  • the stack without removing it. /
  • E peek()
  • / Returns the object at the top of the stack
  • and removes it. /
  • E pop()
  • / Returns true if the stack is empty
  • otherwise, returns false./
  • boolean empty()

Stack Example
  • Suppose we have a stack called names
  • And we execute names.pop()
  • What is the return value?
  • Trudy and the stack is

Stack Example
  • We now have the stack
  • And we execute names.push(Charlie)
  • What is the return value?
  • Charlie and stack is

Stack Example
  • We now have the stack
  • And we execute names.peek()
  • What is the return value?
  • Charlie and stack is

Stack Example
  • We now have the stack
  • And we execute names.empty()
  • What is return value?
  • Returns false and stack is

Stack Applications
  • We consider two programs that use stacks
  • Palindrome finder
  • Parentheses matcher
  • First we consider palindrome finder
  • Palindrome reads the same in either direction
  • For example level and Able was I ere I saw
  • Note that we do not ignore spaces and punctuation
  • So, for example, never odd or even not
    considered a palindrome for this exercise (but
    often it is)

Palindrome Finder
  • Input string to be tested
  • Output message indicating whether string is a
    palindrome or not
  • How to slove this problem?
  • Many different ways to solve this
  • For example, could create a new string by going
    from end to beginning of original string
  • Then compare new and original strings
  • If equal, string is a palindrome
  • But we want to use a stack!

Palindrome Finder
  • Using a stack
  • Push characters of original string onto stack
  • Then pop characters off and append to new string
  • Compare new string and original string
  • If same, then it is a palindrome
  • Why does this work?
  • If we push, then pop, it will reverse string

Palindrome Finder
  • Suppose string is frank
  • First, push letters onto stack

Palindrome Finder
  • Then pop letters off of stack and append to new
  • Finally, compare original and new string
  • We have frank ! knarf, so not a palindrome

Class PalindromeFinder
Testing PalindromeFinder
  • What types of strings should be test???
  • Single character (which is always a palindrome)
  • Single words
  • Both palindromes and non-palindromes
  • Multiple words
  • Both palindromes and non-palindromes
  • Different cases (upper/lower)
  • Even-length strings
  • Odd-length strings
  • Empty string (considered palindrome by default)

Balanced Parenthesis
  • It is important to determine whether an
    expression is balanced with respect to
  • For example
  • (ab(c/(d-e)))(d/e) is balanced
  • But
  • (ab(c/d-e)))(d/e) is not balanced
  • Problem is more complicated if braces or brackets
    (square and/or curly) are also used
  • Good solution is to use stacks!
  • Here, we only consider parenthesis

ParenChecker Class
  • Input String (representing an expression)
  • Output A message indicating whether expression
    is balanced with respect to parenthesis or not
  • Of course, we want to use a stack
  • What is the idea behind the algorithm?
  • Push open parenthesis onto stack
  • When closed parenthesis is encountered
  • Try to pop top element off of stack
  • If no top element (stack is empty), not balanced
  • When done, if stack is not empty, then not

ParenChecker Algorithm
  • Given expression to test
  • Create an empty stack of characters
  • Set balanced true (i.e., assume it is balanced)
  • Set index 0
  • While balanced is true and index lt expression
  • Get the next character in expression
  • If character in open parenthesis
  • Push open parenthesis onto stack
  • Else if character is closing parenthesis
  • If stack is empty, set balanced to false
  • Else pop element from stack
  • Increment index
  • Return true if balanced is true and stack is empty

ParenChecker Class
ParenChecker Testing
  • What data to test on?
  • Simple valid expressions (one level of matched
  • Simple invalid expressions
  • More complex expressions (valid and invalid)
  • Test too many open parens and too many closed
  • Know the correct answer before testing an

Implementing a Stack
  • In Java, Stack class extends Vector
  • Could also have been implemented using other
  • Such as ArrayList or LinkedList
  • Could also be implemented using Array
  • Well look (briefly) at each of these

Stack as a Vector
  • The Java API includes a Stack class as part of
    the package java.util
  • The Vector class implements a growable array
  • Elements of a vector accessed using an integer
  • Size can grow or shrink as needed to accommodate
    the adding and removing of elements
  • In following examples, push letters of Java
    onto stack

Stack as a Vector
Stack as a Vector
  • Java Stack is an extension of Vector
  • Therefore, can use all Vector methods on a Stack
  • Is this a good thing?
  • You can access any element of a Vector
  • So, you can access any element of a Stack
  • If you try to access elements of a Stack, you
    might get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  • Best to restrict yourself to stack-specific

Stack as a List
  • Can use ArrayList, Vector, LinkedList classes
  • Since all implement the List interface
  • Name of class illustrated in text is ListStackltEgt
  • Note that ListStack is an adapter class
  • Gives different names to essentially same
  • Also true of Javas Vector-based implementation
  • For example, java.util.StackltEgt push is code is
  • public E push(E obj)
  • add(obj)
  • return obj

  • public class ListStack lt E gt implements StackInt
    lt E gt
  • private List lt E gt theData
  • public ListStack()
  • theData new ArrayList lt E gt ()
  • public E push(E obj)
  • theData.add(obj)
  • return obj
  • . . .

Stack as an Array
  • Allocate storage for an array with an initial
    default capacity when creating a new stack object
  • Keep track of the top of the stack, topOfStack
  • For empty stack, topOfStack is set to -1
  • No size method
  • Array size does not grow/shrink after each
  • However, must reallocate if more space needed
  • This is very primitive
  • And thats why I like it best

Stack as an Array
Stack as an Array
  • public class ArrayStack lt E gt implements StackInt
    lt E gt
  • E theData
  • int topOfStack -1
  • private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY 10
  • public ArrayStack()
  • theData (E)new ObjectINITIAL_CAPACITY
  • public E push(E obj)
  • if (topOfStack theData.length - 1)
  • reallocate()
  • topOfStack
  • theDatatopOfStack obj
  • return obj
  • . . .

Stack as a Linked List
  • Can implement a stack using a linked list of
  • See code and details in text

Comparison of Stack Implementations
  • Extending a Vector (as is done by Java) is a poor
  • All Vector methods are accessible
  • Then why does Java do it this way?
  • What about ArrayList implementation?
  • Easiest to implement, ArrayList does all of the
  • What about Array implementation?
  • Slightly more difficult for programmer
  • What about Linked List implementation?
  • Uses only as much storage as needed
  • However, links are essentially wasted
  • Regardless of method used, push/pop is O(1)

Stack Application
  • We consider problem of evaluating math
  • Postfix and infix notation
  • Expressions normally written in infix form
  • Operators (,-,,/, etc.) between the operands
  • Good for humans, not so good for computers
  • Computers prefer postfix notation
  • Operands come first, then operators

Postfix vs Infix
Postfix Advantages
  • Advantage of postfix form include
  • No need for parentheses
  • No need to consider operator precedence

Evaluating Postfix Expressions
  • Problem Write a class to evaluate postfix
  • Analysis Stack is good data structure to store
    operands until needed
  • Design Class PostfixEvaluator with methods
  • Method eval scans postfix expression and
    processes its tokens
  • Method evalOp evaluates each operator
  • Method isOperator determine whether a character
    is an operator

Evaluating Postfix Expressions
Evaluating Postfix Expressions
Evaluating Postfix Expressions
Converting Infix to Postfix
Converting Infix to Postfix
Converting Infix to Postfix
Converting Infix to Postfix
Converting Infix to Postfix
Chapter Review
  • A stack is a last-in, first-out (LIFO) data
  • A stack is a simple but powerful data structure
  • Four operations are empty, peek, pop, and push
  • Stacks are useful to process information in the
    reverse of the order that it is encountered
  • In Java, Stack is implemented as an extension of
    the Vector class

Chapter Review
  • We considered 3 different ways to implement a
  • Using the List interface as a container
  • Using an array as a container
  • Using a linked list as a container
  • We applied stacks to evaluate arithmetic
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