F3: Application Case Studies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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F3: Application Case Studies


DEMs of forest canopy tops and filtered lidar penetration to ground. 6 ... TMR Triple-Modular Redundancy provides nearly perfect protection against SEU ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: F3: Application Case Studies

F3 Application Case Studies HLLs
  • Dr. Alan D. George
  • Professor of ECE, University of Florida
  • Dr. K. Clint Slatton
  • Asst. Professor of ECE CCE, University of
  • Brian Holland
  • Ph.D. Student, University of Florida

  • Project Goals, Motivations, Challenges
  • Background and Related Research
  • Project Team Members (faculty students)
  • Y1 Tasks
  • Overview of Y1 Tasks
  • Task 1 Select set of challenging diverse
    mission scenarios
  • Task 2 Design, develop, analyze, refine, and
    evaluate multi-level parallel algorithms for
    selected mission scenarios
  • Task 3 Explore design options tradeoffs with
    HDLs and HLLs
  • Task 4 Formalize insight from tasks to theorize
    broader implications
  • Y1 Milestones, Deliverables, Budget
  • Conclusions, Member Benefits

Project Goals, Motivations, Challenges
  • Goals
  • Develop understanding from case-study experience
    of decomposition mapping strategies w/ complex
  • Scenario applications defined jointly with
  • Hardware/software partitioning, co-design,
  • Concomitantly explore complimentary issues
    including fault tolerance (e.g. ABFT v. NMR),
    design portability, and precision
  • Motivation
  • High-performance reconfigurable computing is
    still in its infancy
  • Field needs more knowledge, insight, proof of
    success w/ real apps
  • Research Challenges
  • Multilevel algorithm partitioning, analysis, and
  • Design tradeoffs for HLL vs. HDL for application
  • Balancing performance with portability,
    precision, dependability

Wheres the beef?
Background Related Research
  • F3 The Application Salad Bar
  • 3 components per mission scenario
  • Application
  • System platform
  • Parameters
  • What follows is a sampling of applications and
    parameters recently under study at UF
  • Adaptive signal processing applications
  • Space-based radar processing applications
  • Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance (ABFT)
  • High-Level Language (HLL) paradigms
  • HPC cases, HPEC cases, dual-purpose

Mission scenarios might range from neutron
science on HPC for ORNL to space science on HPEC
satellite for NASA
This is a sampling, but by no means an
exhaustive list of potential applications to
Background Related Research
  • Embedded Remote Sensing Apps
  • On-board processing of lidar (light detection and
    ranging) data would allow near real-time
    environment assessment and in-flight adjustments
  • UF owns airborne and vehicle-based lidars
  • Building extraction, ground point calculation,
    DEM (Digital Elevation Model) generation,
    vegetation filtering and data compression
  • Other applications change/target detection,
    scene analysis, image/video segmentation, clutter

DEMs of forest canopy tops and filtered lidar
penetration to ground
Background Related Research
  • Non-Embedded Remote Sensing
  • Non-parametric PDF estimation is critical to
    statistical decision theory and probabilistic
  • Topography estimation (through foliage)
    Hierarchical data segmentation and Bayesian
  • Soil drainage classification high-dimensional
    terrain classification driven by information
    theory and boosting algorithms
  • Multi-resolution, multi-sensor data fusion for
    improved classification and replacing of
    corrupted or missing data

Background Related Research
  • Space-based Radar Applications
  • Ground-Moving Target Indicator (e.g. 512 MB
    typical data set)
  • Tracks moving targets on ground from air or space
  • Continuous, real-time processing
  • Synthetic Aperture Radar (e.g. 2 GB typical data
  • High-resolution images of ground from air or
  • Less-stringent processing deadline (relative to
  • Hyperspectral Imaging (e.g. 4 GB typical data
  • Target detection and classification in
    hyperspectral images
  • Incredibly large data sizes, relatively simpler

Hyperspectral Imaging
Ground-Moving Target Indicator
Background Related Research
  • Fault Tolerance with RC
  • Classical approach to mitigate SEU (single-event
  • TMR Triple-Modular Redundancy provides nearly
    perfect protection against SEU but at hefty cost
    of area and power consumption
  • Periodic configuration scrubbing to repair errors
  • Leverage other research, explore RC advantages
  • Partial or Selective TMR
  • Autonomous repair cells
  • Classical approach to mitigate computational
    errors at algorithm level
  • ABFT Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance is an
    approach providing ability to detect and fix
    errors by incorporating redundant data into the

Leverages on-going research at Florida with
Honeywell in fault-tolerant computing for space.
Background Related Research
  • High-Level Languages
  • HLLs vs. HDLS
  • High-level languages have potential to provide a
    rapid development path for FPGAs
  • Various languages leveraging C, Fortran, and
    Matlab can be used (depending upon compiler)
  • Much research has been underway but more is
    necessary with mainstream applications
  • Challenges
  • Which language and compiler are best for platform
    and application of a given scenario?
  • Using right tool can be very beneficial using
    wrong tool can be far worse than VHDL
  • Using a high-level paradigm does not replace
    human interaction or design
  • Each language has its own nuances

For example, MAPLD05 paper by Holland et al.
from U. Florida.
Project Team Members
  • Faculty
  • Dr. Alan George, Professor of ECE
  • Dr. Clint Slatton, Assistant Professor of ECE and
  • Dr. Herman Lam, Associate Professor of ECE
  • Dr. Dapeng Wu, Assistant Professor of ECE
  • Students
  • Brian Holland student project leader
  • 2nd-year doctoral student, University of Florida
  • BS in ECE, Clemson University, 2005
  • Alumni Fellow
  • Daniel Espinosa
  • 2nd-year masters student, University of Florida
  • BS in ECE, University of Florida, 2005
  • Internship at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Karthik Nagarajan
  • 2nd-year masters student, University of Florida
  • BS in ECE, University of Madras (India), 2003
  • TBD
  • 0-3 additional graduate students

Overview of Y1 Tasks
  • Task 1
  • Select set of challenging scenarios
    (apps-platforms-parms) with maximal intersection
    of (a) member interests, (b) faculty expertise,
    and (c) suitability for success with RC
  • HPC scenarios, HPEC scenarios, or cases
    reflective of both
  • Task 2
  • Design, develop, analyze, refine, and evaluate
    multi-level parallel algorithms for applications
    in selected scenarios
  • Note this large task will be divided into
    subtasks, one per scenario or app
  • Task 3
  • Explore options and tradeoffs with HDLs, HLLs,
    and mixes for each app and its modules in
    implementation of new parallel algorithms on
    target platforms
  • Task4
  • Formalize insight from previous tasks to theorize
    broader implications for other suites of problems
    as well as a taxonomy of application classes

Task 1
  • Select a set of challenging and diverse mission
  • What scenarios and applications are of keen
  • Primary focus will be apps of prime interest to
    our members
  • Some of many app areas where UF faculty have
  • STAP, SAR, GMTI, and other SBR and related apps
  • Multi-scale image fusing (e.g. multiscale Kalman
  • Multi-rate signal processing (e.g. airborne laser
    swath mapping)
  • Image processing (e.g. 3D reconstruction from
    LIDAR images)
  • Platforms to target in mission scenarios?
  • Broad range available in our lab, for HPC or for
  • What parameters should be explored?
  • Total emphasis on performance, speedup, and
  • Balancing performance with resource and power
    limitations of devices?
  • Sacrificing some performance for portability and
  • Incorporating unique challenges such as fault

Task 2
  • Design, develop, analyze, refine, and evaluate
  • multi-level parallel algorithms
  • Performance
  • Investigate dual-paradigm architectures and
    algorithms that provide optimal performance for
    each mission scenario
  • Explore tradeoff issues in hardware/software
    partitioning, co-design, and optimization, as
    well as numerical precision amass share tools
  • Fault Tolerance
  • Investigate tradeoffs between NMR and ABFT
  • Determine classes of RC applications most
    amenable to ABFT
  • Standardization and Portability
  • Performance is often tightly linked with
    mission-specific applications customized for
    target platform architecture
  • Adaptation to new systems is generally performed
    manually and can require significant time and
    application modification
  • Balancing performance with portability and
    adaptability will be necessary for some mission

One of our papers on this subject was awarded
as Distinguished Research Paper at ERSA06.
Tasks 3 4
  • Task 3 Explore tradeoffs with HDLs and HLLs
  • Explore tradeoffs between traditional HDLs and
    new HLL approaches for performance and efficiency
  • Evaluate via case-study experience then determine
    and best leverage unique benefits of available
    languages tools
  • e.g. VHDL, DIME-C, Impulse C, Handel C, AccelDSP,
    Mitrion, et al.
  • Task 4 Explore broader implications of case
  • Initial mission scenarios will be focused upon
    specific applications, selected platforms, and
    target parameters
  • However, concepts learned are not necessarily
    unique to each case broader conclusions can be
    explored and drawn
  • Concepts such as standardization, adaptability,
    and portability may also play an important role
    in an applications broader implications

Y1 Milestones, Deliverables, Budget
  • Milestones
  • 02/01/07 Finish scenario selection definition
    (Task 1)
  • 11/01/07 Finish case studies and tradeoffs
    (Tasks 2-3)
  • 12/01/07 Finish study of broader implications
    (Task 4)
  • Deliverables
  • Midterm and final reports documenting research
    methods, progress, results, and analysis
  • All developed core and application codes
  • One or two scholarly conference and/or journal
  • Budget
  • 3-6 CHREC memberships
  • 3 memberships allows completion of tasks on
    several scenarios
  • Additional memberships expand breadth/number of

Conclusions Member Benefits
  • Conclusions
  • Multilevel algorithm parallelization is critical
    for new apps
  • No substitute for exploring, crafting, and
  • Build experiential database from hands-on
  • Examining formalized methodologies for RC
    application parallelization will allow more
    efficient development
  • Amass and share key insight with apps, design
    methods, and tools necessary are this critical
    stage in fields development
  • Concomitant with performance, other apps issues
    often critical
  • Fault tolerance, design portability
    standardization, numerical precision
  • Member Benefits
  • Direct influence over applications, systems,
    languages and FPGA platforms under investigation
  • Applicability to current developments and trends
    in aerospace related research
  • Access to final code, performance results,
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