Title: Food Service Program Summary Brush School District
1Food Service Program SummaryBrush School District
Traci Berg, Director of Dining Services Lyza
Brackett, District Manager Travis Young, Regional
Vice President
2Participation Feb. 07 vs. 08
2007 Free 634 Reduced 172 2008 Free 598
Reduced 190
3Participation YTD
Enrollment Feb 2007 1555 Feb 2008 1525
4Total ADP Feb 08 -Breakfast, Lunch, Alacarte
Lunch ADP Thomson 70 BV 92 BMS 91 BHS 58
Breakfast ADP Thomson 12 BV 23 BMS 9
5Revenue YTD
6Revenue Feb. 07 vs. 08
7Revenue and Expense Comparison
8Rising Costs
- 3.5-4.0 Increase in Food Paper Costs
Anticipated for 2008 - Typically, food and paper represent about 35 to
40 of the total operating costs of a dining
service operation. Based on historical trends,
we anticipate a 3.5-4.0 increase in food and
paper cost for 2008. It should be pointed out
that food is among the most volatile of the
consumer goods tracked by the US Government. All
of these items have a high use profile in school
dining programs. Based on December 2007 data,
revised forecasts for Consumer Price Index (CPI)
for food-away-from-home for CY 2008 point to
increases of over 3 vs. prior year. - Dairy
- USDA raw milk pricing increased 47 in 2007
(outpacing the cost of fuel and feed) and with
increased production some relief is expected in
2008 however pricing will still remain at
historic highs throughout the year. As a result,
many of our dairy products will continue to see
prices 20-40 higher than levels from a year ago.
This impact cheese, fluid milk, yogurt and many
others dairy based products.
9Food Cost Comparison
- 30 increase for milk
- 4 increase for food paper
10Comparison of Meal Prices
- Meal options vary district to district
- Salad bar included
11Challenges for 08-09 School Year
- Rising Product Transportation Costs
- Open Campus at the High School
- Convenient Store Location
- Full Day Kindergarten
- More Production and Labor for increased meals
- Head Start Meal Transportation
- Aged Equipment
- Freezers
- Outdated Point of Sale Systems
- Rising Wage and Benefit Costs
12In Conclusion
- Digger Depot Make Over
- Successful CDE Coordinated Review Effort School
Meal Initiative Audit - Great Team
- We look forward to another successful year with
Brush School District. - We will have end of year results ready for review
the first part of June, 2008. - If you have any questions or concerns, feel free
to contact me 970-842-5176.