Title: Grain, oilseed and sugar crops
1Grain, oilseed and sugar crops
- Stephen Kaffka
- Department of Plant Sciences
- January 19, 2007
2Sustainable Bioenergy Production
- Reasons for optimism increasing efficiency in
farming, innovation, prices - Reasons for caution competition for land,
simple calculations may be misleading,
unanticipated consequences
3Grain, oilseed and sugar crops
- Trends in field crop production
- Sugarbeets and sugar cane
- Corn and wheat
- Safflower and canola
4Conversion of row crop land to perennials
5An expanding dairy sector in the San Joaquin
Valley and elsewhere, a competing use for land
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8Changes in California Agriculture since 1950
(Alston Zilberman, 1998)
- Between 1949 and 1991, a 218 increase in
Californias agricultural output has occurred,
with only a 58 increase in inputs of all kinds. - This means that productivity doubled in 42 years.
9Growth in Californias agricultural output ()
10Input use in California agriculture
11Grain, oilseed and sugar crops
- Trends in field crop production
- Sugarbeets and sugar cane
- Corn and wheat
- Safflower and canola
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15Imperial Valley, Fall 1998
Tile lines
16Yield monitor and GPS in use at harvest
Load cell
GPS unit
17IV-2000-2001, Sugar beet yield map (t/ac)
Head end
Sample locations
19Energy costs (/gal)
(Corn 2.75 gal/bu 98 gal/t)
Source USDA, July 2006
20De Wit, 1992, Agric. Sys.
a feature of (agricultural) intensification is
that it is not the improvement of one growing
factor that is decisive, but the improvement of a
number of them. This leads to positive
interactions that imply that the total effect of
the measures that are taken is larger than the
sum of the effects of each of them separately.
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23Grain, oilseed and sugar crops
- Trends in field crop production
- Sugarbeets and sugar cane
- Corn and wheat
- Safflower and canola
24Long-Term Research on Agricultural Systems
College of Agricultural Environmental Sciences
25220 bu
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27Costs and Returns Corn
28Corn Net returns per acre above cash costs
29Corn Net returns per acre above total costs
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33Grain, oilseed and sugar crops
- Trends in field crop production
- Sugarbeets and sugar cane
- Corn and wheat
- Safflower and canola
34Biodiesel Safflower and Canola
35Why biodiesel?
- To address global warming to consume 1 mt of
petroleum diesel, 3.8 mt of CO2 are produced,
while to consume 1 ton of biodiesel, 1.3 mt of
CO2 are produced. - Energy independence A great deal of our oil is
imported from unstable locations in the world.
Our refining capacity is highly centralized. For
both reasons, our fuel economy is subject to
disruption. - Positive energy balance, and efficiency of diesel
36Biodiesel-renewable diesel
- There are two (or more) processes
- First generation biodiesel is made by
treating vegetable oil with alcohol and a
catalyst to make a mono-alkyl ester based diesel.
This has many desirable properties, but tends to
be variable, depending on the quality of the
feedstock. It is subject to instability and has
cold weather problems. - Safflower and canola are among the best oils for
biodiesel made this way.
37Biodiesel-renewable diesel
- There are two or more processes
- Second generation biodiesel is made by adding
hydrogen to vegetable oils or animal fats. This
also has many desirable properties, is more
uniform, stable and cold tolerant.
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40Salt-affected plots
Non-saline plots
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42Change in soil NO3-N during growth (mg/kg)
230 kg N
0 kg N
Depth (cm)
Post harvest
434 ft
Pre-plant residual NO3-N (mg/kg)
44Costs and Returns Safflower (rf)
45Safflower (rf) Net returns per acre above cash
46Safflower (rf) Net returns per acre above total
47Canola in Australiathe First Thirty Years
- P.A. Sailsbury, T.D. Potter, G.McDonald, and A.G.
Green (eds). 2006
- Can be grown where annual rainfall varies from 12
inches to 30 inches - It is sensitive to water logging.
- Thought to be less tolerant of drought than
wheat. - Will use up to 18 inches of water per year under
Australian conditions.
- Growing season of 150 to 210 days (5 to 7
months). - Similar to winter wheat in terms of planting and
harvest dates. - At harvest, most crops are swathed to avoid
shattering. - Yields are between 55 to 70 of wheat in
50Canola yields
- In Australia, yields vary from 500 lb/ac in low
rainfall areas to greater than 3,000 lb/ac under
favorable conditions. - Averages seem to be approximately 1,500 to 2,000
lb/ac in rainfall areas comparable to the
Sacramento Valley. - the highest yields reported in Australia are
approximately 4500 lb/ac. - Earlier work in California by Tom Kearney
resulted in most yields being in the 1,500 to
2,500 lb/ac range. A few yields reached 3,000
51Canola costs and returns
- In California, production costs are likely to be
similar to safflower (225 to 300/ac) - In Australia, costs are lower and canola is one
of the most profitable crops. - In California, reduced tillage methods may be
able to save growers money. Soils in California
are more fertile than in Australia, so that may
offset other higher costs here, or result in
higher potential yields.
52In California, the challenge will be to achieve
high yields and lower costs
53Oil production (gal/acre)
54Sustainable Bioenergy Production
- Reasons for optimism increasing efficiency in
farming, innovation, prices - Reasons for caution competition for land,
simple calculations may be misleading,
unanticipated consequences
55Safflower harvest at JG Boswell, Corcoran
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Intended consequence loop
time lag
Unintended consequence loop
System boundary
System reaction
Reinforcing feedback loop
Solution feedback loop
time lag
System reaction
Balancing feedback loop
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60 Evaporation pond in the San Joaquin Valley
61Mo concentrations in shallow drain water
62Drainage water reuse
- Approximately 200,000 ha (500,000 ac) of land
with shallow water tables in the San Joaquin
Valley requires approximately 20,000 ha (50,000
ac) of evaporation ponds to dispose of this
water at this rate of evaporation. This is far
more than currently available (or foreseeable).
63Drainage water reuse
- Approximately 18,000 ha (45,000 ac) of forages
(or biofuel crops) reusing drainage water for
irrigation combined with 1,000 to 2,000 ha (2,500
to 5,000 ac) of evaporation ponds might meet the
mid-term needs of San Joaquin Valley producers
for a drainage water disposal option.
64Research site location
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66Livestock performance
Cattle grazing at Westlake site, (July 2002) 160
steers on 62 acres
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70On a high SAR soil, using moderate ECw irrigation
water (2 to 8 dS m-1), no infiltration and
drainage problems have been observed where
forages have been able to grow during the last
six years. Leaching and reclamation are
71Conclusions drainage water reuse
- The salinity of shallow drainage water in the
western SJV commonly ranges between 4 and 12 dS
m-1. SO4 type salts are more common than Cl
salts. Both of these are favorable circumstances
for drainage water reuse. - Trace elements (Se, Mo, B, others) vary in type
and amount by location. These complicate reuse
and disposal. - These circumstances imply that drainage water
reuse systems will require local adaptation and
some monitoring.
72Costs and Returns Bermuda grass hay
5 years of production, Imperial Valley estimates,
10 t/ac
73Bermuda grass Net returns per acre above cash