Title: The Asheville Program John Miall
1The Asheville ProgramJohn Miall
2Align The Incentives / Improve The Outcomes
- Labs without co-pays
- Glucose meters
- Patient Education
- Pharmacist fees for counseling
- Disease Specific Rx co-pay waivers
3How They Do It
- Patient making better food choice. Blood
glucosemuch improved. 2 x 1.5c cm wound RLE.
Referredto physician for evaluation and therapy.
4Clinical OutcomesAvg. Glycosylated Hemoglobin
5City of Asheville Total Diabetes Medical Costs
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
58 savings based on actual 2001 costs vs.
expected 2001 costs (1996 costs annual CPI
medical care inflation figures)
6Direct Medical Costs Over Time1 1Cranor CW,
Bunting BA, Christensen DB. The Asheville
Project Long-term clinical and economic outcomes
of a community pharmacy diabetes care program. J
Am Pharm Assoc. 200343173-84.
7Average Annual Diabetic Sick-Leave Usage (CITY OF
ASHEVILLLE Diabetes Group)
8Sick Leave Usage By Time In Program (CITY OF
ASHEVILLLE Diabetes Group)
9Total Mohawk Carpet (Dublin, GA.) Spend
Baseline, Year 1 Year 2 compared to Projected
Year 2 Projected 12,664
Yr 1 Projected 11,122
Yr 2 savings Per Patient from projected
Costs 5,096 from Baseline Costs 2,203
Total costs 9,771 10,656 7,568
Align the Incentives, Empower the Patient,
Control the CostsSM
10Clinical HEDIS 2003 Indicators Averages
through 25-Sep-04 (n256)
- NCQA Commercial Accredited Plans
- A1c Testing 85
- A1c Control (lt 9) 68
- Lipid Profile 88
- Lipid Control (lt 130) 60
- Lipid Control (lt 100) 31
- Flu Shots 48
- Eye Exams 49
- PSMP Pilot Sites (Aggregate)
- A1c Testing 100
- A1c Control (lt 9) 94
- Lipid Profile 100
- Lipid Control (lt 130) 78
- Lipid Control (lt 100) 49
- Flu Shots 77
- Eye Exams 82
11Our Mission
- The mission of the APhA Foundation is to improve
the quality of consumer health outcomes that are
affected by pharmacy.