Title: XMM-Newton: Status Of The Project
1XMM-Newton Status Of The Project
- Talk for the The X-ray Universe 2008 symposium
- 27th to 30th of May 2008, Granada, Spain
- Norbert Schartel
- (XMM-Newton Project Scientist)
- Status of spacecraft, its instruments and
calibration - Status of the observing program
- XMM-Newton users, oversubscription and requests
- Scientific highlights
- Publications and citations
- Public outreach
- Conferences and their proceedings
- Next Call for observing time new chances
- Conclusions performance key points
3Status of the Spacecraft
- Spacecraft status is very good
- In May 2007 Mission Extended Operations Review
concluded that XMM-Newton can operate at least up
to 2018 - All systems are running on their primary unit,
i.e. full redundancy still available - At end of 2008 April, 87 kg of fuel remain with
usage of around 6 kg per year - The solar array is generating around 1950 W and
between 800-1200 W are used. - All other consumable are fine, too
- On November 2007, the SPC approved operations
until end of 2012. Further extensions will be
reviewed in 2 years time
4Status of the Optical Monitor
- primary components in use, i.e. full redundancy
still available
- Sensitivity loss in 2015
- U, B, V 20
- UV 20 40
5Status of the Reflection Grating Spectrometers
- 2 CCDs were lost early in the mission (full
wavelength coverage due to redundancy between
RGS1 and RGS2) - RGS 2 single readout mode since August 2007 to
avoid ADC errors (no impacts for large majority
of sources) - Reduction in EPIC MOS and RGS operating T in 2002
resulted in far fewer hot pixels
6Status of the Reflection Grating Spectrometers
7Status of the EPIC Cameras
- The Nov 2002 reduction in EPIC MOS (and RGS)
operating T resulted in far fewer hot pixels, and
decreased energy resolution degradation rates. - 4 micrometeoroid impact events in 7 yrs have
resulted in the loss of 1 in 14 of the MOS CCDs
a 5 reduction in the EPIC area. - No effects of contamination visible
8Status of the EPIC Cameras
MOS1 135 140 156 75 75 86
MOS2 135 135 148 77 77 82
pn 155 NA 185 120 NA 141
Representative examples 1H1219301
Line rich source 1ES0102-7219
XMM-Newton versus Suzaku
XMM-Newton vs. Chandra ACIS/LETG
11Status of the Observing Program
- Statistics up to REV 1532 (5.5.2007)?
- A1 to A5 Program and GT
finished - Open Time Program A6
- Number of allocated targets (A and B)
413 - Allocated cumulative exposure time
12910 ks - Number of successfully observed targets
401 (97.1)? - Successfully observed cumulative exposure time
12591 ks (97.5)? - AO7 started on May 1, 2008
- Statistics of C-priority observations
- AO3 observed cumulative exposure time
1200 ks ( 9.2 )? - AO4 observed cumulative exposure time
1367 ks (31.0)? - AO5 observed cumulative exposure time
2232 ks (26.5) - AO6 observed cumulative exposure time
2459 ks (31.8)
- Observatory type mission
- Annual call for observing time proposals
- Peer review process (OTAC)
- Support for users from definition of observation
details, enhancement, scheduling/coordination,
TOO request evaluation and TOO implementation
help-desk, analysisto (SAS) calibration
archiving SAS workshops, documentation,
conferences and public outreach - Users
- Large Community 1500 - 2000 scientists
- All scientific topics are addressed
- from comets and planets up to the most distant
quasars - Most of the users are external to the
XMM-Newton project, e.g. they do not belong to
instrument institutes nor the Survey Science
13Requests and Users
- Announcement of Opportunity AO7
- 586 valid proposals were submitted
- Oversubscription 7.8
- 424 different principal investigators from 23
countries - 1560 individual scientists
- 8 proposals joint XMM/Chandra
- 11 proposals joint XMM/VLT
- Observing Time Allocation Committee OTAC
- 13 panels
- 66 scientists (rotation every 2 AOs)
- Archive XSA
- 2400 external registered uses
- 110 external users per month (typical value)
- 2500 data sets (ODF and PPS) per month (typical
value) - Analysis Software SAS
- Version 7.1 (from July 2007)
- 2200 scientists have access to SAS 7.1
14XMM-Newton Extended Survey Of The Taurus
Molecular Cloud
- Taurus molecular cloud is the nearest star
formation region - Detection of almost all young stars embedded in
the cloud as X-ray sources, including many brown
dwarfs and protostars - Identification of unusual physical processes not
known before in forming stars - Gas streams falling down onto the forming and
young star - Ejection of jets
- AA special feature 15 papers, 2007,
AA 468 Guedel et al., 2007, AA 468,
15Million-Degree Plasma Pervading the Extended
Orion Nebula
- The Orion nebula is illuminated by a small group
of massive stars (the Trapezium). - ? XMM-Newton observations reveal a hot plasma
with a temperature of 1.7-2.1 106 K pervading the
southwest extension of the Orion nebula. - ? The plasma flows into the adjacent interstellar
medium. - ? This X-ray outflow phenomenon must be
widespread throughout our Galaxy. - M. Guedel et al., 2008, Science 319, 309
16New Class Of Type 1 SN
- DEM L238 DEM L249
- Thermal spectrum dominated by Fe L-shell lines
- Fe over-abundance ? Thermo-nuclear Type Ia
explosions - K.J. Borkowski et al. 2007, ApJ 652, 1259
- Explosions with energies of 3 1050 ergs
- New class of SN Ia, more massive and young (100
Myr old) progenitors
17Broad Relativistic Iron Line From Serpens X-1
- Neutron star low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) Serpens
X-1 - Previously known broad iron Ka emission line
- Asymmetric shape of the line supports an inner
accretion disk origin - ? First strong evidence of a relativistic line in
a neutron star LMX - Bhattacharyya Strohmayer, 2007, ApJ 664, L103
18First Black Hole In Globular Star Clusters
- GCs contain 103-106 old stars packed within tens
of light years - Formation of 103 solar mass BH ?
- Interaction will eject BHs ?
- T.J. Maccarone et al., 2007, Nature 445, 183
NGC 4472
- X-ray source in GC associated with NGC 4472 (in
the Virgo cluster) - X-ray luminosity 4x1039 erg s-1
- Variability excludes composition by several
objects - ? Black hole (15-30 or 400 solar masses)
19Compact, Conical, Accretion-Disk Warm Absorber Of
The Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC4051
- Absorber consists of two different ionization
components, with a difference of 100 in
ionization parameter and 5 in column density - Distances 0.5-1.0 lt-days (2200RS-4400RS) and
lt3.5 lt-days (lt15,800 RS) from the continuum
- Suggests strongly accretion-disk origin for the
warm absorber wind - ? Mass outflow rate from wind is 2-5 of the
mass accretion rate - Krongold et al., 2007, ApJ 659, 1022
20 Origin Of Elements In Galaxy Clusters
N. Werner, et al. , 2006, AA 446, 475 J. de
Plaa, et al. 2006, AA 452, 397 2007, AA 465,
- Abundances ?
- 30 of the supernovae in these clusters were
exploding white dwarfs (Type Ia) - 70 were collapsing stars at the end of their
lives (core collapse)
21XMMXCS J2215.9-1738
- Massive galaxy cluster at z1.45
- The redshift of XMMXCS J2215.9-1738 is the
highest currently known for a spectroscopically
confirmed cluster of galaxies - Stanford et al., 2006 ApJ 646, L13
22Dark Matter Maps Reveal Cosmic Scaffolding
COSMOS Field 1.637 degree2 1000 h (HST)
400 h (XMM)
Matter 1/6 baryonic
(hot and cold) 5/6 dark
Gravitational lensing total amount of matter
(hot and cold) Optical infrared cold baryonic
- Maps of the large-scale distribution of dark
matter, resolved in both angle and depth. - Loose network of filaments, growing over time,
which intersect in massive structures at the
locations of clusters of galaxies - Consistent with predictions of gravitationally
induced structure formation
R. Massey et al., 2007, Nature 445, 286
XMM-Newton hot matter (red in picture)
23Detection of hot gas in the filament connecting
two clusters of galaxies
- about 50 of the baryons in the local Universe
are expected to resides in filaments connecting
clusters of galaxies in form of low density gas
with temperatures of 105ltTlt107 K.
- filament connecting the clusters of galaxies A
222 and A 223 (z 0.21) has been previously
detected using weak lensing data - ?detection of the filament in the soft-band
X-rays with a 5s with . kT
0.91 0.25 keV - ?baryon over-density of ?/lt?Cgt 150, which is
consistent with expectations . for the densest
and hottest parts of the warm-hot intergalactic
medium - . Werner et al., 2008, AA 482, 29
24XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue 2XMM
- 246897 source detections corresponding to 191870
unique sources - 360 square degrees
- Source products spectra, light curves
- Well-defined samples of various object types
AGN, clusters of galaxies, interacting compact
binaries, active stellar coronae - Largest X-ray source catalogue ever produced
- Released in August 2007
- M. Watson et al. 2008, in preparation
2007 330 publications 2008 (May) 115 in
refereed journals directly based on XMM-Newton
31.4 citations / paper
27Public Outreach 2007
28Public Outreach 2007
29Public Outreach 2007
30Public Outreach 2008
31Conferences and
32 and their Proceedings
33Next Call of Proposals AO8
- Planned key milestones
- Announcement 26 August 2008
- Due date for proposals 10 October 2008 (1200
UT)? - Final approved program late December 2008
- Second phase submission 12 January 6 February
2009 - Start of observations May 2009
- 6 Scientific categories / 13 Panels in total / 66
scientists - OTAC chairpersons selected
- Panel member search underway
34AO8 New Modes
- New Mosaic mode for observation of large areas
with short exposure time - Since AO7 pn modified timing for observation of
very bright sources - Since AO7 RGS multi-pointing mode for very
homogenously exposed spectra
courtesy of Pedro Rodríguez-Pascual
35 AO8 Large and Very Large Programs
courtesy of Pedro Rodríguez-Pascual
- Very Large Programs can ask for observations to
be performed over two AOs with observation of up
to 1.5 Ms in the following AO - Maximum size of Very Large Programs will be
defined reflecting the total time available for
Large and Very Large Programs as well as the
actual visibility of the proposed target
36Conclusion Performance Key Points
- XMM-Newton is unique at
- Large field of view (d30)
- Large collecting area (gt2000 cm2 for all EPIC)
- Largest collecting area at 6.4 keV
- High time resolution
- High spectral resolution (RGS, best for extended
sources) - Long observations (130 ks)
- XMM-Newton can operate at least up to 2018
- ? No other telescope with similar or better
overall performances available for the next 10
years or more