Title: PowerPoint-Pr
1Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies Observational
and Theoretical Progress until 2003 The Review
Thomas Boller Max-Planck-Institut für
extraterrestrische Physik Garching Germany
20. Definition and the enlarged
observational parameter space
Narrow-Line Seyfert 1s
3 I. Historical Review
1. In the beginning
1971 Zwicky first report on extreme
variability optical outbursts
in I Zw1
1987 Halpern Oke importance as
X-ray sources
1992 Puchnarewicz report on
steep X-ray spectra
42. The ROSAT/ASCA Renaissance
1993 Boller,Trümper,Fink, Molendi Dennefeld
discovery of extreme and rapid X-ray
variability Dt 800 s, DL 1044
erg s-1
1996 Boller,Brandt Fink soft
X-ray continuum and optical line width relation
1997 Boller,Brandt,Fabian Fink
discovery of persistent, rapid and giant X-ray
variability factor of 60 in 1
53. The XMM-Newton/Chandra Era
gt 2000 Boller, Tanaka, Fabian, Brandt, Gallo et
The XMM-Newton GT/AO Programme on NLS1
6II. What have we learned from ROSAT, ASCA
and BeppoSAX
1. The influence of the emission from the inner
100 light seconds to the BLR and NLR
Boller, Leighly, Brandt, Wills, et al.
2. NLS1s as the most X-ray variable radio-quiet
AGN (Boller et al. , Leighly et al.)
7 NLS1 and their giant soft X-ray excess emission
100 101 102 103
rel. Flux
0.1 1
5 10
Energy keV
Giant soft X-ray emission
Moderate soft X-ray emission
Power-law approximation F E-G G 2.3 for
E(0.1-2.4 keV)
F E-G with G up to 5
strongest disc emission yet found in Seyfert
8Soft X-ray slope - optical BLR line width relation
ROSAT results
Boller, Brandt, Fink 1996
hotter disc
Emission from the accretion disc determines
v-dispersion in the BLR
extreme soft excess
velocity dispersion in the BLR
9NLS1 publication statistics
FWHM Hb - G relation
Osterbrock Pogge
10(No Transcript)
11The underlying physical parameter
Boller 2000
12Reverberation results
NLS1 The young Seyferts
B. Peterson
NLS1 as low mass black holes
Super-solar metalliticies
NLS1 are AGN in the making AGN with the lowest
BH masses
133. XMM-Newton discoveries New puzzles 3.1.
Detections of sharp spectral drops gt 7 keV
Boller, Tanaka, Fabian, Brandt, Sunyaev, Gallo,
Anabuki, Haba
14Possible explanation Partial covering
Probability problem when source is too far away
from the black hole P(1Lj) 10-9
Solution place the absorber into the accretion
disc region
153.2. Puzzling new observational facts
Edge energy shift
1H0707 (AO1)
7.10 7.44
Energy keV
Will be discussed by Prof. Tanaka
16Problems with the current models
1. Problem with the absorption model
- Absorption edge at 8.2 keV arises from Fe XIX -
XXIII (7.93,8.07,8,21,8.35, 8.49 keV), edge
should be broad, with 600 eV, rather than sharp
(lt100 eV) - The feature may be a neutral edge in
approaching matter
- Power-law cut-off model used to get Fe 3-10
2. Soft X-ray spectral features difficult to
Absorption line profile changes not
understood Broad emission line, without presence
of other alpha elements is puzzling
3. Problem with the line interpretation large
equivalent width
It might be another, new physical mechanism,
we are not aware of so far
17Model-indepenent implications
relativistic Fe K line detections are difficult
with the present generation of X-ray telescopes
Curved X-ray continua in sources with sharp
spectral drops remove part of the relativistic
redshift based on a simple power-law continuum
Other effects - ionization state of the disc
- light bending (Iwasawa, Miniutti)
18Simulation of line profiles for ionized discs
XMM-Newton fit
Relativistic line not detectable
Counts s-1 keV-1
Energy keV
Curvature of the continuum makes Fe K line very
difficult to detect
194. Implications for future missions
ESA, NASA, Japanese long term X-ray projects
1980 1990 2000 2005
2011 2017 2020
20NLS1 research and future missions
XMM-Newton/Chandragt500 ks exposure times
required to solve the
nature of sharp spectral drops
Astro-E2 important to
study NLS1s
understand the physics of NLS1s more
precisely XEUS/Con-X
fundamental increase of understanding the
phenomenon still expected
21XEUS - ESA mission under study
22AGN QPOs precessing discs or orbital motions?
Precession no spectral variability
w 2G/c2 J r-3
Orbital motions strong Doppler boosting and
associated spectral variability
23Present NLS1 Status
24The end - thank you!
25Timing properties
Please see Karens Leighly talk and Poster by
Luigi Gallo 19
A few examples
26Light curve
Fractional amplitude variability
Tanaka, Gallo, Boller (in prep.)
27The significance of the detection and available
photon statistics
Spectral drop detected with high
significance Photon statistics above 7
keV limited, only about 30 photons 500 ks
observation required
source background spectrum
28 Seyfert 1 unification through physical processes
Broad-Line Seyfert 1
Narrow-Line Seyfert 1
huge filling factor in BLR
narrow OIII
Torres et al. 03
Kerr BH
Schwarzschild BH
incl 6 10 14
incl 56 60 64
Con-X calorimeter DE 2eV
30Gallo et al. 2003
313.2. Recent discoveries in the soft X-ray range
Fe L absorption at 1.2 keV Variable Fe L
profile changes on 1000 s Single soft and
strong emission line without presence of other a
elements Time dependency of the the presence of
soft X-ray lines, luminosities column
densities/covering fractions Time dependent
changes of the edge energy from 7.10 to 7.44
keV within two years (1H 0707-495)
Please see talk by Y. Tanaka
32Statistical significance of the X-ray oscillations
Boller, Timmer
Long-term flux increase included Long-term
flux increase detrended
3 s
2 s
1 s
Time sec
Time sec
Periodicity peaks at 2100 and 4200 s
Low statistical significance
33BH Merger
341985 Osterbrock Pogge Definition
1. Permitted lines are only slightly
broader than the forbidden
lines 2. Fe VII, Fe X emission
lines 3. OIII/Hb lt 3
4. FWHM Hb lt 2000 km s-1 (Goodrich 1989)
R. Pogge
1987 Halpern Oke importance as
X-ray sources
1989 Stephens high
fraction in X-ray samples X-ray
selection may be an effective way to find NLS1
1992 Puchnarewicz report on
steep X-ray spectra
35The relevance of NLS1 for understanding the
Seyfert phenomenon more generally
NLS1 are more than just Seyfert 1s with narrow
36Warm absorber and/or relativistically broadened
C,N,O lines?
presence of relativistically- broadened O,N,C
lines are claimed from RGS spectra Branduardi-Raym
ont et al. 2001
Chandra HETG spectra provide a different view
37Lee et al. 2001 major feature at 0.7 keV
neutral iron absorption
Fe L3 Fe L2 OVII absorption explain feature
between 0.7 0.75 keV Presence
of significant ionized absorption
38(No Transcript)
39 I. Historical Review (partially based on Pogge
1. In the beginning
1971 Zwicky first report on extreme
variability optical outbursts in I
1978 DavidsonKinman first note on narrow
lines On the possible importance of
Mrk 359 Seyfert I spectrum with
unusually narrow permitted lines
This unusual object merits further observations
1983 Osterbrock Dahari 4 NLS1
Osterbrock initiates systematic investigation
on NLS1