Title: Globalization A picture essay
1Globalization - A picture essay
A contrast between town and city
by Megan Ford
2- Incredibly, 50 of all hogs produced in North
America are exported to all corners of the world.
We notice clear evidence of globalization in
livestock exports during a crisis like the mad
cow disease. In a matter of hours, the global
community was aware of the situation and already,
many boycotts were invoked towards Canadian beef.
Even now, the effects of the crisis are felt all
over the country.
3Globalization for the past 50 years has been
making the world much more like home. We can go
just about anywhere and still find the same
mainstream type of things that are throughout
America. American corporations have imposed their
culture onto every country they can.
4With the arrival and presence of modern day
communications in our everyday lives, even in the
countryside, it is possible to access television,
telephones, internet, or radio almost as equally
as in huge cities. In the middle of the forest,
one can to talk with a friend whether it be here,
in New-Brunswick or in New Delhi.
5- As technology advances, it becomes easier and
easier to search for information. At the UNB
library you can find books about pretty much
anything you wish. If you dont, theres another
world of information that can be easily accessed
with the internet.
6- The milk industry is relatively local and has
much less to do with globalization than most
products of the farm. Nevertheless, most of the
milk produced for ice cream is from Europe.
Because of mass production all over the world,
like so many other food products, thousands upon
thousands of litres of milk are thrown to the
dumps everyday. Instead of filling wastelands and
consuming more pig feed than necessary the milk
and dairy products are fed to the pigs. Perhaps
it can be seen as a positive impact of
7The environment has suffered intensely since the
dawn of globalization. You would think that with
todays technologies, we wouldnt have to worry
about our impact on the environment however, the
lack of human interest in preserving the planet
is leading us to devastation. Fortunately there
are quite a few concerned people who support and
advocate respect for the planet and dream of a
healthier tomorrow.
8Rogersville 25 years ago was also known as the
Canadian capital of brussel sprouts. More than 30
farmers occupied the lands cultivating the green
vegetable. The farmers founded a co-op and,
together, had a stronger voice, a reality that
McCain's, their buyer, always hated. Because of
competition with farmers throughout North America
and the world, the co-op was unable to sustain
itself and eventually went bankrupt and folded.
Now, in Rogersville, only 5 farmers have
continued to pursue farming as a vocation.
9Who needs a pen-pal when your friend from
Kazakhstan can come to STU and study with you?
With todays exchange student programs its not
hard to study abroad. In the year of 2002, New
Brunswick alone had 2,748 foreign students.