Status: Unit 2, Chapter 3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Status: Unit 2, Chapter 3


Addition of Vectors Graphical Methods. Subtraction of ... We'll review the most important information and discus the test. Start on Chapter 4: Dynamics! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Status: Unit 2, Chapter 3

Status Unit 2, Chapter 3
  • Vectors and Scalars
  • Addition of Vectors Graphical Methods
  • Subtraction of Vectors, and Multiplication by a
  • Adding Vectors by Components
  • Unit Vectors
  • Vector Kinematics
  • Projectile Motion
  • Solving Problems in Projectile Motion
  • Relative Velocity

Section Two Problem Assignment
  • Q3.4, P3.6, P3.9, P3.11, P3.14, P3.73
  • Q3.21, P3.24, P3.32, P3.43, P3.65, P3.88

Kinematic Equations for Projectile Motion (y up,
ax 0, ay-g -9.8m/s2)
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What angle gives the most range?
  • This can be cast as a nifty calculus question!
    And the results may surprise you.
  • What we want is an expression for x in terms of
    all the other variables.
  • Then we take the derivative with respect to the
    angle to find the maxima.
  • So lets get to it, we really just follow the
    illustrative problem from last lesson but keep
    results general.

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  • From the calculus you will recall that finding a
    maximum or minimum of a function is done by
    setting the derivative with respect to the
    independent variable to zero.
  • This corresponds to finding those points where
    the slope of the function is zero the very
    definition of an extreme point.

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Properties of Trajectories w/ x0y00
  • Maximum Range
  • At q 45o
  • Goes as velocity squared
  • Goes inversely with acceleration
  • For all other ranges
  • Two initial angles.

Problem Solving
  • Information can be propagated forward and
    backwards using the equations of motion as long
    as a minimum amount of information is available.
  • To keep yourself organized follow the usual
  • 1) Draw a figure with a thoughtful origin and xy
    coordinate system
  • 2) Analyze the x and y motion separately,
    remember they share the same time interval
  • 3) Make the known and unknown table with ax0,
    ay-g, vx is constant, and vy0 at the apex.
  • 4) Select the equations with some forethought.

Finding Initial Variables Given Final Variables
  • The examples last lesson used information about
    initial position velocity to find final
  • The problem can be reversed. In the next example
    we use final information to derive initial
  • Lets consider that very familiar situation of a
    hit softball or baseball
  • A ball player hits a homer and the ball lands in
    the seats 7.5 m above the point at which the ball
    was hit. The ball lands with V36m/s, 28 degrees
    below the horizontal. Find the initial velocity
    of the ball.

  • Well at first glance this seems difficult. What
    are we after? Well we need Vox and Voy - from
    that we can find Vo and the direction of the
    initial velocity vector using Vo2 Vx2 Vy2 and
    tanq Voy/Vox.
  • Remembering to keep the dimensions independent,
    lets work with the horizontal or x dimension
  • Since there is no acceleration in the horizontal
  • Vox Vx (36 m/s) (cos28o) 32 m/s.
  • Now we are halfway there and can focus on
  • This looks dire but we actually do have Vy
    -(36 m/s) (sin28o) -17 m/s
  • Which is more than enough to proceed.

Known Unknown
yo0 t?
y7.5m v0y?
g9.8m/s2 vy?
Known Unknown
yo0 t?
y7.5m v0y?

A Problem with Initial and final Information The
Air-mail Drop
  • A plane traveling at an altitude of 200 m and a
    speed of 69m/s makes an air drop.
  • At what distance x must the drop be made so
    that the package lands near the recipients?
  • This is a mixed problem we know the initial speed
    and the final distance of the drop, from this we
    can get missing information.

  • So
  • And the drop distance is just given by the
    horizontal distance corresponding to that time.
  • Lets use the usual upy, right x coordinate
    system with the origin on the initial position of
    the plane.
  • What we need is the time of the projectile motion
    which as usual is obtained from the vertical
    fall. Then our table takes the form
  • And we can derive the missing time using the
    second projectile motion formula for the y

Known Unknown
yo0m t?
y-200m vy?
  • Lets make this a bit more difficult and for
    external reasons require that the drop occur 400
    m before the recipients.
  • This means some vertical velocity down (since 400
    m is less that 440m) will be required to ensure
    the time taken is correct. What will that
    velocity be?

  • Well the table is clearly different now
  • And doesnt have enough information. However we
    can get the time t from the horizontal
  • And the table now is
  • And the initial vertical velocity can be found
    from the 2nd equation

Known Unknown
y-200m v0y?
g9.8m/s2 vy?
Known Unknown
yo0m t?
y-200m v0y?
g9.8m/s2 vy?
As we expected the package required a downward
Projectile Motion Parabolic Motion
  • It turns out in the absence of air resistance all
    projectile motion is simple parabolic motion.
  • This can be show with combination of the x and y
    equations of motion through substitution for
  • Setting x0y00 the equations are considerable

Parabolic Mirrors
Relative Velocity
  • As you can see from past discussions we need to
    move easily between reference frames.
  • The tyke tossing a ball from the wagon was a good
  • From the grounds frame of reference the ball
    clearly has two velocity components.
  • From the girls reference frame there is only the
    vertical component.

Relative Velocity
  • Actually moving between frames gets confusing.
  • This can be addressed with a rather prescriptive
  • Lets set it up with the rather easy example of
    two trains meeting each other and the extending
    to the more general situation.

Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway Cotswolds,
  • Suppose
  • Train A has velocity 2m/s relative to the earth
  • Train B has velocity -1m/s relative to the earth
  • Then from the trains points of view
  • The earth has velocity of -2m/s relative to train
    A VE-A-2m/s
  • The earth has velocity of 1m/s relative to train
    B VE-B1m/s
  • And the following equations are true
  • VB-AVB-EVE-A-1m/s-2m/s-3m/s
  • VA-BVA-EVE-B2m/s1m/s3m/s
  • Notice the nifty way the notation behaves, we
    have a sort of cancellation of inner subscripts
  • Also VB-A-VB-A which is true for any vectors.

The axes points in the same direction for all
three frames.
  • Lets consider a person walking in a train at a
    single instant
  • From vector addition its pretty clear that
  • rPE rPTrTE
  • If we simply take the time derivative of this
  • vPE vPTvTE
  • In words, this simply says that the velocity of
    the person with respect to earth equals the sum
    of the velocity of the person with respect to the
    train and the velocity of the train with respect
    to the earth.
  • Because of commutativity we could have written
    this as
  • vPE vPTvTE
  • but the canceling of the inner products lends
    some preference to the former eq.

  • Lets consider the more complicated case of a
    boat in a current. Here well see the value of
    the subscripts.
  • If we want to go straight across the river the
    boat will need to push at an angle with respect
    to water along the vector VBW.
  • The water moves with respect to the shore
    according to VWS
  • As a result the boat with respect to the shore
    will travel along VBS.
  • Vectorially then,
  • Note for this equation
  • The final vector subscripts correspond to the
    outer subscripts on the right side
  • The inner subscripts are the same.
  • This notational rule demonstrated above, and
    proven in the previous slide helps us move
    quickly and correctly between reference frames.

Example Relative Velocity between Two Moving
  • Both cars shown are traveling at 11m/s. What is
    the relative velocity of car 1 in the reference
    frame of car 2?

  • Let the velocity of car 1 in the reference frame
    of car 2 be denoted V12.
  • We can also denote the velocity of car 1 relative
    to the earth as V1E.
  • Likewise the velocity of the earth relative to
    care 2 is VE2.
  • Using our rules we propose
  • V12 V1E VE2
  • The last vector is not something we have but can
    get with the identity
  • VE2 -V2E
  • Or
  • V12 V1E V2E
  • Which makes sense as it describes a vector moving
    at 45 degrees at car 2.
  • The magnitude is simply given by the Pythagorean
    Theorem as

  • Wednesday
  • Well review the most important information and
    discus the test
  • Start on Chapter 4 Dynamics!
  • Friday
  • No class, use the time to study for the test
  • Monday Feb 12th
  • Quiz 1
  • Problem sets for Units 1 and 2 due.
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