Cranial Nerves - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cranial Nerves


CN IX leaves cranial fossa through jugular foramen with CN X & XI ... Jugular Fossa. Meningeal general sensory. Auricular general sensory. Neck ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cranial Nerves

Cranial Nerves
General Sensory
Special Sensory
Visceral Sensory
Visceral Motor
Somatic Motor
Branchial Motor
  • Note This powerpoint is color coded the same as
    our cranial nerve book. As in the book, sensory
    means the same as afferent, and motor is means
    the same as efferent. Whenever you see visceral
    motor think PARASYMPATHETICS! This powerpoint is
    not comprehensive, it is only a study aid and is
    highly simplified.

CN I Olfactory Nerve
  • Olfactory Bulb
  • Nerve fiber layer axons of primary olfactory
  • Glomerular layer convergence between axons of
    primary olfactory neurons and dendrites of tufted
    and mitral cells
  • External plexiform layer Bodies of tufted cells
  • Mitral cell layer single layers of large mitral
    cell bodies
  • 5. Granule cell layer contains inhibitory
    interneurons and myelinated axons of secondary
  • Special Sensory
  • Peripheral processes of primary sensory neurons
    in the olfactory epithelium act as sensory
  • Primary sensory neurons undergo continuous
    replacement throughout life
  • Olfactory Epithelium
  • Olfactory neurons primary sensory neurons
  • Sustentacular cells supporting cells
    intermingled with the sensory cells similar to
  • 3. Basal Cells source of new receptor cells
    only place in CNS continuously regenerating
    throughout life

CN II Optic Nerve
  • How it works
  • Light enters the eye and is transformed into
    electrical signals in the retina
  • Optic nerve carries signals to CNS by passing
    through the optic canal and entering the middle
    cranial fossa
  • The optic nerves join to form the optic chiasma,
    where some axons go to hypothalamus to influence
    circadian rhythm, and half of he axons cross the
    midline to join uncrossed axons from the other
    eye to form the optic tracts
  • Anatomy of Retina
  • Macula central point of retina
  • Fovea area of retina in the center of the
    macula that provides high-resolution central
    vision it is avascular and has only a single
    layer of photoreceptors and a few cells of Muller
    (glial cells)
  • Medial to the fovea is the nasal hemiretina,
    where the optic disc is found just above the
    horizontal meridian
  • Optic nerve axons leave the eye and blood
    vessels enter the eye at the optic disc there
    are no photoreceptors here (blind spot)
  • Lateral to the fovea is the temporal hemiretina
  • Photons transverse all cellular layers of the
    retina before hitting the photoreceptors
  • The photoreceptors (rods and cones) then
    transduce light energy into electrical energy and
    pass the info forward to the bipolar cells, which
    pass the signal further to ganglion cells
  • Ganglion cell axons converge toward the optic
    disc, pass through the lamina cribiformis of the
    sclera and leave the eye as the optic nerve
  • Special Sensory
  • conveys visual information from the retina

CN III Oculomotor Nerve
  • Parasympathetic Component
  • axons are located on the surface of CN III, so
    when the nerve is compressed they are the first
    to lose their function
  • these axons terminate in the ciliary ganglion,
    and then leave the ganglion as short ciliary
    nerves to reach the ciliary body and constrictor
    pupillae muscle
  • these muscles control the size of the pupil and
    shape of the lens
  • The parasympathetic axons form the motor limb of
    the light reflex, which constricts the pupils in
    response to bright light (sensory part of reflex
    is controlled by CN II
  • These fibers also control the Accommodation
    Reflex, which adapts the visual apparatus for
    near vision

Somatic Motor Innervation of the levator
palpebrae superioris, superior, medial, and
inferior recti, and inferior oblique muscles of
the eye
Visceral Motor Parasympathetic supply to
constrictor pupillae and cilliary muscles
CN IV Trochlear Nerve
  • Somatic Motor
  • Innervation of the superior oblique muscle of the
  • Smallest of the cranial nerves
  • Enters the orbit through the superior fissure,
    runs above the levator palpebrae superioris
    muscle to reach the superior oblique muscle

CN V Trigeminal Nerve
General Sensory Pain and Temperature Simple
Touch All general sensory to face and anterior
scalp Discriminative Touch Proprioception
Vibration Sense
  • V1 Ophthalmic Division
  • General Sensory nerve with 3 major branches
  • Frontal nerve formed by the supraorbital nerve
    (forehead scalp) supratrochlear nerve (
    bridge of nose, medial part of upper eyelid,
    medial forehead)
  • Lacrimal nerve sensory information from the
    lateral part of the upper eyelid, conjunctiva,
    and lacrimal gland secretomotor fibers to the
    lacrimal gland from CN VII may travel with the
    lacrimal nerve in its peripheral portion
  • Nasociliary nerve formed by the convergence of
    infratrochlear nerve (skin from medial part of
    eyelid and side of nose), external nasal nerve
    (skin from the ala and apex of the nose),
    internal nasal nerve (anterior part of nasal
    septum lateral wall of nasal cavity), anterior
    posterior ethmoidal nerves (ethmoidal air
    sinuses), long short ciliary nerves (bulb of
  • These divisions join at the superior orbital
    fissure, pass through the cavernous sinus and
    enter the trigeminal ganglion.
  • V2 Maxillary Division
  • General Sensory nerve with 4 major branches
  • Zygomatic nerve consists of zygomaticofacial
    nerve (cheek) zygomaticotemporal nerve (side of
  • Infraorbital nerve formed by cutaneous branches
    from upper lip, medial cheek, side of nose
  • Superior alveolar nerves (anterior, middle,
    posterior) carry sensory input (pain) from upper
  • Palatine nerves (greater lesser) originate in
    hard soft palate joined by phayngeal branch
    from nasopharynx nasopalatine nerve from
    posterior nasal cavity
  • These join and enter the cranium through the
    foramen rotundum and go to the trigeminal

Branchial Motor Innervation of the muscles of
  • V3 Mandibular Division
  • General Sensory with 4 branches
  • Buccal nerve
  • Lingual nerve
  • Inferior alveolar nerve
  • Auriculotemporal nerve
  • Branchial Motor with 5 branches
  • Medial pterygoid nerve
  • Lateral pterygoid nerve
  • Masseteric nerve
  • Deep temporal nerves
  • Mylohyoid nerve

The entire division enters the cranium through
the foramen ovale.
CN VI Abducens Nerve
  • Only function is to move the eye laterally away
    from midline
  • The nerve enters the cavernous sinus, between the
    internal carotid artery and CN III, IV, V1 V2
  • It leaves the sinus and enters the orbit at the
    medial end of the superior orbital fissure
  • Somatic Motor
  • Innervation of the lateral rectus muscle of the

CN VII Facial Nerve
  • General sensory
  • found within the nervus intermedius (fascial
  • may supplement V3 by providing sensation from
    the wall of the external acoustic meatus
  • join branchial motor axons of facial nerve at
    stylomastoid foramen
  • Cell bodies are located in geniculate ganglion
  • Special Sensory
  • carries information from the taste buds on
    lateral border of anterior 2/3 of tongue and the
    hard soft palates
  • peripheral processes run with the lingual nerve
    and separate from it to join the chorda tympani
  • Cell bodies are located in geniculate ganglion

General Sensory carries sensation from skin of
concha and to possibly supplement V3
Special Sensory Taste sensation from the
anterior two-thirds of the tongue
Visceral Motor parasympathetic stimulation of
the lacrimal, submandibular, sublingual
glandsthe mucous membranes of the nose and hard
and soft palates
  • Visceral Motor
  • parasympathetic component responsible for
    control of lacrimal, submandibular, sublingual
    glands, and mucous glands of nose, paranasal
    sinuses, hard soft palates
  • fibers travel in nrevus intermedius
  • divides at geniculate ganglion to form the
    greater pertrosal nerve and part of the chorda

Branchial Motor supplies all muscles of facial
expression, and the stapedius, stylohyoid, and
posterior belly of the digastric muscles
  • Branchial Motor
  • form the efferent component of the corneal
    reflex, light reflex, stapedius reflex, and
    sucking reflex
  • Also respond to emotional input

CN VIII Vestibulocochlear Nerve
  • Special sensory
  • Vestibular Balance
  • Dorsal Ventral Cochlear - Hearing
  • Vestibular Component
  • Consists of
  • utricle saccule expansions of the membranous
    labyrinth containing maculas functions to detect
    the position of the head and movements of the
    head relative to gravity
  • semicircular canal three tubes of membranous
    labyrinth extending from the utricle oriented at
    right angles to each other and containing
    ampullas and endolymph
  • vestibular nerve primary sensory neurons whose
    cell bodies are form the vestibular ganglion the
    central processes form the vestibular component
    of CN VIII
  • Cochlear Component
  • contains three small bones (malleus, incus,
    stapes) that carry sound waves from the tympanic
    membrane to the oval window and amplify the force
    per unit area of sound
  • the cochlea communicates with the middle ear
    cavity via 2 openings in the bone oval window
    (fenestra vestibuli) and round window (fenestra
    cochlea), which are covered by the secondary
    tympanic membrane
  • the cochlear duct divides the cochlea into the
    scala vestibuli, scala tympani, scala media
    (cochlea duct itself)
  • stereocilia (hair cells) convert mechanical
    energy into electrical energy

CN IX Glossopharyngeal Nerve
  • CN IX leaves cranial fossa through jugular
    foramen with CN X XI
  • It contains superior and inferior petrosal
    (glossopharyngeal) ganglia composed of sensory
  • CN IX gives rise to 6 terminal branches after it
    passes the jugular foramen tympanic, carotid,
    pharyngeal, tonsilar, lingual, and muscular
  • Parasympathetic Component
  • At the inferior ganglion, visceral motor fibers
    leave other modalities as a component of the
    tympanic branch
  • They enter the tympanic cavity, passing the
    tympanic plexus and forming the lesser pertrosal
  • The lesser petrosal nerve descends through the
    foramen ovale and synapses in the otic ganglion
  • From here they join the auriculotemporal nerve
    (from V3) to supply the secretomotor fibers to
    the parotid gland

General Sensory posterior 1/3 of tongue, tonsil,
skin of external ear, tympanic membrane pharynx
Visceral Sensory subconscious sensation from
carotid body and carotid sinus
Special Sensory carries taste from the posterior
1/3 of tongue
Visceral Motor parasympathetic stimulation of
the parotid gland, controls blood vessels in
carotid body
Branchial Motor Supplies the styolopharyngeus
CN X Vagus Nerve
  • Branches of CN X
  • Jugular Fossa
  • Meningeal general sensory
  • Auricular general sensory
  • Neck
  • Pharyngeal general visceral sensory,
    branchial visceral motor
  • Superior laryngeal general visceral sensory,
    branchial visceral motor
  • Internal laryngeal general visceral sensory,
    visceral motor
  • External laryngeal branchial motor
  • Recurrent laryngeal (right) general visceral
    sensory, branchial visceral motor
  • Cardiac visceral sensory motor
  • Thorax
  • Cardiac Visceral sensory motor
  • Recurrent laryngeal (left) general visceral
    sensory, branchial visceral motor
  • Pulmonary visceral sensory motor
  • Esophageal visceral sensory motor
  • Abdomen
  • Gastrointestinal Visceral sensory motor

General Sensory from posterior meninges, concha,
skin at back of ear, external tympanic membrane,
pharynx larynx
Visceral Motor parasympathetic stimulation to
smooth muscle glands of the pharynx, larynx
thoracic abdominal viscera cardiac muscle
Visceral Sensory from larynx, trachea,
esophagus, thoracic abdominal viscera,
stretch receptors chemoreceptors
Branchial Motor superior, middle, inferior
constrictors levator palati, salpingopharyngeus,
palatopharyngeus, palatoglossus
CN XI Accessory Nerve
  • The accessory nerve is not technically a cranial
  • The accessory nucleus is located in the lateral
    part of the anterior grey matter of C1-C6
    (because its not in the brain it could show up
    on the exam)
  • The nerve enters the cranium through the foramen
    magnum, traveling in the subarachnoid space, and
    exits through the jugular foramen to end on its
    target muscles
  • Branchial Motor
  • supplies sternocleidomastoid trapezius muscles

CN XII Hypoglossal Nerve
  • Somatic motor
  • supplies 3 of 4 extrinsic muscles of tongue all
    intrinsic muscles of tongue
  • The only extrinsic tongue muscle that is not
    supplied by the hypoglossal nerve is the
    palatoglossus muscle (supplied by CNX)
  • Extrinsic muscles act to protrude, elevate, and
    retract the tongue
  • Intrinsic muscles change the shape of the tongue
  • The tongue has 2 important functions eating
    swallowing, and performing movements of speech
  • The neural projections of the hypoglossal are
    bilateral except the cortical neurons that
    innervate genioglossus muscles
  • Because of this the genioglossus is used in
    clinical testing of CN XII (see book for info)
  • Because the hypoglossal nuclei are located very
    close together, nuclear lesions usually affect
    both nuclei which results in a bilateral loss of
    innervation to the tongue
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