Title: Berkeley Lab Generic Presentation
1Effect of atomic hydrogen exposure on electron
beam polarization from strained GaAs photocathodes
M. Baylac, JLab baylac_at_jlab.org
P. Adderley, J. Brittian, J. Clark, A. Day, J.
Grames, J. Hansknecht, M. Poelker, M.
- Motivations
- Experimental setup
- Test
- QE
- Polarization measurements (2002 2003)
- Analyzing power (2003)
- Profilometry
- Results, Conclusions
- Early days at JLab, wet chemical etching provided
unreliable results sometimes good, sometimes bad
QE - Since 1995, atomic hydrogen cleaning provides
high QE and reproducible results at JLab other
labs have adopted this method since then (MAMI,
Nagoya, Bates, SLAC) - Polarization varied from wafer to wafer
originating from the same manufacturer and across
one single wafer (12 mm diameter) - What was JLab doing differently from SLAC?
? Study effect of hydrogen cleaning on wafer
4Strained layer GaAs photocathode
Bandwidth Semiconductor (formerly SPIRE)
Strained GaAs
- MOCVD-grown epitaxial spin-polarizer wafer
- Lattice mismatch
5Photocathode preparation
- 3 wafer cleaved (15.5 mm)
- No wet chemical treatment, ie no acid or base
etching, no degreasing, no anodization -
Indium Ta cup
6Test Plan
- Stalk installed in gun vacuum chamber,
- chamber evacuated bake (250 C)
- Wafer heated 2 hours at 570 C (estimated wafer
temperature) - NEA activation (CsNF3) in gun chamber, QE scan
of wafer - 100 keV beam
- QE, polarization vs. wavelength and vs. wafer
location - Break vacuum, remove wafer from gun
- Load in portable hydrogen cleaning chamber, pump
down - Expose wafer to atomic hydrogen
7Hydrogen source
- H2 dissociation via RF inductive discharge
- Parameters adjusted then, wafer exposed
- Dose measured with an ion counter at chamber
bottom - Conditions kept identical for all cleanings
15 cm
100 MHz
20 W
Mc.Alpine Schildknecht, Proceeding of IRE,
1959 (2099)
H2, or D2
8Hydrogen cleanerhttp//www.jlab.org/accel/inj_gro
9Test gun
- 100 keV DC beam
- Wavelength tunable TiSapp
- (750-850 nm)
- 10 Hz helicity reversal
- Mott polarimeter P
- Beam dump QE
10Test gun (contd)
11Initial benchmark, untreated surface
Stat. only
M. Baylac et al, SPIN 2002, 15th International
Spin Physics Symposium proceedings, 1073 (2003).
12QE at band-gap vs. Hydrogen exposure
At 840 nm
Significant drop in QE vs. H cleaning Confirmed
by 2 similar tests in different chamber w/o
breaking vacuum
13Polarization vs. cumulative H dose (central
- Depolarization as H dose is increased
- ?-dependent, strongest at band-gap
- Found systematic effect
High H dose, QE low ND filter removal ?
increase non-IR light
Depolarization due to low ?, high QE light
? Reject 60 min. data
14Depolarization tests
- Confirm/infirm previous depolarization results
- Test H ions effect
- 3 independent tests, 3 photocathodes, only one
change - Usual exposure (no bias on photocathode during
cleaning) - Ion-enhanced exposure (negative bias)
- Ion-reduced exposure (positive bias)
- Same method as before with one single exposure of
80 minutes for each test
15Polarization with usual exposure
P(H)-P(0)-10 at bandgap
80 min dose
16Polarization with ion-reduced exposure
P(H)-P(0)-10 at bandgap
80 min dose
17Polarization with ion-enhanced exposure
P(H)-P(0)-20 at bandgap
80 min dose
18Analyzing power
- Measure A.P. across strained-layer GaAs
- 7 consecutive H exposures up to 4 hours
860 nm diode laser
19Analyzing power (cont.)
Analyzing power at 5 locations 5 and uniform
20Analyzing power
- No variation with H exposure, or location
gt Effect unrelated to strain
21Profilometry after H exposure
- A roughened surface could explain depolarization
as effective angle of incidence of light onto
wafer varies - High resolution 3d profilometry _at_ Jlab (Andy Wu)
- area 80 mm X 20 mm
- vertical resolution 7.4 Angstrom
- Measurement of RMS roughness
22Profilometry after H exposure
Bare surface
RMS 155 A
H cleaned
RMS 8500 A
23Hydrogen exposure results
- Depolarization at band-gap induced by H exposure
- confirmed at 10 level
- systematics explains stronger effect seen on
older data - QE seems to be only lowered by heavy H dose
- Depolarization with/without H ions, unexplained
enhancement - Increased anneal cycle (12 h instead of 2) does
not restore Pe - Analyzing power independent of H
- Surface analysis shows roughened surface which
can explain depolarization (underway)
24Polarization comparison
25Laser power systematic check