Title: Waterbird Conservation Council Technical Services Committee
1Waterbird Conservation Council Technical
Services Committee
2Vision of Technical Services Committee
- Provide leadership and guidance on technical
issues - Focus on prioritized scientific needs, yet remain
3Objectives of Technical Services Committee
- Promote research and monitoring objectives of
NAWCP - Facilitate setting population and habitat
objectives - Coordinate completion/revision of species status
assessments - Formulate and promote an overall strategy for
waterbird monitoring - Interact with other relevant organizations and
4Priority Tasks 2005
- Complete conservation status assessment of
marshbirds - Complete monitoring needs framework
- Revise status assessment process in anticipation
of expanding scope of Initiative to include all
of the Americas
5Marshbird Conservation Status Assessment
- Marshbirds include loons, grebes, bitterns,
Rallidae, Sungrebe, Sunbittern, Limpkin, cranes
(43 spp) - Continental assessment comparable to
colonially-nesting species in NAWCP
6Marshbird Task Force
- Kathy Parsons, Chair Bruce Peterjohn, Chair Tech
Services Committee Jennifer Wheeler Eric
Mellink Stephen Brown Stephanie Schmidt
Jillian Drury
7Expert opinion sought on draft species profiles
8Compilation and Calibration
- 30 species experts provided input
- 35 scientists and managers participated in
workshop - 52 experts performed regional calibration
- Overall, 84 experts authored assessment
9Conservation Status and Global Distribution
UNKNOWN Gray-breasted Crake Rufous-necked Wood-Rail Uniform Crake Colombian Crake Paint-billed Crake
HIGHEST CONCERN Guam Rail Zapata Rail Caribbean Coot Black Rail
HIGH CONCERN American Bittern Yellow Rail Ruddy Crake King Rail Hawaiian Coot Whooping Crane Least Grebe Pied-billed Grebe Pinnated Bittern Least Bittern Sora Yellow-breasted Crake Spotted Rail Purple Gallinule Sungrebe Sunbittern Limpkin Red-throated Loon Yellow-billed Loon Horned Grebe Red-necked Grebe Spotless Crake Purple Swamphen
MODERATE CONCERN Sandhill Crane White-throated Crake Clapper Rail Virginia Rail American Coot Arctic Loon Pacific Loon Common Loon Common Moorhen
LOW CONCERN Gray-necked Wood-Rail
10Marshbird Assessment Next Steps
- Finalize priorities
- Communicate results on website and in initiative
update - Utilize comments generated by project to optimize
upcoming revision of assessment (enlarged
geographic and taxonomic scope)
11Waterbird Monitoring Framework
- Outline for document under consideration by
committee - US monitoring priorities communicated to USNABCI
- Marshbirds
- Near-shore and pelagic
- Improve methodology for colony surveys
- Non-breeding season
- Improve access to data
12Technical Services Next Steps
- NAWCP version 2 initiative update (marshbirds,
other) - Finalize monitoring framework
- Status assessment revision/expansion
- Geographical priorities
- Other?