Words - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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So a cat has features like 'is an animal', 'is a mammal', 'can be domesticated' ... if you know that a cat is a mammal, then you automatically know that it bears it ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Words

Words Meaning
  • An introduction

Words Meaning
  • Words and meanings are linked, but they are not
  • Your textbook gives three reasons why
  • i.) The translation argument
  • ii.) The imperfect mapping argument
  • iii.) The elasticity argument
  • iv.) The partial ignorance argument

  • Intro to words and meanings
  • Three classic theories of meaning
  • What is meaning made of?
  • 3 Feature theories Classical, Family
    Resemblance, Protype
  • Can we have meaning without features?

The translation argument
  • Many words that exist in other languages that do
    not have an equivalent word in English-
  • i.e. 'schlep', to move a heavy and bulky item
    from one place to another.
  • Since we have the meaning, but not the word, in
    English, a word cannot be identical to its
    meaning- we can get one without the other

The imperfect mapping argument
  • If words were the same as meanings, then there
    would be one word for every meaning, and one
    meaning for every word.
  • Of course, there is not some strings of letters
    or phonemes have multiple meanings (ambiguity),
    and some meanings have many words (synonymy).

The elasticity argument
  • The meaning of a word is not a fixed thing but
    varies with its context of use.
  • So 'a tall tale' is not the same thing as 'a tall
  • Since the meaning of a word is not simply a
    function of the word, it cannot be that a word
    and its meaning are identical.

The partial ignorance argument
  • Many of us (especially scrabble players) can
    recognize words that we can't give the meanings
  • Dont we want to say that in that case the
    person knows the word, but not the meaning?
  • And if we do, doesnt that mean that a word is
    something other than its meaning?

What is a word?
  • Similar arguments apply to a words sound or
    visual representation
  • Many of us know words that we cannot pronounce,
    or words that we cannot spell
  • We may even know that a word exists for a
    meaning, but know neither its spelling or sound
  • A word cannot be simply identified with any one
    of these aspects, although most words participate
    in all three aspects

Open and closed class words
  • We want to make a very sharp distinction between
    two kinds of words
  • Open class words Words that pick out a thing or
    an action or an abstract pattern (like 'peace' or
  • Closed class words Words that serve a purpose
    in mediating between other words
  • Closed class words are function words like
    articles '('the', 'a'), conjunctions ('and',
    'or', 'because'), prepositions ('on', 'under')
    etc. that serve to define the relationships
    between words or between their referents
  • Closed class words serve a vital role to lose
    them (as in Broca's aphasia) is largely to lose
    the ability to communicate

  • What about words like hey, um, or so?
  • They dont mean anything (they have bleached
    semantics) but they are still useful for certain
    kinds of purposes.
  • What about private invented words that have never
    been shared with anyone else? Should they count
    as words?

  • We refer to a phrase's definition as its
    intension so the intension of a word like
    chair might be furniture specifically designed
    for sitting on
  • we contrast this to the phrases extension the
    objects that fall under the intension- in this
    case, all chairs.
  • These have to be kept separate for many reasons,
    most notably because knowledge of a phrases
    intension does not necessarily make its own
    extension obvious
  • e.g. The people I ate dinner with last night
  • Much philosophy of meaning hangs on this

Three classic theories of meaning
  • i.) Meaning as reference
  • - Two problems
  • ii.) Meaning as ideational
  • iii.) Meaning as conventionality

i.) Meaning as reference
  • Early philosophy of language tried to build a
    definition of meaning from saying that the
    meaning of a word was identical to the subset of
    its intension to which it referred- so if I say
    'the chair you are sitting on' what I mean is the
    chair right there.
  • This approach came from mathematics and logic
  • Gottlob Freges predicate calculus is a form of
    logic that analyzes propositions into atomic and
    quantified statements
  • These propositions, along with related axioms,
    formed a kind of calculus that related
    mathematics and logic (alas, unsuccessfully as
    Russell showed).
  • Logical atomism Each symbol (word) had to stand
    for an object

  • There were many famous philosophical problems
    with this
  • a.) The difficulty of fixing the referent of a
  • b.) Some words have no apparent referent

a.) Fixing the referent of a word
  • Consider the celestial body which is visible low
    on the horizon in the early hours of the morning
  • One can perfectly understand and use this
    definition without understanding that its
    referent is identical to the referent of the word
    Venus- because Venus is in fact the morning
  • You might even believe it was true that The
    morning star is not the planet Venus even though
    you know the reference of each term individually-
    and therefore of both terms
  • Similarly many examples of a word's referent does
    not always allow us to fix meaning of the word,
    due to the failure of induction
  • Quine's gavagai

b.) Some words have no apparent referent
  • Closed-class words or very abstract words or
    words which refer to non-existent entities
  • Alexius Meinong Since meaningful things must
    refer, non-existent objects must exist in
    logical space
  • Bertrand Russell Logic must no more admit a
    unicorn than zoology can.

Theory of descriptions
  • Descriptions are not names, but logical
  • A logical syllogism can be sensible
    (well-defined) but false
  • Thereby we can salvage expressions that refer to
    non-existent entities without having to postulate
    their existence
  • In this view language obscures what is actual the
  • Later we shall see that Wittgenstein will have
    much to say about this, in two different but
    related ways

ii.) Meaning as ideational
  • Perhaps word Venus does not refer to the
    celestial body itself, but to your own idea of
    the planet.
  • There are two problems
  • i.) If words refers to something in your head,
    then we have to say that the referent of a word
    must share the same properties as things in your
  • The word 'light' refers to something in your
    head, so it must be true that 'the word light
    refers to something that it is dark'- which is
  • ii.) Failure to keep public reference
  • If you are talking about something inside you and
    I am talking about something inside me, then how
    do we ever agree on what we mean?
  • Meaning must be fixed publicly in some way.

ii.) Meaning as conventional
  • Perhaps meaning is a public construction
  • we keep reference public by the way we act- we
    debug our internal references by our actions
  • If you have one view of what I mean by 'Venus'
    and I have another, then we will fix them when
    our behaviours collide in some way.
  • One implication is that we can mean different
    things by words so long as our meaning doesn't
    have any practical effects that keep us out of
    synchrony with someone else with whom we cannot
    be de-synchronized

What is meaning made of?
  • However meaning may be fixed, we still want to
    know what it is that is fixed.
  • What is meaning made of? How it is organized?

Feature theories
  • One common answer is that meaning is made of
    features (or dimensions)
  • So a cat has features like 'is an animal', 'is a
    mammal', 'can be domesticated
  • This is popular in AI, since it gives meaning a
    clear tree structure allowing for inheritance
  • For example, if you know that a cat is a mammal,
    then you automatically know that it bears it
    young live, it suckles its young, it has fur
    etc. etc.

How do features combine?
  • The 'classical view' says that a concept is
    defined by necessary and sufficient features-
    i.e. by some features that it must have (the
    necessary ones), and by a minimal set of features
    that are all it needs (the sufficient ones).
  • This is a cold logical view, which assumes that
    there is a discernible, specifiable logic
    underlying not just 'hard' concepts like
    'triangle', but soft ones like love, peace, and
    justice too.

How do features combine?
  • The 'family resemblance' view says that there is
    no necessary or jointly sufficient features, but
    there is a greater or lesser agreement of a
    concept with its set of possible features
  • This allows us to say that an individual can be a
    more or less good exemplar of a concept- so, a
    robin is a better example of a bird (because it
    has more 'bird' features) than a penguin.
  • It also allows us to allow things to degrade
    without changing category membership- so a canary
    is almost always yellow, but it doesn't have to
    cease being a canary if we paint it purple

  • The best exemplar is a prototype
  • Evidence shows that it has some psychological
    reality people will respond faster to the
    sentence 'a robin is a bird' than they will to 'a
    penguin is a bird'.
  • There is evidence that even categories which are
    defined classically, with necessary and
    sufficient conditions, show family resemblance
  • People systematically judge some numbers as being
    'more odd' than others (and respond faster to
    statements about them), even though the only
    requirement for oddness is not being divisible by
  • Same for 'a mother is a woman' (faster) than
    'waitress is a woman' (slower)

How do features combine?
  • The knowledge-based view is an extension of
    feature theories
  • One problem with features is knowing where the
    end when do features stop having features so
    that the system can 'bottom out' and return an
  • In some cases this is obvious (i.e. when the
    search is on for a specific feature), but in
    others it is not
  • How do we calculate when we have 'enough'
    features to make a judgment such as 'A penguin is
    a bird'.
  • How do we build idiosyncratic feature sets like
    Things my grandmother never lived to see that I

How do features combine?
  • Knowledge based approaches say that features are
    built in contexts of 'theories'- that concepts
    cohere based on a deeper coherence of
    explanations which those features together
  • Of course, this opens up the same questions we
    are trying to answer, but at a different level
    what is a theory made up? What are its components?

Psychological essentialism
  • One theory is Psychological essentialism
    people act as if things have essences that could
    be defined, and sometimes they know what those
    essences are
  • So, we have a theory that says that water is made
    of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom, and
    anything else- no matter how much it looks or
    acts like water- is not water.
  • most of us accept this contra family resemblance
    theory, some features just are necessary

Psychological contextualism
  • Psychological contexualism' says that theories
    of essentialism can change with context
  • Some features just are necessary in some contexts
  • We might accept artificial orange juice as orange
    juice if we were thirsty, but might want to argue
    in chemistry or philosophy class that a liquid
    containing no matter from oranges was not orange

Meaning without features?
  • Features are defined generally enough to be
    all-inclusive any difference may be defined as a
  • Later we will see other approaches that define
    features in unexpected ways as vectors in
    co-occurrence space, or as undefinable variety
    i.e. maybe features have no features!
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