Animal Origins and the Evolution of Body Plans - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Animal Origins and the Evolution of Body Plans


All are multicellular; and undergo ... Most can move; have specialized muscle tissues. ... Others have a bilaterally symmetrical larva called a nauplius. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Animal Origins and the Evolution of Body Plans

Animal Origins and the Evolution of Body Plans
31.1 What Evidence Indicates the Animals Are
  • Traits that distinguish the animals
  • All are multicellular and undergo development
    from a single cell.
  • All are heterotrophs use internal digestion
  • Most can move have specialized muscle tissues.

What Evidence Indicates the Animals Are
  • The animals are monophyletic. They share many
    derived traits. Evidence
  • Gene sequences, such as those for rRNA, support
  • Similar organization and function of Hox genes.
  • Hox (homeobox) genes are that control development
    along the anterior-posterior axis

31.1 What Evidence Indicates the Animals Are
  • Cells have unique junctions tight junctions,
    desmosomes, and gap junctions.
  • Animals have a common set of extracellular matrix
    molecules, including collagen and proteoglycans.

31.1 What Evidence Indicates the Animals Are
  • The ancestor of the animal clade was probably a
    colonial flagellated protist.
  • Functional specialization of cells in the colony
    arose and cells continued to differentiate.
  • Coordination among cells may have been improved
    by regulatory molecules eventually leading to
    larger, more complex animals.

Figure 31.1 A Current Phylogenetic Tree of Animals
31.1 What Evidence Indicates the Animals Are
  • Patterns of embryonic development were
    traditionally used to study animal phylogeny.
  • Cleavage patterns (first few divisions of the
    zygote) distinguish some animal groups.
  • The patterns are influenced by configuration of
    the yolk.

Figure 43.3 Patterns of Cleavage in Four Model
Organisms (Part 1)
Figure 43.3 Patterns of Cleavage in Four Model
Organisms (Part 2)
31.1 What Evidence Indicates the Animals Are
  • Reptiles have incomplete cleavage the dividing
    cells form an embryo on top of a yolk mass.
  • Sea urchins have a complete cleavage pattern
    known as radial cleavage.
  • Lophotrochozoans have spiral cleavage, a derived
    form of radial cleavage (spiralians).

31.1 What Evidence Indicates the Animals Are
  • Distinct layers of cells form in early
  • Diploblastic animals have two cell
    layersectoderm and endoderm.
  • Triploblastic have three cell layersecto-,
    endo-, and mesoderm.

31.1 What Evidence Indicates the Animals Are
  • In many animals, gastrulation results in a hollow
    ball one cell thick, with an indent.
  • Opening to the cavity formed by the indent is the
  • In triploblastic animals, there are two patterns
    of development after this point.

Figure 31.2 Gastrulation Illuminates Evolutionary
31.1 What Evidence Indicates the Animals Are
  • Protostomes (mouth first) the blastopore
    develops into the mouth.
  • Deuterostomes (mouth second) the blastopore
    develops into the anus the mouth develops later.
    This is thought to be the ancestral condition.

31.2 What Are the Features of Animal Body Plans?
  • Body plan the general structure, arrangement of
    organ systems, and integrated functioning of
  • Four key features
  • Symmetry
  • Body cavity
  • Segmentation
  • External appendages

31.2 What Are the Features of Animal Body Plans?
  • The regulatory genes that govern development of
    these key features are widely shared across
    animal groups.
  • Thus, animals also share body plans.

31.2 What Are the Features of Animal Body Plans?
  • Symmetry is overall shape.
  • An animal is symmetrical if it can be divided
    into similar halves on at least one plane.
  • If notasymmetricmany sponges.

31.2 What Are the Features of Animal Body Plans?
  • Spherical symmetry body parts radiate out from a
    single point common in unicellular protists.
  • Radial symmetry one main axis around which body
    parts are arranged ctenophores and cnidarians.

Figure 31.3 Body Symmetry
31.2 What Are the Features of Animal Body Plans?
  • Animals that move in one direction have bilateral
    symmetry can be divided into similar halves on
    only one plane.
  • The plane runs from the anterior end to the
    posterior end (tail).
  • A plane at right angles to the midline divides
    animals into dorsal and ventral (belly) surfaces.

31.2 What Are the Features of Animal Body Plans?
  • Bilateral symmetry is associated with
    cephalization concentration of sensory organs
    and nerve tissues at the anterior end or head.
  • The anterior end encounters the environment
    first. Cephalization has been evolutionarily

31.2 What Are the Features of Animal Body Plans?
  • Based on presence of an internal, fluid-filled
    body cavity, animals can be divided into three
  • Acoelomate lack a fluid-filled body cavity.
    Space between gut and body wall is filled with
    cells called mesenchyme.

31.2 What Are the Features of Animal Body Plans?
  • Pseodocoelomate body cavity is a pseudocoel, a
    fluid-filled space in which organs are suspended.
    Muscles are only on the outside.
  • Coelomate body cavity is a coelom, lined with a
    layer of muscle tissue called peritoneum which
    also covers the organs. More control over
    movements of fluids in the body cavity.

Figure 31.4 Animal Body Cavities (Part 1)
Figure 31.4 Animal Body Cavities (Part 2)
Figure 31.4 Animal Body Cavities (Part 3)
31.2 What Are the Features of Animal Body Plans?
  • Body cavities can act as hydrostatic skeletons.
  • When muscles contract, it pushes fluid to another
    part of the cavity, which causes that region to
  • If the animal has both circular and longitudinal
    muscles, it has even greater control over

31.2 What Are the Features of Animal Body Plans?
  • Segmentation facilitates specialization of body
  • Also allows animal to alter body shape and
    control movements precisely.
  • Segmentation evolved independently several times.
  • Radiation of the arthropods was based on changes
    in a segmented body plan.

Figure 31.5 Segmentation
31.2 What Are the Features of Animal Body Plans?
  • Appendages
  • Locomotion is important for finding food, finding
    mates, and avoiding predators.
  • Many echinoderms have tube feet.
  • Limbs are highly specialized for rapid,
    controlled movements.
  • Arthropods and vertebrates have jointed limbs.

31.3 How Do Animals Get Their Food?
  • Some animals rely on photosynthetic endosymbionts
    for food, but most must actively obtain food from
    the environment.
  • The need to locate food has favored evolution of
    sensory structures and nervous systems to
    receive, process, and coordinate information.

31.3 How Do Animals Get Their Food?
  • To acquire food, energy must be expended.
  • Sessile animals stay in one place, they must move
    the environment and food to themselves.
  • Motile animals move through the environment.

31.3 How Do Animals Get Their Food?
  • Feeding strategies
  • Filter feeders
  • Herbivores
  • Predators
  • Parasites
  • Detritivores

31.3 How Do Animals Get Their Food?
  • Filter feeders use straining devices to filter
    out small organisms and organic molecules from
    air or water.
  • Many sessile, aquatic animals rely on water
    currents to bring food to them.
  • Motile filter feeders, such as the flamingo,
    bring the food-containing medium to them.

Figure 31.6 Filter Feeding Strategies
31.3 How Do Animals Get Their Food?
  • Some sessile filter feeders use energy to move
    water past food-capturing structures.
  • Sponges bring water into their bodies by beating
    flagella of specialized cells called choanocytes.
  • These cells link animals with choanoflagellate
    protists and fungi into a clade called

Figure 31.7 Even Sessile Filter Feeders Expend
31.3 How Do Animals Get Their Food?
  • Herbivores eat plants or parts of plants. Often
    the plant is not killed.
  • Many kinds of herbivores may feed on a single
  • Land plants have tissues that are difficult to
    digest and chemicals that must be detoxified.
    Herbivores tend to have long, complex guts for
    digestion of plant materials.

31.3 How Do Animals Get Their Food?
  • Predators capture and subdue relatively large
    animals the prey.
  • Predators have structures such as sharp teeth and
    claws, and well-developed sensory organs to
    detect prey.
  • Many predators have toxic chemicals, (e.g., snake
  • Cnidarians have toxins in specialized stinging
    cells called nematocysts.

Figure 31.10 Nematocysts Are Potent Weapons
31.3 How Do Animals Get Their Food?
  • Omnivores eat both plants and animals, (e.g.,
    humans, raccoons).
  • Many animals change diets in different life
    stages, (e.g., birds that eat seeds as adults,
    but feed young on insects).

31.3 How Do Animals Get Their Food?
  • Parasites live in or on another animalthe host
    they obtain nutrients by consuming some part of
    the host.
  • Parasites often much smaller than host, usually
    do not kill the host.
  • Parasites often have complex life cycles.

31.3 How Do Animals Get Their Food?
  • Endoparasites live inside the host. Often have no
    digestive system, absorb food directly from host
    (e.g., flatworms).
  • Ectoparasites live on the outside of the host.
    Often have mouthparts to pierce or suck hosts
    fluids (e.g., fleas and ticks).

31.4 How Do Animal Life Cycles Differ?
  • The life cycle encompasses embryonic development
    and all life stages.
  • In direct development, newborns are very similar
    to adults but in most animals, newborns differ
  • A larva is an immature stage that differs from
    the adult. Many insects undergo metamorphosis, or
    radical changes between larva and adult stage.

Figure 31.11 A Life Cycle with Metamorphosis
31.4 How Do Animal Life Cycles Differ?
  • Larvae and adults may feed on different foods,
    (e.g., caterpillars that eat leaves and adult
    butterflies that eat nectar).
  • The larva may be specialized for feeding, the
    adult specialized for reproduction. Adults of
    some insects do not feed at all.

31.4 How Do Animal Life Cycles Differ?
  • All life cycles have a dispersal stage the
    animal moves or is moved from where it was born.
  • Many sessile animals disperse during egg or
    larval stage.

31.4 How Do Animal Life Cycles Differ?
  • Sessile marine animals have a larvae called a
    trochophore. Others have a bilaterally
    symmetrical larva called a nauplius.
  • Both types feed in the plankton before settling
    and becoming sessile.

Figure 31.12 Planktonic Larval Forms of Marine
31.4 How Do Animal Life Cycles Differ?
  • Most motile animals disperse as adults, (e.g.,
    butterfly adults can fly to a new plant to lay

31.4 How Do Animal Life Cycles Differ?
  • Trade-offs characteristics of an animal in one
    life stage may improve ability for one activity,
    but reduce performance in some other activity.
  • For example, energy devoted to building a shell
    cannot be used for growth.

31.4 How Do Animal Life Cycles Differ?
  • Trade-offs in reproduction
  • Females can produce large numbers of small eggs
    (with small energy stores), or small numbers of
    large eggs (with large energy stores).

31.4 How Do Animal Life Cycles Differ?
  • The larger the energy store, the longer the
    animal can develop.
  • In birds, incubation periods vary. In some
    species, young are helpless when hatched
    (altricial) and must be cared for by parents.
  • Some species incubate longer, and hatchlings can
    forage right away (precocial).

31.4 How Do Animal Life Cycles Differ?
  • Parasites must expend energy to overcome the
    hosts defenses, and they must disperse to new
  • Some parasite eggs pass out with hosts feces,
    and may be ingested by other hosts.
  • Many parasites have more than one host, which may
    facilitate transfer among hosts.

Figure 31.15 Reaching a New Host by a Complex
31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • The Bilateria is a large monophyletic group that
    includes all animals except sponges, ctenophores,
    and cnidarians.
  • Traits that support this monophyly are bilateral
    symmetry, three cell layers, presence of at least
    seven Hox genes.

31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • Bilateria are divided into protostomes and
    deuterostomes. These groups have been evolving
    separately for about 500 million years.

Table 31.1 Summary of Living Members of the
Major Groups of Animals (Part 1)
Table 31.1 Summary of Living Members of the
Major Groups of Animals (Part 2)
31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • Sponges are the most simple animals they have no
    cell layers and no organs.
  • All other animals are called eumetazoans, with
    symmetry, a gut, nervous system, special cell
    junctions, and tissues in distinct cell layers.

31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • Sponges are not a clade, but have similar body
    organization that is ancestral.
  • They have some specialized cells, but no tissues
    or organs.

31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • Sponges have skeletal elements called spicules.
  • rRNA gene analysis suggest there are three
  • Glass sponges and demosponges have spicules of
    silicon dioxide.
  • Calcareous sponges have spicules of calcium

31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • The sponge body plan is an aggregation of cells
    around a water canal system.
  • There is an extracellular matrix of collagen,
    adhesive glycoproteins, and other molecules.
  • Most sponges are filter feeders a few trap prey
    on protruding hook-shaped spicules.

Figure 31.7 Even Sessile Filter Feeders Expend
31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • Sponges reproduce asexually by budding and
  • In sexual reproduction, water currents carry
    sperm from one individual to another.

31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • The ctenophores (comb jellies) have a radially
    symmetrical, diploblastic body plan.

31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • The two cell layers are separated by a thick,
    gelatinous mesoglea, and a complete gut.
  • Ctenes are comb-like rows of fused cilia move
    through water by beating the cilia.
  • All are marine and feed on small planktonic
    organisms. Simple life cyclefertilized egg
    develops into a small ctenophore.

Figure 31.17 Comb Jellies Feed with Tentacles
31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • Cnidarians include jellyfish, sea anemones,
    corals, and hydrozoans.

31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • The cnidarian gut is a blind sac called the
    gastrovascular cavity. Functions in digestion,
    circulation, gas exchange, and as a hydrostatic

31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • Cnidarian life cycle has two stages
  • Sessile polyp stage stalk attaches to substrate
    polyps may reproduce by budding and form a
  • Motile medusa stage free-swimming produce
    gametes. Fertilized egg develops into a
    free-swimming ciliated larva or planula, which
    later settles to the bottom and grows into a

Figure 31.18 The Cnidarian Life Cycle Has Two
31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • Cnidarians have simple nerve nets, and epithelial
    cells with muscle fibers that enable movement.
  • They are predators, using toxins in the
    nematocysts to subdue prey.
  • Corals and anemones have photosynthetic protists
    in their tissues that provide some of their

31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • There are about 11,000 species of cnidarians,
    most are marine.
  • Three of the clades are described
  • Scyphozoans
  • Anthozoans
  • Hydrozoans

31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • Scyphozoans jellyfish
  • Medusa stage dominates the life cycle.
    Individuals are male or female.
  • Fertilized egg becomes a planula larva that
    settles quickly and grows into a polyp. The polyp
    buds off small medusae.

31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • Anthozoans sea anemones, sea pens, and corals.
  • Sea anemones are solitary.
  • Sea pens are colonial, with two types of polyps.
    Primary polyps anchor in the sediments, secondary
    feeding polyps are produced by budding.

31.5 What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • Corals are also colonial. Polyps of most species
    secrete a matrix of organic molecules on which
    they deposit calcium carbonateforms a skeleton.
  • Living polyps form a layer on top of a growing
    mass of skeletal remains. Forms coral reefs and

What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • Corals grow in clear, nutrient-poor tropical
  • They have photosynthetic, endosymbiotic protists.
    The corals receive nutrition from the protists
    the corals provide nutrients such as nitrogen,
    and provide a place to live.
  • Coral reefs are threatened by global warming and
    polluted runoff from land.

What Are the Major Groups of Animals?
  • Hydrozoans
  • In some species, polyps dominate, others have
    only medusae.
  • Most are colonial the polyps are connected and
    share a single gastrovascular cavity.
  • Some polyps are specialized for feeding, others
    produce medusae.

Hydrozoans Often Have Colonial Polyps
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