Title: Terasen Gas Energy Efficiency Programs
1Terasen Gas Energy Efficiency Programs
- Adrian Partridge
- Terasen Gas
2Adrian Partridge
- Manager, Commercial Industrial Marketing,
Terasen Gas - Background in engineering and energy consulting
- Terasen Gas
- Efficient Boiler Program
- (partnered with MEM and NRCan)
- Energy Assessment Program
4Efficient Boiler Program
- Program Application Period
- April, 2005 December, 2006
- Goal
- Increase the use of high-efficiency natural gas
- boilers in new construction and retrofit
5Efficient Boiler Program
- Purchase Price Incentives
- Near Condensing Boilers 4000 / boiler3.00 /
MBH - Condensing Boilers 4000 / boiler9.00
/ MBH - New construction cap 75 of price premium
- Retrofit cap 50 of price premium
- Purchase price of standard efficiency boiler
will be estimated using 7.00 per MBH to
determine caps
6Efficient Boiler Program
Incentives to Properly Size Boilers New
Construction 50 of engineering fees
Cap 1,500 Retrofit 100
of contractors costs Cap
7Efficient Boiler Program
Retrofit Venting Modification 50 of cost of
necessary venting modifications Cap 2000
8Efficient Boiler Program
Retrofit Monitoring Incentive -
1,500 Applicant arranges combustion
efficiency analysis at 6 months and 12
months. Applicant performs diagnostic check and
monitors critical operating temperatures weekly.
9Efficient Boiler Program
Eligible Boiler Module Input Ratings gt 300
MBH lt 5,000 MBH Eligible Boiler Plant Input
Ratings gt 300 MBH lt 10,000 MBH
10Energy Assessment Program
- Call us on 604 576 7135
- Send us some information on your gas using
equipment - Consultant will carry out a walk through
assessment and prepare a report
11Thank You
- Adrian Partridge, Terasen Gas
- Office 604 576 7394
- Cell 604 868 7214
- Fax 604 576 7122
- e mailadrian.partridge_at_terasengas.com