Title: Communication Sciences Disorders: Vocal Abuse
1Communication Sciences Disorders Vocal Abuse
- Shirley Thomas
- Paula Outlaw
2The Profession of Communication Science and
- Communication Science deals with normal aspects
of speech, hearing, and language. - Communication Disorders are Disorders of Speech,
Hearing, and Language. Speech Disorders are
Disorders of Voice, Speech Articulation,
3The Field of Study
- Speech- Language Pathologists
4Note Even though communication science and
disorder deals with all the things listed
previously, our main focus is vocal abuse.
5What is the cause of vocal abuse?
- Speaking
- Singing
- Coughing
- Throat Clearing
6Normal Vocal Folds (Abducted)
7Normal Vocal Folds (Adducted)
8Vocal Fold Nodules (Abducted Vocal Folds)
9Vocal Nodules (Adducted Vocal Folds)
10Pre-Surgical Audio Sample of Vocal Nodules
11Post-surgical Audio Sample of Vocal Nodules
12Vocal Fold Polyps (Abducted Vocal Folds)
13Vocal Polyp (Adducted Vocal Folds)
14Pre-surgical Audio Sample of Vocal Polyp
15Post-surgical Audio Sample of Vocal Polyp
Pitch Breaks
Voice Breaks
Decrease in pitch range
Lumps on throat
- Dr. Byoung Kim
- Mr. Gregory Thomas
- Mrs. Marion McDowell