Title: Preventing Colon Cancer
1Preventing Colon Cancer
Dana Lerman, ND
- Naturopathic Philosophies
- Risk Factors
- Prevention Strategies
3The Naturopathic Philosophy
- Identify and Treat the Cause
- First do no Harm
- Doctor as Teacher
- Treat the Whole Person
- Support the Healing Power of the Body
- Physician Heal Thyself
4Cancer An Alternative Perspective
5Risk Factors for Colorectal Cancer
- Age Family History/Genetics
- Presence of Intestinal Dysfunction/Disease
- Tobacco Smoke
- Pesticides
- Asbestos
- Metals, toxins, etc.
- Diet
- Physical Activity
- - Psychological Perspectives
6The Health Puzzle
7The Human Intestinal Tract
- Major Functions of The Intestines
- Omnivorous Beings
- The digestive barrier
- The role of digestion in health
8Diet and Colorectal Cancer
Animal Products Fatty Foods
Fruits Vegetables
The typical western diet creates a risk of colon
cancer that is 10 times that of Asian
diets. (Slatterly, 2000)
9Colon Cancer Culprits
Physiological changes
Increased cortisol
Decreased cell-mediated immunity
11an Ounce of Prevention
- Vegetarian Diets
- Fiber
- Fish Oil/Omega 3 Fatty acids
- Turmeric
- Folic acid
- Calcium/Vitamin D
- Antioxidants
127 Key Principles of a Cancer Prevention Diet
- Eat a rainbow assortment of fruits and vegetables
(red, orange, yellow, green, purple) - Decrease intake of meat and other animal foods
- Decrease high-fat, fried foods
- Increase consumption of saltwater fish, nuts, and
especially flax seeds - Avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient foods high in
refined sugars - Decrease exposure to pesticides
- Keep salt intake to a minimum
13Psycho-social Tools for Decreasing Cancer Risk
- Increase your ability to cope with stress by
regularly practicing - Meditation
- Yoga
- Tai Chi
- Qi Gong
- Stay active
- Explore your beliefs, attitudes, and judgments
and their impact on your life
14- Your trials did not come to punish you, but
to awaken you, to make you realize that you are a
part of spirit and that just behind the spark of
your life is the flame of infinity. - Paramahansa Yogananda
- In Honour and Memory of Maureen Barbara Lerman
15Fostering an Integrative Approach to Health Care
- A more complete approach to health and wellness
- Working with a Health Care Team
- Accessing different healing tools to create
individualized health management - Promoting open and complete information gathering
between MDs and CAM professionals
- Making Complete and Informed Health Care
decisions - Working with our Individuality in Health and
Healing - Decreasing stress on the current Health Care
17Naturopathic Practices
- Nutrition and Supplemental Medicine
- Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
- Herbal Medicine
- Homeopathy
- Hydrotherapy
- Physical Therapies
- Heterocyclic Amines
- High Fat
- Low Fiber
- Chemical Contaminants
- Diseased Tissue
- Weakening the Digestive System
- Study of 88 000 women comparing diets and colon
cancer incidence (Willet WC, Stamfer MJ) - Study of 50 000 men comparing diets and colon
cancer incidence (Giovannucci E, Rimm EB et al)
- Cross Cultural Studies, Fat and Colon Cancer
(OKeefe, Kidd) - The effect of Fats on the body
- Bile acids and the risk of Colon Cancer
20Gut Bacteria
- Bacteria normally colonize the intestinal tract
of healthy individuals - Acidophillus and Lactobacillus are just two of
the more well known gut bacteria - Bacteria are essential for the productions of B
vitamins, in the synthesis of enzymes, help
break down animal fat and protein
21Gut Bacteriacontd
- They produce substances that protect against
colon cancer (short chain fatty acids such as
acetic, proprionic and butyric acids) - Harmful bacteria accumulate with overconsumption
of animal meat and the decay that ensues, leading
to mutations in lining of LI, injure and kill
normal cells and lower bodys natural immunity to
- Studies have linked the consumption of simple
carbs in the form of refined sugar and refined
grains to an increased risk of colon cancer (Hill
MJ) - Often people who eat a diet high in simple sugars
dont eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables - Excessive sugar consumption leads to insulin
dysregulation, which has been shown to enhance
the growth of a wide variety of Cancer cell types
- In nature everything is connected through air,
water, food and energy. When we create chemical
compounds that dont readily break down in nature
it should be no surprise that they are showing up
in our bodies and in all areas of the earth - The cumulative effect of wide spread, chronic,
low, level exposure to pesticides is only
partially understood, but well documented.
- Most damage from chemical exposure occurs via
damage to DNA - A study conducted by the National Cancer
Institute found that farmers exposed to
herbicides had a risk of cancer that is 6 times
that of non farmers - Pesticides and Herbicides are designed to kill
25The Cancerous Mind
- Emotional tendencies towards suppression of
emotions, feelings of helplessness, depression,
grief and repressed anger are associated with
increased risk of cancer and decreased likelihood
of survival. - Studies have focused on the role of these
negative thought patterns and Natural Killer
Cell Activity (Imai K, Nakachi K. Personality
types, lifestyle, and sensitivity to mental
stress in association with NK activity. Int J Hyg
Environ Health 2001 2067-73)