Title: InSight Cotton Harvest
1(No Transcript)
2InSight Cotton Harvest
3Topics Covered
- Key Features
- Supported Vehicles
- Components
- Install Configuration
- Calibration
- Troubleshooting
4Key Features of Ag LeaderCotton Yield Monitor
- PF3000 first reliable system on market
- Clean and simple installation
- Optical Sensors
- Virtually zero wear items
- No need to clean sensors
- Systems for both Case and John Deere pickers
5Key Features of Ag Leader(Cont.)
- Same easy to use interface as grain harvest and
other modes - On-Screen Map
- Can calibrate at any time throughout the season
- Can enter gin rates at any time
6Key Features of Ag Leader(Cont.)
- Interface designed to accommodate first and
second pick - SMS desktop software is designed to work with Ag
Leader cotton system
7Sample Yield Map
Dark red areas are lower elevation where maturity
lagged as compared to the rest of the field
Above 2.2 ba/ac
Below 1.0 ba/ac
- Current price of cotton 0.50/lb
- 1 bale 450 lbs
270/ac difference across the field!
Mississippi Cotton Field (108 acres)
8Harvest Benefits from the Cab
- Maximize performance by viewing lbs/hr
- Know when the basket is full
- Coordinate boll buggies
9Continued Reliable Cotton Monitoring
- We continue the reliable tradition with InSight
- Improved Existing Operations
- Real-time colored on screen maps
- Data sorting and transfer
- Massive internal storage for data
- Hardware diagnostic tools
- Additional benefits
- Touch screen user-friendly interface
- CAN-Bus system for expandable operations
- Configuration Wizard
10Supported Vehicles
- Case IH
- 1822/44
- 2022/44
- 2055
- 2155
- 2555
- CPX420, CPX610, CPX 620
- John Deere
- 9900
- 9910
- 9920
- 9930
- 9940
- 9950
- 9960
11(No Transcript)
Emitter and Detector
John Deere
John Deere
Installation Template
14New Configuration Setup
- Detailed Configuration setup
- Number of Rows and Swath Width
- Define Location of Sensors on Rows
- Can Create and Track Multiple Varieties of Cotton
15Configuration Setup cont.
16Configuration Setup cont.
- Sensor Configuration (Location of sensors on
17Run Screen
18Run Screen Information Options
- Standard Options
- Speed Distance
- Area Area per Hour
- Multiple New Display Items
- Lint Yield (Pounds or Bales)
- Seed Cotton Weight
- Lint Weight
- Total Bales
- Cotton Flow
19Display Options
20Weight Calibration
- Needs minimum 1 weighed load
- Suggested 3 weighed loads for accuracy
21Move Regions to New Calibrations
- Use existing region under new Calibration
22Troubleshooting Aids
- CAN Bus communication
- Sensor Diagnostics
- Low Signal Warnings
23Troubleshooting Aids
24Troubleshooting Aids
- System Diagnostics for Sensors
25Troubleshooting Aids
26Tech SupportBest in the Industry515-232-
5363 ext. 1support_at_agleader.comwww.agleader.com