The National Packaging Covenant - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The National Packaging Covenant


Industry Data Aggregation System (IDAS) Written Reporting ... Red Rooster. Barilla. Bing Lee. Canon. Corporate Express. Dell. Fone Zone. Australian Sweets ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The National Packaging Covenant

The National Packaging Covenant
  • Welcomes you to
  • Action Plan and
  • Annual Reporting
  • Year 2
  • July 2006 June 2007

Todays Program
  • Introduction
  • Brief Status Overview
  • NPCC 2005-06 results
  • MK II Action Plans
  • Lunch 12.30pm
  • Industry Data Aggregation System (IDAS)
  • Written Reporting
  • Questions Close

Brief Status Overview
  • Currently 557 signatories, including
  • 409 brand owners 116 are new
  • 59 packaging mfrs/suppliers
  • 42 other supply chain members
  • Letters have been sent to 1000 companies
    identified in the retail brand surveys.
  • Government action is also underway with hundreds
    of NEPM enforcement letters sent.
  • Currently there are more than 20 jointly funded
    Covenant projects
  • total project costs of gt 7 mill
  • estimated recovery of gt 350,000 tonnes pa.
  • Your annual contributions make this possible.

Participant Status
New Brand Owners
  • Red Rooster
  • Barilla
  • Bing Lee
  • Canon
  • Corporate Express
  • Dell
  • Fone Zone
  • Australian Sweets
  • Gunns Ltd
  • Cheviot Bridge Estate
  • Maggie Beer
  • Manassen Foods

Gloria Jeans Mattel Qantas Optus Spotlight Toshiba
Yates Pacific Brands Scotts Australia Sony Warrna
mbool Cheese Butter
Covenant Targets 2010
  • 1. Increased recycling rate for packaging of 65
  • Paper Cardboard 70 80 (64)
  • Glass 50 60 (35)
  • Steel Cans 60 65 (44)
  • Aluminium Bev. 70 75 (64)
  • Plastics 30 35 (21)
  • 2. Increased recycling rate for non-recyclable
  • 25 (current est. 10)
  • 3. Landfill no increase above 2003 baseline

That means by 2010
  • 1. Additional materials recovery per annum
  • Paper Cardboard 405,100 tonnes
  • Glass 180,000 tonnes
  • Steel Cans 17,200 tonnes
  • Aluminium Bev. 9,800 tonnes
  • Plastics 100,800 tonnes
  • 2. Total additional recovery per annum 719,000
  • Landfill not more than 1.82 million tonnes
    (2003 baseline).

2005-06 Results
  • 05-06 recycling rate for packaging 56, an
    improvement of 8 over the baseline
  • Paper Cardboard 66 (64)
  • Glass 44 (35)
  • Steel Cans 38 (44)
  • Aluminium Bev. 71 (63)
  • Plastics 30 (21)
  • 05-06 recycling rate for non-recyclable
    packaging (plastics 4 7) up from 10 to 23.

Thats Equivalent to
  • 6.5 million m3 of landfill space
  • or
  • 352,000 cars removed from the roads
  • or
  • 19,792 Olympic pools of water saved
  • or
  • 1.4 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent saved

Case Studies
CCA- reduced weight of PET bottles by 3 (625
million bottles) since 2003 Telstra reviewed
prepaid mobile starter kit and reduced the
cardboard backing by 5mm in thickness resulting
as well as removing plastic sleeves. This
resulted in a 73 reduction in packaging 10
tonnes less packaging Amcor developed a new
film technology capable of producing lighter
bread bags achieving a weight saving of 23 to
date Confoil reduced paper usage, implemented
recycling facilities, using recycled paper and
most importantly reported back to staff on the
positive outcomes that they are achieving.
Goodman Fielder removed the cardboard box
used for Easter buns which is projected to save
11.3 tonnes of cardboard per annum Golden Circle
increased the amount of waste going to recycling
by 10,000 tonnes and also now sources all PET
containers with 25 recycled content
Your Action Plan
  • 3 Years duration.
  • Demonstrates how a signatory will contribute to
    the achievement of Covenant goals targets.
  • Based on product stewardship and addresses
    relevant KPIs
  • Must be endorsed by CEO or equivalent.
  • The more effort that goes into the action plan,
    the simpler the reporting process will be.
  • Make sure that what is set out in your plan
    enables you to easily report the KPIs in IDAS and
    prepare a written annual report.

Action Plan
  • Action Plan requirements
  • 1 page summary of initiatives / achievements to
  • Product Stewardship and Roles Undertakings
  • Actions processes to develop reliable data
  • Establish indicative baseline data against
    relevant KPIs.
  • Implementation of ECoPP
  • Set individual targets timelines for Year 1.
  • any other requirements as outlined in Schedule

Product Stewardship
What actions are you taking in each of the
following categories?
  • Design
  • Production
  • Distribution
  • Disposal
  • Research
  • Market Development
  • Education
  • Labelling
  • Wholesaling Retailing
  • Recycling Reprocessing

Page 5 in the action plan kit
Key Performance Indicators
  • 29 in total 13 relate directly to industry.
  • Establish baseline data and continuous
    improvement targets.
  • Deliver quantifiable outcomes.
  • Enable analysis reporting on the
    effectiveness of the Covenant.
  • Provide a more rigorous framework for Action
    Plan Report assessment.

Key Performance Indicators
  • Form a basis for reporting
  • Ensure the information you set up in the action
    plan allows you to report into IDAS
  • Use the Action Plan kit to help with
    interpretation of the KPIs (pages 17 21)

  • Individual brand owners
  • 1. Total weight of consumer packaging by
    material type (domestic imported) sold per
    annum into the Australian market and the total
    weight of products packaged.
  • 1A - tonnes of packaging by material type by
    source (local or imported).
  • eg. Domestics Imported
  • Paper/ cardboard 100 t
  • Glass 50 t
  • Steel 200 t
  • Aluminium 70 t
  • Plastic 1 50t 100t
  • Plastic 2 etc.
  • 1B - tonnes of packaged product sold (net
    weight). eg. 200 000 t
  • 1C - ratio of packaging to product (by weight).
    eg. 2.51
  • Total weight, by ype, of non-recyclable
    packaging sold per annum into the Australian
  • 6A - tonnes of non-recyclable packaging sold
    by material type and total
  • 6B - non-recyclable packaging as a of total
    packaging sold.

  • Individual packaging manufacturers
  • 2. Resources used to produce packaging, by
    material type
  • - energy (megajoules)
  • - water (kilolitres)
  • 2A - energy consumption in Megajoules (MJ) per
    tonne of packaging produced, by material
  • 2B - water consumption in Kilolitres (Kl) per
    tonne of packaging produced, by material type.
  • 5. Average annual percentage of post-consumer
    recycled content incorporated into packaging
    manufactured (finished packaging), by material

  • Packaging supply chain KPIs nos. 3, 4 22
  • 3. Improvements in design, manufacture,
    marketing and distribution to minimise the
    environmental impacts of packaging
  • 3A - examples of improvements and effects on
    minimising environmental impacts
  • 3B - quantitative details of improvements should
    be provided where available
  • 4. Changes to protection, safety, hygiene,
    shelflife or supply chain considerations
    affecting amount type of packaging
  • 4A - changes affecting amount type of
    packaging used with examples, and their
    associated impact on the amounts and types of
    packaging used.
  • 4B - quantitative details should be provided
    where possible

  • Packaging supply chain
  • 22. Formal adoption of ECoPP and development of
    systems for its implementation
  • 22A report ECoPP has been formally adopted
  • yes or no
  • 22B report actions and commitments that
    demonstrate ECoPP implementation
  • How are you adopting it?

  • All signatories
  • 16. Provision of recycling collection facilities
    for post- consumer packaging generated
    on-site and details, if provided.
  • yes or no. If yes what do you have eg.
    Paper, aluminium etc.
  • 21. Estimated tonnage of consumer packaging (a)
    recycled and (b) sent to landfill, from
    on-site collection facilities (tonnes and
    of total waste).
  • 26. Implementation of Buy Recycled purchasing
    policy or practices.
  • 27. Establishment of baseline performance data.
  • 28. Annual reporting against Action Plan.
  • 29. Demonstrating continuous improvement and
    achievements against individual targets

Code of Practice
  • Transparent guide for making packaging related
  • Recognises the role of packaging promotes
    excellence in packaging.
  • Contains specific overall strategies including
  • Source Reduction
  • Recovery Recycling
  • Likelihood to become Litter
  • It is a key commitment under the Covenant - sign
    the Covenant, you sign the Code!
  • Page 6 in the action plan kit

  • Integrate the plan with existing processes
  • Context
  • Content
  • Conclude

  • Title Page
  • Contents
  • Company Background
  • Executive Summary
  • CEO Endorsement
  • Covenant Contact Person
  • Information current environmental
  • initiatives.

  • What You are doing, how you are doing it and what
    NPC requirement(s) does it relate to?
  • Identify and address relevant KPIs.
  • Establish baseline data and individual targets
  • Details of records being kept to monitor
  • Action under product stewardship
  • Implementation of ECoPP. How?
  • Identify how actions will contribute to
    achievement of Covenant targets goals.

  • Action Summary Table with timelines
  • Appendices eg.
  • Enviromental Management System or Policy
  • Data Tables
  • Product picutres
  • Anything else you think might be relevant

Industry Data Aggregation System (IDAS)
  • Web based link on NPC website
  • Flexible and easy to use
  • New improved
  • Predominantly quantitative information
  • No individual company data reported only
    aggregated totals
  • Externally hosted secure and confidential system
  • Completing IDAS is a core requirement of Covenant
  • Reporting deadline is 31 October

Industry Data Aggregation System (IDAS)
  • Industry (NPCIA) recognised that data was vital
    to show that the Covenant is working.
  • Needed a way to collect all the data that was
    simple and effective.

  • C - Satisfactory
  • is capable of more. needs to apply himself to
    achieve better results
  • Late and inaccurate input
  • Familiarity and Functionality
  • 65 of signatories (successfully) completed KPI 1
  • All results included in NPC annual report

IDAS 2007
  • Amendments to improve on last years operation
  • More description
  • More automated features
  • Continuity of data
  • Previous data to refer to
  • New passwords mailed out by end of August
  • To be completed by 31 October

  • Dont leave it until the last minute. Anticipate
    the possibility of busy times or computer
  • Print out the offline version of IDAS and
    complete it before going online to minimise
    errors. It is really hard to make changes once
    you have pressed Submit.
  • If you dont receive your password by the end of
    the month give Adele a call. Watch the Newsletter
    and website for updates.
  • Make sure you Validate

IDAS Summary
  • Need to do all we can to maintain co-regulatory
    approach. More communicating the good work !
  • Data is critical to achieving this
  • Easy and quick system to aggregate industry data
  • Annual Reports cannot be assessed until IDAS has
    been completed submitted
  • Any data you can report is important

Written Reporting
  • Standardised on a reporting period July June.
  • To be submitted by 31 October each year.
  • Follow the Structure of your action plan
  • Written report of progress against your action
    plan, including
  • Product stewardship achievements
  • Implementation of the ECoPP
  • Performance against KPIs
  • Data improvements
  • Include REAL results quantify where possible.

Written Annual Report StructureContext, Content,
  • Context
  • Title Page
  • Contents
  • Company Background
  • Executive Summary
  • CEO Endorsement
  • Covenant Contact Person

Written Annual Report StructureContext, Content,
  • Content
  • What have you done and what are the results.
  • Summary of progress under product stewardship
  • actions.
  • Summary of ECoPP implementation.
  • KPI data with comparisons against previous year.
  • Performance against targets/goals.
  • Summary of achievements and setbacks in 06-07.
  • (highs and lows)

Reporting Against Product Stewardship
What actions did you take in each of the
following categories. Were they successful or not?
  • Design
  • Production
  • Distribution
  • Disposal
  • Research
  • Market Development
  • Education
  • Labelling
  • Wholesaling Retailing
  • Recycling Reprocessing

Reporting Against Key Performance Indicators
  • For your written report we suggest
  • An update of any actions against internal and
    NPC KPIs
  • Summarise results in a table format. Highlight
  • achievements in the content
  • Provide a comparison of data from year to year
  • Attach a print out of your IDAS data entry as an
  • Use the KPI explanatory notes to ensure that you
    are reporting data correctly (eg. In tonnes not
  • Must report publicly against all relevant KPIs
    except 1A, 1B and 6A

Reporting on Code of Practice Implementation
  • KPI 22
  • Has the code been implemented? Yes/ No.
  • If yes, how did you implement it and what were
    the results.
  • Include examples of packaging evaluations using
    the Code or individual case studies.

Written Annual Report StructureContext, Content,
  • Conclude
  • Update of targets/goals in action plan for next
  • New actions going forward.
  • What could you do better next time round ?
  • Appendices
  • IDAS attachment
  • Procedures/policies
  • ECoPP packaging assessments, case studies

Check off against the standard assessment criteria
  • If you have commercially sensitive information,
    submit separate confidential and public versions
    of your plan / report.
  • Plans / reports must be submitted in one file.
  • Submit reports via email to
  • This goes straight to Adeles inbox.
  • Confirmation of receipt of plan /report will be
    emailed within 10 days.
  • All plan / reports are independently assessed
    against the agreed criteria.
  • Formal feedback on your plan / report will be
    provided as soon as possible. Be patient as there
    may be a bit of a back log.

  • Data collection reporting is Critical.
  • Report real results
  • Local Govt. report NEPM data annually to States.
    Industry report Data through IDAS
  • Industry and Government data is aggregated and
    presented in the NPCC annual report. The NPCC
    reports aggregated data to EPHC, on Covenant
    performance against the targets.
  • Mid-Term review in 2008 of progress against
    targets. Findings will determine the future of
    the Covenant. Governments already seeking to
    identify other possible mechanisms.
  • Packaging has a high environmental consumer
    profile this will not change or go away.
  • Once again we will be seeking to highlight the
    actions of signatories in our annual report. If
    you have a story to tell give us a call.

Further Information Slides from today
available under Meetings - Workshops and
Seminars - Presentations National Packaging
Covenant Secretariat Level 6, 457 St Kilda Road,
Melbourne, 3004 Ph (03) 9861 2322 Fax (03)
9861 2330
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