Title: Luis Felipe P' Silva
1Prospection of Genes of Interest in Agriculture
Laboratory of Functional Genomics College of
Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science Universidad
e de São Paulo Pirassununga
- Elucidate physiological pathways hindering cattle
productivity in Brazil - Areas of current research
- Sexual maturation of Zebu heifers
- Role of leptin on attainment of puberty
- Nutritional quality of tropical forages
- Maize silage
- Guineagrass
3Understanding nutritional quality of forages
- Forages form the basis for cattle production in
Brazil - 170 mi ha (76 of agricultural land)
- 95 of beef are raised exclusively on pasture
- Guineagrass and Brachiaria respond for more than
85 of forage area
4Understanding nutritional quality of forages
- Digestibility of tropical forages is low and
decreases rapidly with advanced maturity
Source Muir Jank (2004)
5Understanding nutritional quality of forages
- On average, tropical forages are 15 less
digestible than temperate forages - C4 plants (Kranz anatomy - lignification)
- Protective structures (lignification)
- Long warm nights (lignification)
- An increase in 10 of NDF digestibility would
results in additional 1.6 million tons of carcass
in Brazil (US 3.5 billions/year)
6Forage breeding
- Cattle production depends heavily on
forage production - Forage quality is low and declines rapidly with
maturity - 90 mi ha of cultivated forages (ABRASEM)
- 100,000 t of seeds per year
- US 100 mi per year
7Forage breeding
- How many cultivars were released in Brazil as a
results of a forage breeding program? - None
- Two from Colombia (CIAT)
- Tropical forages are apomitic
- Release of cultivars by
selection of accessions
rather than breeding
8Metabolic engineering
9Characterization of genes related to
lignification in guineagrass
- Objectives
- To sequence mRNA coding for the main enzymes in
the lignin synthesis pathway - Study the effect of maturity on expression of
these genes - Identify genes strongly correlated with the
digestibility decline with advanced maturity
10Material and Methods
- Field study of 12 P. maximum accessions in Campo
Grande, MS (20.25S, 54.40W). - Plots of 4 x 2.5 m with 6 lines.
- After leveling cut on December 29th of 2005,
plots were fertilized and harvested with 30, 60
or 90 days of regrowth.
11Material and Methods
- At each date two lines were harvested
- Total mass was weighted and sub-sampled for
determining leafstem ratio and senescent
material - Stem stalk leaf sheath
- Leaf leaf blade
- Dried at 55oC for 72h and grinded to pass a 1 mm
12Material and Methods
- FDN content and FDN digestibility as in Goering
VanSoest (1970). - Only fermentative phase for 30 h of incubation
13Material and Methods
- Statistical Analysis
- Randomized block design.
- Model
- Y ? ?i ?j ?k ?i?j ?k?j ?i?k
eijk - Where ?icultivar ?jblock ?kage
- ?j, ?i?j and ?k?j were random
- MIXED procedure of SAS
15NDF digestibility of leaf- and stem-fractions
16Effect of cultivar on NDF digestibility of the
There was no genetic difference in leaf-NDFD
17Effect of cultivar on NDF digestibility of the
There was no genetic difference in the slope of
the decline of leaf-NDFD with age
18Effect of cultivar on NDF digestibility of the
There was large genetic difference in stem-NDFD
19Effect of cultivar on NDF digestibility of the
There was large genetic difference in the slope
of the decline of stem-NDFD with age
20Effect of cultivar on the slope of NDFD decline
with maturity
21Effect of cultivar on the slope of NDFD decline
with maturity
22Identification of genes
23PCR amplification was successful for all 7 genes
Lane 3 PAL, Lane 4 CAD, Lane 5 COMT, Lane 6
CCR, Lane 7 C4H, Lane 8 4CL.
24Similarity was high among grasses
- There was significant genetic diversity for
stem-NDFD, and no variation for leaf-NDFD. - There was significant genetic diversity for the
decline in NDFD with advancing maturity only for
the stem fraction.
- The slope of stem-NDFD or stem-NDFD with 90 days
of regrowth could be used as a quality parameter
for P. maximum selection or breeding programs, or
for genetic manipulation programs. - The continuing of this project will try to
identify the genes controlling the decline of
NDFD with advanced maturity
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