Title: Funding Your Idea Niches to Riches
1Funding Your IdeaNiches to Riches
Session sponsor
2 Niche Experts John P Waszczak, Raytheon -
SBIR/STTR Sandra DiCosola-Summit Contract
Management Government Grants and
Contracts Harry George, Solstice Capital -
Venture Capital Jill Malick, Wells Fargo Bank -
Commercial Bank Loans Emre Toker, Surgical Tools
Niches to Riches Success Story
3Small Business Development Center Pima Community
College October 30, 2008
4Most Likely Sources of Capital by Business Type
and Stage of Development
Small Business Development Center Pima Community
College October 2008
5SBIR Program Funding
DOD History
2006 SBIR Budget
M (FY06)
SBIR Program Phases
Distribution within DoD
Ph I, 6mo, 75K
Ph II, 18mo, 750K
Ph 0
Ph III, non-SBIR s
Support the War Fighter
6SBIR Program Evolution
- 1982 Lab Technology Development Focus
- 2000 Transition Assistance Program
- 2002 Program Manager Pull
- 2004 Primes Initiative
- 2005 Presidential SBIR/ ManTech EO
- 2006 Commercialization Pilot Program (CPP)
- 2007 Integrated Tech Roadmaps Phase 0s
Major Changes in Past 8 Years!
7Integrated Funding Plans
- IRD Investment
- ManTech
- Plus-ups
- Title III
- SDD/ Qual/
Spanning the Valley of Death!
8Keys to SBIR/ OPM Funding Success
- PM 2 Pull
- Work w/ Prime
- Strategic Need ltgt Core Capability
- Effective Match Making
- Relationship, Trust, IP
- Transition/ Cut-in Plan
- Minimize Risk, P3I
- Business plan
- Communicate!
- Related opportunities
- Possible Mentor Protégé
- Supplier Development R6S
9Working Together!
Win! Win! Win! Win!
10Preparing for a Government Award
- Government RD funding fits your business
proposition - Technical and Business Management Team
- Protection of your privately developed
Intellectual Property well documented
chronology, lab notebooks, IRD project in
accounting records - Job cost accounting system time sheets!
- Financial capability to perform, viable business
11AZFAST Grants
- 5K grants offered by Arizona Department of
Commerce for eligible SBIR/STTR expenses - Small AZ technology companies with lt100 employees
or lt 4M revenue - Use for grant writing/coaching, attend
conferences or seminars (Pima SBDC SBIR Seminar
12/9/08) - Next round opens 11/20/08 closes 12/18/08
12Broad Agency Announcements(FAR 6.102 and FAR
- A competitive solicitation procedure
- Agencies obtain proposals for basic and applied
research - Topics are not related to the development of a
specific system or hardware procurement - Can introduce innovation with a white paper
- Open to all size businesses
- Generally higher funding amounts
13 General Services Administration (GSA)
- One of largest agencies in the federal government
- Mission to simplify buying and to reduce costs
- Negotiate multi-user contracts
- Leverage the volume of the federal market to
drive down prices - Multiple award schedules and single award
14Venture Capital
- Venture Capitalist look for businesses with
- Rapid revenue growth
- Potential for significant returns on investment
- Market dominance
- Barriers to entry into industry
- Professional, highly qualified management team
15Venture and Angel Capital
16SBA Loans
- The Benefits
- Access a full package of financial services to
finance up to 90 of a business purchase,
including the land/building, furniture, fixtures,
and obtain working capital - Start, buy or expand a franchised business, make
leasehold improvements or pay franchise fees - Purchase equipment, pay installation costs, or
finance up to 100 of equipment costs - Fund accounts receivable fluctuations, hire
employees, expand a business, finance a new
project or take advantage of vendor discounts.
Lines of credit are available up to 350,000. - Longer maturities and more flexible terms than
most bank loans.
17SBA 7(a)
- Summary Information
- Uses to purchase owner-user real estate,
refinance balloons of owner-user real estate,
equipment purchase, working capital, purchase
existing business - Advance rates of up to 90 for real estate, 85
for business acquisitions, 70 for start-up
businesses - 7-10 year terms for non-real estate loans
- Floating interest rate fixed rate is available
for real estate loans with 3 year adjustment - Must have two years of industry management
18504 Loans
- Summary Information
- Purchase owner-occupied commercial property
tenant improvements - Advance rate is typically 90
- Up to 30 year amortization (20 years on Community
Development Corporations piece) - Terms of 10, 15 or 20 years
- Fixed interest rate
- Must have two years of industry management
experience - Typical structure 10 owners equity, 50 bank
financing, 40 Community Development Corporation
19Find a niche in your market landscape
consistent with your resources
Consumer market
Niche market
20Study in detail your niche in the market
Screening mammo 50M women/year
Screening mammo systems
Biolucent MammoPad
Diagnostic mammo 5M women/yr
Breast biopsy devices
Diagnostic mammo systems
Therapeutic breast surgery 200K women/yr
Specimen radiography systems
Breast specimen container
21Standard VC model
Think big!
22Niches-to-Riches strategy
Tackle in increasing complexity technical,
regulatory, competitive, distribution,
23Understand and utilize the SBIR process
SBIRs typically fund high-risk (futuristic) RD
projects. Always include in your high-risk SBIR
application a low-risk component that can be
readily commercialized.
EXAMPLE SBIR application proposed the
development of a very complex three dimensional
x-ray imaging system for breast surgery. One
component of the proposed system was a very
simple disposable plastic breast specimen
container (required for the 3-D imaging system to
work properly), for which there is an instant
24Niches to Riches Strategies
- Overwhelming amount of work for the founder
- Few to delegate to so use your time efficiently
- Study your market niche
- Understand and utilize the SBIR program
- Define and plan for your exit point
- Strive to build a company infrastructure that is
not reliant on you (documentation) -
25 Q A