Introduction to Radiography - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Radiography


Introduction to Radiography. Patient Care. Chapter 1. Mrs. Nelms ... 1st documented medical application. Snook and his contribution to electricity. Pupin ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Radiography

Introduction to Radiography
  • Patient Care
  • Chapter 1
  • Mrs. Nelms

  • Discovery by Roentgen
  • 1st documented medical application
  • Snook and his contribution to electricity
  • Pupin
  • Thomas Edison and Dally
  • Eastman Kodak and film
  • Training of x-ray technicians

Overview of Radiographic Procedure
  • Cassette, alignment of the cassette tray, control
    booth/panel, what happens during the exposure

X-ray Production
  • 4 requirements for the production of x-ray
  • Vacuum
  • Source of electrons
  • Target for the electrons
  • High potential difference or voltage between the
    electron source and the target

  • The x-ray tube itself provides the vacuum
  • It is referred to as a glass envelope
  • Made of pyrex glass to withstand heat and is
    fitted on both ends for electrical connections
  • All of the air is removed (hence the term
    evacuated glass tube this is so that the gas
    molecules will not interfere with the process of
    x-ray production

Source of Electrons
  • The source of electrons is the wire filament
    (made of tungsten)
  • An electric current moves through this wire to
    heat it
  • The heat speeds up the movement of electrons and
    moves them away from the nucleus the outer-shell
    electrons get so far away from the nucleus that
    they are flung out of orbit. This forms an
    electron cloud around the filament. These free
    electrons or space charge provide the electrons
    needed for x-ray production.

Target for the Electrons
  • The target is at the opposite end of the filament
  • It is also made of tungsten and is a smooth, hard
    surface where the electrons travel to form x-rays.

The Potential Difference or Voltage
  • Voltage required for x-ray production is provided
    by a high-voltage transformer
  • The two wires coming out of the glass envelope
    (mentioned previously) are connected so that the
    anode side is positive and the cathode end is
  • The highly positive electrical potential at the
    anode or target end attracts the highly charged
    negative electrons (they move across the tube
    forming an electron stream)
  • When these electrons strike the target, the
    kinetic energy of their motion must be converted
    into a different kind of energy. 99 of it is
    converted into heat, but the rest is converted to

Characteristics of Radiation
  • X-rays are classified as electromagnetic energy
  • They have both electrical and magnetic properties
  • They change the field in which they pass through
    both electrically and magnetically
  • This change in the field occurs in a repeating
    wave form, a pattern known as a sine wave

The Sine Wave
  • Amplitude distance between the crest and the
    valley or height of the wave
  • Wavelength distance from one crest to another
  • Frequency the number of times per second the
    crest passes a given point
  • All electromagnetic energy has the same velocity
    (186,000 miles per second)
  • When the wavelength is short, crests are close
    together when the wavelength is long, crests are
    further apart. Close crests- high frequency far
    apart crests- low frequency.
  • Photon smallest possible unit of
    electromagnetic energy
  • Quanta bundles of photons (singular is quantum)
  • Electromagnetic spectrum includes x-rays, gamma
    rays, visible light, microwaves and radio waves.
  • Ionizing radiation radiation with a wavelength
    shorter than one nanometer. Ionizing radiation
    has sufficient energy to remove an electron from
    an atomic orbit. X-rays are ionizing because
    their wavelength is about 0.1 nanometer (a
    billionth of an inch)

(No Transcript)
X-rays and Light
  • Both are part of the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Both travel in straight lines
  • Both have an effect on photographic emulsions
  • Both have biological effects (they can change
    living organisms)
  • X-rays are capable of more harmful effects of
    light because of their greater energy
  • X-rays cannot be detected by the human senses we
    can visibly see light- we cannot see x-rays.
    This is an important concept when considering
    radiation safety.

X-ray Penetration
  • X-rays can penetrate objects that are opaque to
  • Differential penetration depending on the object
    thickness and density will determine the
    penetrability of x-rays
  • Remnant radiation radiation that is able to
    pass completely through the body and exit. This
    is the radiation that is recorded on an x-ray

The X-ray Beam
  • Primary Beam
  • Radiation Field (controlled by a collimator)
  • Central Ray

Scatter Radiation
  • When the primary beam encounters matter, a
    portion is absorbed within the matter. This
    results in the production of scatter radiation.
    It has less energy than the primary beam, but is
    extremely hard to control. It will bounce from
    the source in all directions causing unwanted
    exposure to the film and unwanted exposure to
    anyone in the room.

X-ray Beam Attenuation
  • To review, there is the primary beam, scatter
    radiation and remnant radiation. The chart on
    page 9 will help distinguish each types

The X-ray Tube
X-ray Tube Housing
X-ray Tube Support
  • The collimator allows the radiographer to vary
    the size of the radiation field and to indicate
    with a light beam the size, location and center
    of the field.

Radiographic Table
Grids and Buckys
  • Bucky moving grid device below the table
  • Grid situated between the table top and the film

Upright Cassette Holders
Control Console
  • Locate these items on the control panel of the
    classroom x-ray machine
  • Off/on
  • mA
  • kVp
  • Timer
  • mAs
  • Bucky
  • AEC (ours does not have this)
  • Meters
  • Prep or rotor switch
  • Exposure switch
  • accessories

Fluroscopic Unit
Factors of Radiographic Exposure
  • Exposure time
  • Milliamperage or mA
  • Kilovoltage peak or kVp
  • Distance

Exposure Time
  • How long the exposure will continue
  • Measured in units of seconds, fractions of
    seconds or milliseconds (thousandths of seconds)
  • Longer exposure will produce a darker film
    conversely a shorter exposure will produce a
    lighter film
  • Patient dose is directly proportional to exposure
  • Discuss AEC

  • Measure of the current flow in the x-ray tube
  • Determines the amount of electrons available to
    cross the tube, thus the rate at which x-rays are
  • mA is an indication of the number of x-ray
    photons that will be produced per second
  • mA setting will determine how much exposure time
    is needed to produce a given amount of exposure
  • mAs mA x time (seconds)
  • mA can affect the focal spot size in dual focus

  • Potential difference across the x-ray tube
  • Changes in kV will cause changes to the film
  • Typcial kV range in x-ray is between 40 and 150
    in increments of 1 or 2 kilovolts

  • Distance between the source and the film is known
    as SID (source-image distance)
  • The change in x-ray beam intensity that results
    from changes in SID is expressed as the inverse
    square law

Image Receptor Systems
  • Cassette
  • Film
  • Film processing
  • Filmless radiography

Image Quality
  • Density
  • Contrast
  • Definition
  • Distortion

Radiation Units
  • Roentgen or C/kg
  • Rad or gray
  • Rem or sievert

Biological Effects of X-Ray
  • Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau
  • Short term effects
  • Long term effects
  • Genetic effects

Radiation Safety
  • Personnel safety
  • Monitoring devices
  • Effective dose equivalent limits- ALARA
  • Patient protection
  • Gonadal shielding
  • Pregnancy and radiation
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