Title: Biology 206
1Biology 206
Janice Lapsansky
2A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory,
Van De Graaff and Crawley
Jeff's Page
Lab Page
Janice's Page
- Grades will be assigned on the basis of your
performance on frequent quizzes and two exams in
each of the two portions of the course (animal
biology and plant biology), and your laboratory
work, as follows
Lecture exams and quizzes will consist of a
mixture of multiple choice, fill-in, matching,
concept mapping, and short essay questions.
Quizzes may be taken with a partner.
Extra Credit
- Final assignment of a course grade may include an
adjustment of up to 1/3 of a grade (using or -
grading). Our use of this option will be based on
a consistent and obvious pattern ofimprovement of
your test scores during the quarter and/or our
subjective evaluation of your attendance and
participation in both lecture and lab. (Students
who choose P/F as a grading option must achieve
at least 74 to pass.)
5Course Schedule
Weeks 1-5
Weeks 5-10
6Broad Course Goals
- Integrate knowledge gained in Biology 204 and
205, - Ecology, Evolution and Diversity (systematics)
(204), - Cell Biology (205).
- Understand how organisms are organized at the
molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, whole
organism, and mutualistic levels, - Literate in the field (writing, listening,
speaking) - Analytical skills,
- Laboratory skills,
- Other?
7Jeff Young, Botanistyoung_at_biol.wwu.edux3638Offi
ce BI412
Office Hours M, W and F 2- 3 pm by
Arabidopsis thaliana Genome-based study of plant
physiology and environmental responses.
8- The instructions for assembling every organism
on the planet--slugs and sequoias, peacocks and
parasites, whales and wasps--are all specified in
DNA sequences that can be translated into
digital information and stored in a computer for
- Eric Lander, Science 287 (2000)
9Complete Genomic Sequences
- 2001
2003 (September) 16 ARCHAEAL 126 BACTERIAL 20
Fugu rubripes (Aug. 2002) Mus musculus (Dec.
2002) Yersinia pestis (Aug. 2002)
Homo sapiens (Feb. 2001) Anopheles gambiae (Oct.
2002) Plasmodium falciparum (Oct. 2002)
10(No Transcript)
Phytoplanktons, Algae, Lichens,
Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms.
12Plant Biology and Other Fields
Plant Biology
Molecular Cellular Biology
13Basic vs. Applied Plant Biology
- - Agronomy Field Crops
- - Horticulture (Ornamental, Fruits, Vegetables)
- - Genetics and Plant Breeding
- - Plant Pathology
- - Soil Sciences
- - Agricultural Microbiology (Bacteriology,
Mycology, Fermentation etc) - - Agricultural Meteorology
- - Agricultural Home Sciences
- - Agricultural Engineering
- - Agricultural Packaging
- - Agricultural Economics
- - Agricultural Management
- - Entomology
- - Plant Ecology
- - Plant Biotechnology
- - others...
- Plant Physiology
- - Transport, Nutrition, etc.
- - Sensory Responses, etc.
- - Circadian Rhythms,
- - Growth and Development,
- - Environmental Stress,
- Plant Biochemistry
- - Photosynthesis,
- - Plant Respiration,
- - Secondary Metabolism,
- Plant Cell Biology
- Plant Molecular Systematics
- Plant-Microbe Interactions
Morphology Growth and Differentiation Responses
to the Environment
Biology 206 Plants
Water Solutes Carbohydrates Gas Exchange
Photosynthesis Mineral Nutrition
Sexual Asexual
15Success is Easy
- Do the reading assignments before class,
- know the vocabulary,
- dont neglect the figures,
- Attend lectures,
- Listen to the lectures, look at the examples,
think. - Know the material,
- its easier to just learn it, than it is to try
to guess, or divine your instructors intentions.
16Jeff Young, Botanistyoung_at_biol.wwu.edux3638Offi
ce BI412
Office Hours M, W and F 2- 3 pm by
Arabidopsis thaliana Genome-based study of plant
physiology and environmental responses.