Current Evidence for Estimating Energy Requirements - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Current Evidence for Estimating Energy Requirements


basal metabolic rate (BMR) vs. resting energy expenditure (REE) ... prolonged active physiotherapy. effort involved in moving injured or painful limbs ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Current Evidence for Estimating Energy Requirements

Current Evidence for Estimating Energy
Clare Soulsby, Research Dietitian
Main components of energy expenditure
  • basal metabolic rate (BMR)
  • alteration in BMR due to disease process (stress
  • activity
  • diet induced thermogenesis (DIT)

Estimating BMR controversies
  • basal metabolic rate (BMR) vs. resting energy
    expenditure (REE)
  • prediction equations vs. measured energy
    expenditure (MEE)

Conditions essential for measuring BMR
  • post-absorptive (12 hour fast)
  • lying still at physical and mental rest
  • thermo-neutral environment (27 29oC)
  • no tea/coffee/nicotine in previous 12 hours
  • no heavy physical activity previous day
  • gases must be calibrated
  • establish steady-state ( 30 minutes)
  • if any of the above conditions are not met REE

Estimating BMR controversies
  • basal metabolic rate (BMR) vs. resting energy
    expenditure (REE)
  • prediction equations vs. measured energy
    expenditure (MEE)

Estimating BMR prediction equations
  • may over or under-estimate (compared with MEE)
  • inadequately validated
  • poor predictive value for individuals
  • open to misinterpretation
  • (Cortes Nelson, 1989 Malone, 2002 Reeves
    Capra, 2003)

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Estimating BMRwhich equation?
  • Harris-Benedict
  • Schofield Equations
  • disease specific eg Ireton Jones
  • Kcal/kg

Estimating BMR Harris Benedict Equations
  • Developed in 1919
  • From data collected between 1909 and 1917 (Harris
    Benedict 1919)
  • Study population
  • 136 men mean age 27 9 yrs, mean BMI 21.4 2.8
  • 103 women mean age 31 14 yrs, mean BMI 21.5
  • Tends to overestimate in healthy individuals
    (Daly 1985, Owen 1986, Owen 1987)

Estimating BMR Schofield Equations
  • developed in 1985 (Schofield 1985)
  • meta analysis of 100 studies of 3500men and 1200
  • studies conducted between 1914 and 1980
    (including Harris Benedict data)
  • 2200 (46) subjects were military Italian adults
  • 88 (1.2) subjects were gt60 years
  • SE 153-164kcal/d (women) 108 -119kcal/d (men)
    (Schofield 1985)

Estimating BMR disease specific equations
  • developed for specific patient groups (Ireton
    Jones 1992, Ireton Jones 2002)
  • advantage over Schofield/ HB equations
  • Schofield /HB estimate BMR of a healthy
    individual then necessary to adjust for disease
    using a stress factors
  • disease specific equations include patients in
    their database so aim to more accurately reflect
    BMR of hospitalised patients

Estimating BMR Ireton-Jones energy equations
  • ventilated and breathing ICU patients
  • 3 x 1 minute measurements 200 patients
  • unclear whether measurements took place during
    feed infusion/ after treatment etc
  • 52 burns, 31 trauma
  • validation studies, IJEE had a better agreement
    with MEE
  • HBx1.2, HBx1.3, 21kcal/kg

Estimating BMR
  • Schofield equation derived using meta analysis
  • greater power than small/ local studies
  • compiled from unstructured data set obtained for
    diverse reasons
  • problems with sampling assumptions
  • accuracy approx 15
  • disease specific equations useful in some

Estimating BMR
  • what about
  • the elderly?
  • the obese?

Estimating BMR the elderly
  • Original Schofield equations
  • only 88 (1.2) of subjects gt60 years
  • particularly unsuitable for gt75yr
  • included data on subjects from the tropics
  • Revised equations for the elderly
  • published in the 1991 COMA (DH 1991)
  • include additional data from 2 studies 101
    Glaswegian men (60-70yr) 170 Italian men and 180
    Italian women
  • excluded data collected in the tropics

Estimating BMR Obesity
  • equations (such as Schofield) are linear
  • weight increases linearly with estimated BMR
  • may overestimate in obese

Estimating BMR obesity
BMI of Schofield database of UK population (DOH 1999)
gt 25 14.6 40.8
gt 30 4.5 9.7
Estimating BMR Obesity
  • obese data primarily obtained from 2 groups
  • Burmese hill dwellers
  • retired Italian military
  • there were significant differences in weight/ BMR
    association between groups, Italian group showed
    greatest difference
  • obese subjects in Schofield data may not be a
    statistically representative sample of the
    population is general

Estimating BMR Obesity
  • recent (Horgan 2003) reassessed validity of the
    Schofield data to predict BMR in obese
  • conclusions
  • BMR increases more slowly at heavier weights
  • to ignore this is to over predict energy
  • any general equation for predicting BMR may be
    biased for some groups or populations.

Estimating BMR adjusted body weight (ADJ)
  • estimate of how much of the extra body weight is
    lean and thus metabolically active
  • 2 methods
  • 25 adjusted weight
  • (actual body weight x 0.25) ideal body weight
  • adjusted average weight
  • (actual body weight ideal body weight) x 0.5

Estimating BMR adjusted body weight (ADJ)
  • first reported in newsletter QA format
  • not validated
  • studies suggest adjusted average weight has
    better predictive value than 25 adjusted weight
    (Glynn 1998, Barak 2002)
  • no longer included in ASPEN guidelines (2002)

Estimating BMR Obesity
  • predicting BMR is very difficult (without
    measuring lean body mass)
  • adequacy of specific equations? (Ireton-Jones et
    al., 1992 Glynn et al., 1998)
  • actual body weight stress activity
  • access to indirect calorimetry is limited

Determining energy requirements in obesity
  • non stressed patients
  • calculate as normal and - 400-1000kcal for
    decrease in energy stores
  • mild to moderately stress
  • calculate as normal
  • omission of stress and activity avoids the
    adverse effects of overfeeding
  • severe stress
  • might be necessary to add a stress factor to BMR
  • monitoring essential eg blood glucose

Estimating energy requirements
  • The main components of energy expenditure are
  • BMR
  • Alteration in BMR due to disease process (stress
  • Activity
  • DIT

Levels of evidence
  • 1. a) Meta-analyses
  • b) Systematic reviews of randomised controlled
    trials (RCTs)
  • c) RCTs
  • 2. a) Systematic reviews of case-control or
    cohort studies
  • b) Case-control or cohort studies
  • 3. Non-analytic studies e.g. case studies
  • 4. Expert opinion
  • (adapted from Draft NICE Guidelines for
    Nutrition Support in Adults, 2005)

Stress factors
  • timing of measurements
  • over (hyperalimentation) vs. under-feeding
  • changes in therapeutic interventions
  • e.g. improved wound care, anti-pyretics,
    sedation, control of ambient room temperature
  • ? err towards lower end of the range and monitor

Stress factors
  • unable to include a stress factor for every
    disease or condition
  • many measured in far from ideal circumstances
  • limited by data available
  • may choose to underfeed in certain circumstances
  • necessary to refer back to the literature
  • included a checklist of factors to look for when
    reviewing papers

Adverse effect of over-feeding
  • excess carbohydrate
  • difficulties controlling blood glucose
  • increased CO2 production
  • respiratory problems in vulnerable patients (eg
    COPD/ ventilated)
  • swings in blood glucose increase mortality in
    critically ill
  • aim not to exceed the glucose oxidation rate (4-7
    mg glucose/ kg/ min)
  • long term excess carbohydrate can lead to
    steatohepatosis or fatty liver (Elwyn DH, 1987).

Estimating energy requirements
  • The main components of energy expenditure are
  • BMR
  • Alteration in BMR due to disease process
  • Activity
  • DIT

Total energy expenditure
Activity DIT
Activity DIT
Activity factor
  • energy expended during active movement of
    skeletal muscle
  • approximately 20-40 of energy expenditure in
    free living individuals
  • depends on duration and intensity of the exercise
  • activity is less than 20 of the energy
    expenditure in hospitalised or institutionalised
  • NB assumes normal muscle function

Activity factor for activity institutionalised
patients combined with DIT
Activity level Males and females
Bedbound immobile Bedbound mobile/ sitting Mobile on ward 10 15 20 25
Activity factorabnormal muscle function
  • hospital patients likely to have higher activity
  • abnormal neuro-muscular function e.g. brain
    injury, Parkinsons, cerebral palsy, motor
    neurone disease, and Huntingtons chorea
  • prolonged active physiotherapy
  • effort involved in moving injured or painful

Community patients
  • free living individuals have higher energy
    expenditure due to physical activity
  • nursing home and house bound patients ? similar
    activity levels to hospital patients
  • for active patients in the community a PAL should
    be added

Physical activity level (PAL) of adults
Non-occupational activity occupational activity light M F occupational activity moderate M F occupational activity mod/ heavy M F
non active m. active very active 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.8 1.6 1.9 1.7
Estimating energy requirements
  • The main components of energy expenditure are
  • BMR
  • Alteration in BMR due to disease process
  • Activity
  • DIT

Diet-induced thermogenesis
  • Continuous infusion of enteral feed and
    parenteral nutrition do not significantly
    increase REE
  • Bolus feeding increases REE by 5
  • Mixed meal increases REE 10
  • PALs include DIT (COMA, 1991)
  • ? guidelines include combined factor for activity
    and DIT

Estimating requirements sources of error
  • prediction equation for BMR
  • stress factor
  • degree of stress inaccurately assessed
  • poor evidence to support stress factor used
  • activity level inaccurately assessed or poorly
  • DIT varies by 10 depending on feeding method

Sources of error inaccurate weight
  • Inaccurately measured weight
  • estimated weight
  • inaccurate scales
  • patient had their feet on the floor (chair
  • patient was fluid overloaded (? 20 of hospital
  • amputees

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  • Estimated requirements are only a starting point
  • - set realistic goals of treatment for each
  • - monitor and amend as patients condition
  • Review and criticise the literature regularly
  • - be aware of gaps in the evidence
  • - understand the limitations of guidelines
  • - check applicability to your patients
  • Contribute to research and audit projects
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