Title: Channel Review: Chapters 12, 13 and 17
1Channel ReviewChapters 12, 13 and 17
2Distribution DecisionsChapt 12 Objectives
- Why do companies need distribution channels?
- What value do they add?
- What are the alternative channels are there?
- How do you evaluate channel members?
3Channel Conflict
- Conflict amongst one or more of wholesaler,
retailer and producer about who should do what in
the value chain and for what rewards. Frequently
reduces value to consumer.
4 Vertical Marketing System
- Channel structure in which producers wholesalers,
and retailers act as a unified system under
contractual dominance of one member in the chain - Dominance frequently a result of ownership ties
5 Vertical Marketing System
- In conventional distribution channel each member
tries to maximize its own profits and co-operates
only opportunistically
6 Vertical Marketing System (VMS)
- Can be producer, wholesaler or retailer
- Rationale is to manage and control channel
conflict. Maximize value to the consumer by
achieving smooth flow through the channel and by
wringing costs from the system (purchasing
economies, reduced handling or other elimination
of duplication etc)
7VMS Three types
- Corporate or 100 owned channel
- Contractual
- Wholesaleer-sponsored (independent firms)
- Retail co-operatives (backward integration)
- Franchise organization
- Administered VMS co-operation comes from size
and power of one member (eg PG, Toys R Us,
Campbell Soup)
8Horizontal Marketing System
- Two or more companies at same level
collaborate to pursue new marketing opportunity - Global airline alliances are example of HMS
(eg Star Alliance of Air Canada, Varig, Thai
Lufthansa and SAS) more seamless global travel
better connections fewer lost bags - Coke and Nestle marketing ready to drink coffee
and tea
9Hybrid Marketing Systems
- Multi-channel or hybrid distribution different
channels used to reach different customer
segments - IBM
- own sales force
- Business customers requiring major support
- IBM Direct
- Mail order
- Mass Retailers
10Hybrid Marketing Systems
- Advantages enables large company to maximize
sales by meeting needs of vary different
customer segments - Disadvantage May create friction amongst
channels mass marketers resented IBM Direct
11Channel Design
- Analyzing consumer service needs
- Setting channel objectives
- Identifying channel alternatives
- Evaluating
12Consumer Service Needs Customer value
delivery systems
- Desired location, delivery timing and add- on
services (training, credit, repairs,
installation) - Must balance consumer service needs, against
feasibility and cost as well as consumer price
13 Channel Objectives Constraints
- Efforts to minimize total costs
- Product characteristics require special factors
perishable, bulky etc reduced distances - Firm characteristics size and financial strength
- Firm intermediaries expertise promotion,
customer contact, storage and credit - Competitor channels strength and location
- Environmental economic conditions and legal
14Identifying Major Alternatives Types, number
- Types
- Company sales force
- Manufacturers agency
- Industrial distributors
- Number to use at each level
- Intensive
- Exclusive
- Selective
15Evaluating Major Alternatives
- Economic criteria sales vol vs margin
- Control issues producers prefer to retain more
- Adaptive criteria least long-term commitment
possible, hence more adaptive to evolving market
16Barrow Booster (BB)Which would you choose?
- What criteria for selecting a channel were used
for initial and final choices? - At Chicago trade show he met with distributors,
manufacturers, manufacturers reps. Evaluate each
one. - How should he motivate reps?
- Logistical issues at 100,000 units/yr
17Channel Mgmt Decisions
- Selecting
- What are hallmarks of successful ones?
- Motivating by carrot and stick
- Higher margins, special deals, premiums, shared
advertising and promotion display allowances etc - Evaluating channel members
18Integrated Logistics Management
- Teamwork throughout the entire customer value
chain to optimize performance of the entire
distribution system - Objective is to shift from anticipatory based
distribution to response based distribution
systems. This can lead to outsourcing logistics
to third parties to save costs and increase
19Store Retailing
- Amount of service
- Product line department specialty
- Relative prices
- Control of outlets
- Independent, corporate and voluntary chains,
retail co-ops, franchise and merchandizing
conglomerate (diversified retailing)
20Non-Store Retailing
- Direct Marketing
- Direct Selling
- Automatic Vending
21Direct Marketing Benefits to consumers
- Larger selection
- Saves time
- Saves expense of actual window shopping
22Direct Marketing
- Face-to face
- On-line marketing
- Direct Mail
- Catalogue Marketing
- Telemarketing (inbound and outbound)
- Direct Response (e.g. home shopping)
- Kiosk-marketing (trade show)
23Direct Marketing Benefits to Sellers
- Database may identify your target market very
precisely - Allows you to customize offer to special needs
and wants (simplifies making multiple offers) - Enhances ability to build closer relationships
- Offer and strategy less visible to competitors
- (May) eliminate cost of physical store
24Customer databases
- Identify prospects
- Deciding which customers should receive an offer
- Deepening customer loyalty
- Reactivating customer purchases ie, follow-up
pitches (replacements, upgrades etc)
25Direct Marketing
- Online
- Direct mail
- Direct response TV
- Telemarketing (outbound, inbound)
- Catalogue
- Face-to-face
- Kiosk
26Online Marketing
- Benefits to Buyers
- Convenient, 24 hours, immediate, inter-active,
easy, private - Unrivalled comparative information
- Benefits to Sellers
- Customer relationship building, global
- Can reduce cost, and increase efficiency
- Flexibility in updating the offer
27Online Marketing Channels
- Creating an electronic storefront
- Advertising online
- Participating in forums, newsgroups and web
communities - Using e-mail and webcasting
28Integrated Direct Marketing
- Direct marketing approach that uses multiple
vehicle, multiple stage campaigns - For example ad with response channel then direct
mail then outbound telemarketing, then
face-to-face sales call followed by continuing
communication - What was marketing approach in your project?
29Final EXAM
- Wednesday August 2nd from 9-12 am
- Multiple choice and scenarios
- Know the text
- I will be a procter