Title: Compliance Certification Committee
1Compliance Certification Committee
Compliance Overview March 9, 2006 Co-chairs Dr.
Bill Driskill and Dr. Joel Heck
- Welcome, opening prayer breakfast
- Committee membersWhy me, Lord?
- Opening Comments by the co-chairs
- Overview of Compliance
- Divide ConquerTaking on the Tasks
- Milestones Deliverables
- Q A and Closing Comments
3Quality EnhancementBuilding the Case for
Reaffirmation through engagement
Strategic Planning
Steering Committee
Leadership Team
Concordia Community
Compliance Committee
4Resource Manual
- ROI The Danger of Confusing Activity With
Outcomes - CD
- SACS publicationsBrown, Blue, Green, Red
Manuals - SACS policies, guidelines practices
- Interactive documents for topical areas linked to
Green book - First 13 pages High altitude view in 3 parts
- Accreditation from a SACS site team perspective
- Conducting a Compliance Audit
- Quality Enhancement Plan
- Exhibits supporting elements examples
5Accreditation Standards
With Some More Vexing than others
Exhibit 8
- 78 Elements Examined for Compliance
- Core Requirementsnon-negotiable
- Comprehensive Standardslinked to core
requirements with added specificity - Federal Requirementsdirect tie to financial aid
- 14 Topical Categories
General Education
Staff Qualifications
Learning Resources
Student Academic Support Services
Contractual Arrangements
Institutional Effectiveness
Financial Physical Resources
Institutional Administration
Faculty Credentials
Graduate Programs
Degree Programs
6Toughest Challenges
Student Learning Outcomes Do we do what
we say we do? Is it linked to the mission? How do
we know? How does assessment of outcomesthe
?between what we expect and what we actually
getshape an environment of Continuous
Financial Stability
Institutional Effectiveness
Financial Physical Resources
General Education
Learning Resources
Consistency Legitimacy
Student Academic Support Services
Faculty Credentials
7Critical Vulnerabilities
- Substantive Change site visits
- Showing two cycles of closing the loopmoving
from Program Effectiveness to Institutional
Effectiveness - Thinking that Accreditation 2008 is old whine in
a new bottlethe process has changed
substantively in content and in philosophy - Integrity is the philosophical basis
- IE is an assumed state of affairs
- QEP execution occurs after the on-site visit
- Timeavoiding as t 0, effort
8Division of Labor
- Governance
- Institutional Mission
- Institutional Effectiveness
- Degree Programs
- General Education
- Contractual Consortial Arrangements
- Faculty
- Library and Other Resources
- Student Academic Support Services
- Student and Academic Policies
- Graduate Programs
- Financial and Physical Resources
- Administration and Employees
- Staff Rosters
- Joel Heck
- Joel Heck
- Bill Driskill
9Major Milestones
- Internal Audit
- Construct documentation medium
- Compilation of Compliance Certification
- Assembly of Evidence
- Drafts of narratives
- Delivery for editing printing Aug 3, 2007
- Freeze date Aug 10, 2007
- Final certification Aug 31, 2007
- Delivery to SACS Sep 10, 2007
10 Resources
- Your tribal knowledge, professional expertise,
and respected leadership - From the Concordia Homepage
- Select Resources for Faculty and Staff
- Choose
- Institutional Effectiveness HOME
- or
- Accreditation 2008
- SACS information http//www.sacs.org/
- SACS Workshops in MP3 format
11Thank you for caring
12(No Transcript)