Title: Project hFABP
1Project h-FABP
- Evaluation of Early Marker for the Detection of
AMI - 04 June 2004
Scientific Secretary SEMESIsquemic Myopathology
Dr. Luis García-Castrillo
Project financed by
2Reliability of current marker for AMI
995 patiens with suspected AMI
R. Fromm Cardiovascular 20022341-5
3Objective of the Study
- Evaluate the suitability to use the level in
blood of heart-specific Fatty Acid-Binding
Protein (h-FABP) as early marker for acute damage
of the myocardium.
4Study Design
- Evaluation of the diagnostic reliability of
cardiac markers. Prospective, consecutive, and
multicentric. - Evaluation of CardioDetect, with a threshold
for h-FABP of 7ng/ml. - Diagnosis Clinical diagnosis and enzymatic
measurement. - Series Patients with chest pain symptomatic for
AMI to which an evaluation procedure of certain
markers is applied during a certain observation
5Inclusion Criterion
- Chest pain with suspected AMI
- Symptom start between 20 minutes and 4 hours.
- Possibility to get a final diagnosis after the
- Extraction of full blood and application on the
rapid test for h-FABP CardioDetect. - Determination of Troponin with the same
7Participating Centres
20 centres
H.C Santiago H. Do Meixoeiro
H.M. Valdecilla
H. Txagorrichu H. Basurto
H.Virgen del Camino
H. Miguel Servet
H.C.Salamanca H. Ntra.Sra. De Sonsoles
H.Clinic H. Sta. Creu i St. Pau H. Mutua Tarrasa
H.Princesa H.Puerta de Hierro H. Fund. Jimenez
H. Verge de Toro
H.C.U Valencia
H.Ntra.Sra. Alarcos
H. Reina Sofia
8Patients Characteristics
Age distribution
383 patients in total
Mean age 64.8 years (ds -14.6)
9Draw time after symptom onset
Accumulating percentage
Time with symptoms
10Time of first sampe draw after symptom onset
11Result of the first ECG
53 cases
12Distribution of Final Diagnosis
13Positive Markers following final diagnosis
14Results for Troponin
15Results for h-FABP
16Observed diagnostic reliability of h-FABP and
17Comparation of the diagnostic reliability in
relation to draw time
18Diagnostic reliabilty of h-FABP and Troponin for
AMI without elevated ST
19Comparison of both markers
- Use of h-FABP has shown to be helpful from the
first hour on for triaging AMI. - Its diagnostic reliability was significantly
higher than that of Troponin, having classified
correctly 79 of the patients. - Its diagnostic errors related to False Negative
results, which require a verification of the time
of draw or of the interpretation of the test