Title: DSHS HOPWA Quarterly Progress Report Training
1DSHS HOPWA Quarterly Progress Report Training
2Summary of DSHS HOPWA Program changes
- Added basic telephone service assistance to
Supportive Services - Added Permanent Housing Placement Services-
assistance for security deposits up to 2 months
rent, related application fees and credit checks - Established (optional) annual STRMU Cap formula
per client - Established calendar day method to track STRMU.
21-weeks worth of assistance 147 days - Established 21-week tracking worksheet in Excel!
(Appendix Z of program manual)
3DSHS Annual STRMU Cap Formula
- Maximum amount of STRMU assistance a client can
receive in a 52-week period - More restrictive than the allowable 21-week
period of assistance to allow a PS to assist more
clients - Optional for Project Sponsors but must be applied
in uniform, consistent, non-discriminatory manner - DSHS formula - no less than 1 month of the FMR
for the appropriate unit size and no more than
the PSs budgeted STRMU funds per client per year - If STRMU Cap is reached, then that is considered
21-weeks worth of assistance
4STRMU 21-week Tracking Worksheet
Clients rent 500 Clients utility bill 70
STRMU Cap 1000 Calculation ( days in
month/total clients rent and utilities) total
STRMU payment Total Actual days assisted
28 days / 570 client rent utilities 570
STRMU payment 28 days assisted
5Purpose of DSHS HOPWA Quarterly Progress Report
- To aggregate Project Sponsor program data and
outcomes for the annual CAPER report to HUD - To monitor and assess program performance and
expenditures on a quarterly basis - To assess training/TA needs for program
6Key Instructions
- Complete only 1 Report Coversheet for the AA
- Complete only 1 AA Summary Information page for
the AA - Complete 1 Project Sponsor Information page and 1
Quarterly Progress Report for each Project
Sponsor - Do not aggregate Project Sponsor Reports
- AAs must review reports for QA before submission
7Changes to Report Coversheet
- To track report submissions and revisions
8Key Definitions
- HOPWA Client
- Beneficiary
- Household
- Duplicated count
- Supportive Services
- Permanent Housing Placement Services
9HOPWA Client
- A person with HIV/AIDS who qualifies for and
receives HOPWA assistance. - Different from eligible individual a person
who qualifies for HOPWA but not yet accepted in
the program and may be on the waitlist. - Number of HOPWA Clients Number of Households
- A beneficiary is the HOPWA Client and family
member(s) and/or persons determined necessary to
the care and well-being of the HOPWA Client by a
physician. Any individual(s) residing with the
HOPWA Client whose income is not considered in
the HOPWA Clients income eligibility criteria is
not considered a beneficiary, i.e. roommates,
paid caregivers, live-in aides.
- Refers to a client and all other beneficiaries
residing with that client. In situations where
no other beneficiaries reside with the client,
the client constitutes a household unto
him/herself. Non-beneficiaries who reside in the
shared unit are not part of the household.
12More clarification
- A single HOPWA client is a household
- A HOPWA client living with his/her beneficiaries
is a household - Dont let this confuse you, but remember that all
HOPWA clients are households
13Duplicated Count
- A household/client that received more than one
HOPWA service in the same project year - Example a client received both STRMU and TBRA
- Example a client received both STRMU and
Permanent Housing Placement - Helpful note charts where TBRA and STRMU are
broken out, report duplicated counts. Where it
is consolidated, report unduplicated counts.
14Supportive Services
- Case management. To the extent possible, case
management for HOPWA clients should be funded
through some source other than HOPWA (e.g., Ryan
White Part A or Part B, State Services, or local
funds). - Purchase of smoke detectors (for STRMU households
only). - Basic telephone service (new!).
15Permanent Housing Placement Services
- Assistance for reasonable security deposits up to
2 months rent maximum, and related application
fees and credit checks. - Guidelines for return of security deposits
Appendix AA in program manual
16New! AA Summary Information page
- Aggregate Project Sponsor Expenditures
17New! AA Leveraged Admin Expenditures
- As of 4/01/07, no AA Admin expenditures allowed
- Report leveraged AA Admin expenditures
18Part 1- Narrative and Performance Measures
- Report the goals and progress of the number of
households served.
- Outcomes Assessed also provide success stories
illustrating how the HOPWA program prevented
clients from becoming homeless and also accessed
medical care.
19Part 2 Info on HOPWA clients, beneficiaries,
households, and family units
- What is your total UNDUPLICATED number of HOPWA
clients? - Also includes HOPWA clients ONLY receiving
Supportive Services or Permanent Housing
Placement Services.
Chart A1. HOPWA Clients (page 11)
20New! Special Needs Clients
- Of your TBRA clients, how many were homeless?
- Of those TBRA clients that are homeless, how
many were chronically homeless?
- Of all your HOPWA clients, which are Veterans
and/or Domestic Violence Survivors?
21Part 2- B1. Total Number of HOPWA Beneficiaries
- New Columns added! Total Receiving Supportive
Services and Permanent Housing Placement - row a These are your duplicated counts and
important for cross-checking with Charts A3, C2,
C3, Part 4 Charts A1, A2 - row b- All other beneficiaries not including the
HOPWA client(s) above - row c- Important numbers for cross-checking with
Chart B2, B3
Total numbers on Charts B1-B3 should all match
total number of beneficiaries. Chart B2. Age and
Gender of Beneficiaries
Please check Row (e) should equal row (c)
above- Total TBRA, STRMU, and beneficiaries.
23Chart B3. Race and Ethnicity of Beneficiaries
24Part 2- C1 Household Area Median Income
Please check Row (e) should equal Part 2 chart
A1 Total number of unduplicated HOPWA Clients
(page 11).
25Chart C2. Household monthly income at entry and
Please check Row (i) should equal should equal
Part 2 Chart B1 row (a) Total TBRA and STRMU
households (page 13).
26Part 3. Performance and Expenditure Info
- Total Duplicated number of households 24
- Number of duplicated households 1
- Total Unduplicated number of households 23
27B. Supportive Services Performance and
- New row added! - Telephone service assistance
28New! Permanent Housing Placement Services
29Administrative Services and Total Expenditures
- Check that your total PS admin expenses are no
more than 7 of your expenditures in row 13.
30New! Part 3. E. Leveraged Households
Instructions Enter the total HOPWA-eligible
households assisted with non-HOPWA funds. DO NOT
include the HOPWA households receiving DSHS HOPWA
funds, which have already been reported or other
households receiving non-DSHS HOPWA funds.
Leveraged households are clients of your agency
and are eligible for HOPWA but are assisted by
other funds or another housing assistance
program. Example You have a HOPWA eligible
household receiving emergency housing assistance
through the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) program.
31(No Transcript)
32X 11
X 5
33Lets Cross-check!
Please check Column 1 (households continuing)
Column 2 (households exiting/end of project year)
should equal the total number of TBRA households
(Part 2 chart B1 row (a) page 13).
Column 1 11 TBRA households continuing Column 2
7 TBRA households exited (top section) Total
continuing exited 18 TBRA households
35Worksheet to determine housing stability outcomes
Not too shabby outcomesHUDs goal is to reach
80 stability by 2008. State of Texas reached 83
stability in 2006! Woo hoo!