Title: Make Information Sessions More Effective
1Make Information Sessions More Effective
- Jennifer John
- JMH Consulting, Inc.
This (and other con-ed resources) available
online at www.jmhconsulting.com/resources
2About JMH
- Focus exclusively on clients in adult learning
- Offer a range of services including
- Program launch and management
- Curriculum design
- Strategy
- Marketing
- Emphasize technology, data, and planning
3Jennifer John
- Program Management Consultant
- Emory Program Specializations
- Paralegal
- Certified Financial Planning
- Six Sigma
4Todays Agenda
- Why Information Sessions?
- 3 Step Plan to improve
- Website
- Email Campaigns
- Information Session Conversions
- Information Session Best Practices
- Take Away Challenge
- What JMH can do for you
5Program Revenue Numbers
- 9/1/2007 through 8/31/2008 1,296,356
- 9/1/2008 through 6/23/2009 1,431,292
6(No Transcript)
73 Stage Plan
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11Google Rankings
As of September 25, 2008, our homepage ranked as
follows on Google searches
12Phase 2 - Growing Interest
- More effective calls-to-action
- Compelling and vigorous email marketing campaign
13Calls to action
- Forward to a friend
- Register for a class
- RSVP for an information session
- Call us
- Reply to this email
- Opt-in to another list
- Sign up for a contest
14Content guideline tips
- Use your first sentence to engage readers
- Vary your subject lines and body text
- Never rely on images to convey critical
information - Keep text short and bullet text when possible
15Email Campaign Pre-Information Session
- Email 1 promotes an upcoming info session, to
encourage registration - Audience 1 year of previous info session
no-shows - Timing 1 month prior to upcoming info session
- Email 2 reminds info session registrants of
upcoming info session, encourages attendance - Audience Upcoming info session registrants
- Timing 1 week prior to upcoming info session
- Email 3 reminds info session registrants of
upcoming info session, encourages attendance - Audience Upcoming info session registrants
- Timing 2 days prior to upcoming info session
16Email Campaign Post-Information Session
- Email 4 thanks attendees of the recent info
session, promotes the next program start, and
encourages pursuit of program - Audience Info session attendees
- Timing 4-5 days after info session
- Email 5 encourages pursuit of program, promotes
the next program start, and provides avenues for
finding further information - Audience Info session no-shows
- Timing 4-5 days after info session
17Program Start Reminder Emails
- Email 6 promotes upcoming program, reminds of
start date, and encourages enrollment - Audience Info session attendees
- Timing 2 weeks before program start
- Email 7 promotes upcoming program, reminds of
start date and encourages enrollment - Audience Info session no-shows
- Timing 2 weeks before program start
- Email 8 reminds of program start date, and
communicates urgency (e.g., only six seats left) - Audience Info session attendees
- Timing 1 week prior to program start
18Sample email marketing campaign
19 20ROI for email marketing
21Whats great about ROI?
22Phase 3 Increase Enrollments
- Information Session redesign
- Presentation simplification - visuals
- Class visits driving enrollments
23- How many of you have experienced a boring
Information Session?
24Presentation Zen
It's a simple fact that catalogs generally have
at least 10 times the aggregate sales
Garr Reynolds
253 principles for creating memorable information
- Remember the 10 Rule
- Speak to your audiences needs
- Use visually engaging graphics
26Old Format
- Information Session Packets
- 1 ½ hour session w/ 41 .ppt slides
- Graduate speakers at end w/ QA session
- Close with a call to register
27New Format
- Hand outs available at registration table
- Graduate testimonial video kick off of session
- 1 ½ hour session w/ 7 .ppt slides
- Visually impactful graphics and quotes
- Graduate speakers before Program enrollment info.
- Close with invitation to attend a class
28Why become a paralegal?
- Ranked as a top 10 career according to the Wall
Street Journal - Ranked as one of Best Jobs in America according
to Money Magazine - Exceptional professional growth. Paralegal field
is projected to grow by more than 22 through
2016 (U.S. Dept. of Labor - Bureau of Labor
Statistics, 2008-09 Edition)
29The paralegal field is projected to grow by more
than 22 through the year 2016. (U.S. Dept. of
Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2008-09
30The only person who is educated is the one who
has learned how to learn and change.
-Carl Rogers
31Jobs in Which Wages are Growing
Web article from CNN Money.com
32Emorys Paralegal Certificate Program - Upcoming
- February 27 July 31
- Fridays (all day) 900 am-400 pm
- April 4 September 12
- Saturdays (all day) 900 am-400 pm
- May 4 October 28
- Monday/Wednesday 600pm -900pm
- Why Choose Emory
- Convenient six-month format
- Only program in Georgia requiring a 4 year degree
- Excellent instructors with real world
- knowledge and expertise
- Career development (resume review,
- interviewing techniques, etc.) included in
- curriculum
- Tuition is 5,995 and includes all of your
- books and course materials
- You can make two (2) payments using our
- Promissory Note
33(No Transcript)
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35 Redesign Summary Results
- Information Session registrations Increased from
average of 40 to average of 85 - Information Session attendance Increased from
average of 30 to over 50 - Information Session conversions Increased from
18 to over 24 - Results per session 30,000 in new revenue
- 6 sessions per year 180,000
36(No Transcript)
37Take Away Challenge
- Use GoogleAd words to drive new inquiries to your
website - Continuously update content on your website -
testimonials - Include call to action
- Register for Program, Information Session or
request information - Redesign your Info Sessions or Open House
- Use the 10 rule
- Speak to your audiences needs
- Invite graduate speakers
- Close w/invitation to sit in on a class
38Q A
- Please submit your questions by typing them in
your question and answer area. Well address as
many as time permits. - If you have a question that we arent able to
address or if you would like to speak at more
length with us about improving your information
sessions, please feel free to email me at
jjohn_at_jmhconsulting.com or call 404.727.5413
39How JMH can help
- Analyze existing website effectiveness
- Launch email marketing campaigns
- Manage email marketing campaigns
- Review existing information session content
- Help develop information sessions with impact
40Join us for our next webinar on July 15.
Generate Money! Add programs that make sense