Topics in Financial Economics Term 2, Lecture 5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Topics in Financial Economics Term 2, Lecture 5


Topics in Financial Economics Term 2, Lecture 5 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Topics in Financial Economics Term 2, Lecture 5

Topics in Financial Economics Term 2, Lecture 5
  • Some empirical examples
  • Agency

A case study BP
The big picture
The end result?
(No Transcript)
Activities that affect firm values
  • Dividends change value of the asset
  • Repurchases change the number of shares
    outstanding (exposed to market)
  • Divestiture sell assets to another firm that can
    use them more efficiently
  • Spin-off grant independence to a division
  • Equity carve out make division
    semi-independent parent retains controlling
  • Tracking stock division completely controlled
    (does not have own board)

The impact and determinants of buybacks
  • Version 1
  • Broadcom Corp. reported a big drop in
    fourth-quarter profits on costs from its recently
    ended options probe, while profits before charges
    were off slightly from a year earlier. The
    company said Thursday its quarterly net income
    was 45.1 million, down from 110.2 million a
    year earlier. The results include a 50 million
    charge for related to stock options. Broadcom
    wrapped an internal investigation last month,
    saying it would revise financial statements for
    1998 to 2005 with charges of 2.2 billion for
    stock option grants that were improperly
    accounted for. Excluding charges, Broadcom said
    it earned 185 million, down 6 from a year
    earlier. Revenue for the quarter rose 12.5 to
    923.5 million. Shares of Broadcom were flat in
    after-hours trading. The company also said it
    plans to buy back 1 billion worth of its shares
    starting next week. Broadcom plans to use some of
    2.8 billion in cash to fund the buyback.
    Subsequently, shares rose significantly.
  • Version 2
  • RUPERT MURDOCH, the chairman of BSkyB, hinted
    yesterday that the satellite broadcaster could
    resume its controversial share buyback programme
    in future years. Mr Murdoch, who is also chief
    executive of News Corporation, parent company of
    The Times, told investors at the broadcasters
    annual meeting yesterday that Sky may revisit
    this subject again. A year ago Sky pledged that
    it would not pursue a buyback this year, amid
    investor concerns that the exercise results in
    its principal shareholder, News Corporation,
    gaining increasing control without submitting a
    takeover bid.

(How) Do Buybacks affect shareholders?
  • Aug 03 Royal Bank of Scotland this week
    became the latest group to announce the return of
    surplus capital to shareholders through a stock
    buyback because it cannot find a better use for
    the funds.
  • Repurchase certainly boosts earnings per share
    (EPS), a popular measure of performance
  • This link between buybacks and EPS has been
    abused, particularly during the 1990s bubble
    when investors were obsessed with EPS momentum.
    It also helped senior management, whose
    remuneration was commonly tied to EPS growth
  • Empirically, buybacks do improve shareholder
    value if
  • Stock is purchased at the right price (GSK
    repurchase at 18 of stock at 35 over true value
    triggered fall to 12 but exec bonuses rose)
  • Needs supporting evidence of capital discipline
    (Rentokil had been following 20 annual capex
    growth after share value collapsed in 2000, they
    bought back 35 of stock as part of a programme
    of disposals and have since outperformed
    market by 120)
  • do not sell off the components with the highest
  • Value takes at least one year to materialise (vs.
    dividends, which produce immediate effects

Principal-agent theory
  • Interaction between 2 parties one acts for the
  • Not always clear who is the agent depends on
    incentives. Agent is the one who can gain by
    cheating, and therefore needs incentives to
    fulfil the bargain.
  • Problem 1 hidden action (moral hazard)
    principal cannot (freely) monitor/verify agents
  • Problem 2 hidden information (adverse
    selection) principal cannot test whether agents
    action was justified
  • Also known as contract theory
  • Assumes (uninformed) principal moves first
  • Distinct from signalling, where informed party
    moves first

Agency reading
  • Principal-agent theory
  • Osborne and Rubinstein A course in game theory,
    ch. 10.
  • D. Gale notes sec 3 http//
  • Gale and Allen, Financial Innovation and Risk
    Sharing (1994) sec. 4.1
  • Stole notes secs 1.1, 2.1 (more as interest
    dictates) http//
  • Handa slides http//
  • Agency problems in financial economics
  • Jensen, M. and W. Meckling (1976) Theory of the
    firm, managerial behaviour, agency costs and
    ownership structure, Journal of Financial
    Economics 3, 305-360 Link from Warwick machines
  • Myers, S. (1977) Determinants of corporate
    borrowing, Journal of Financial Economics 5,
    147-175 Link from Warwick machines
  • Grossman, S. and O. Hart (1983) An analysis of
    the principal-agent problem Econometrica 51,
    7-45 Link
  • Shleifer, A. and R. Vishny (1997) A survey of
    corporate governance Journal of Finance, 52,
    737-783 Link from Warwick machines
  • Murphy, K. (1999) Executive compensation, in
    Handbook of Labor Economics, O. Ashenfelter and
    D. Card (eds), 2485-2563

Simple model try a risky venture, split proceeds
  • Agent takes action s in a (finite or interval)
    set A
  • The state is w in a (finite) set W the state is
    determined by a
  • The probability of w given a is p(wa)
  • The revenue if w occurs is R(w)
  • The agents utility from consuming c (bought with
    his share of revenue) and taking action a is u(c,
    a) we assume u(c, a) U(c) J(a)
  • The principals utility from her share of revenue
    is V(c)
  • Both utilities are strictly increasing, concave,
    twice continuously differentiable
  • We assume the agents consumption is non-negative
    (liquidity or limited liability)

Pareto optimality
  • Contract (a, h(.)), where a is the contracted
    action and h(w) gt 0 is the payment to the agent
    in state w.
  • Principals problem choose contract to maximise
    principals utility subject to agents
  • Theorem A contract is Pareto efficient iff it
    solves this problem
  • If the (risk-sharing) payment h is always gt 0 and
  • If a is interior and p and J are differentiable

Incentive efficiency
  • If agents actions cannot be observed or
    verified, they must be incentive-compatibleIC
  • A contract is incentive efficient if it is Pareto
    optimal relative to the set of incentive
    compatible contracts. It solves the original
    problem (PP) with the added IC constraint.
  • Any solution to this enhanced problem (PP) is
    incentive efficient if the participation
    constraint always binds.
  • To solve this problem
  • Fix a and compute the payoff V(a) from providing
    incentives to do a.
  • Now choose a to maximise V(a)
  • Because U and V are concave, the first part is
    easier to solve than the whole, and gives many
    useful insights. If V is linear (the principal is
    risk-neutral) this just minimises the expected
    payment to the agent

Does moral hazard prevent first-best?
  • If the principal is risk-neutral and the agent is
    strictly risk-averse, condition B implies that
    payment h is independent of state, hence of
    agents action. The agent will choose the
    cost-minimising action and first-best can be
    achieved only if the optimal action (for the
    principal) is also the cheapest (for the agent).
  • If the principal is risk-averse and the agent is
    risk-neutral, condition B implies R(w)-h(w) is
    constant for interior solutions sell the firm
    to the agent, providing firm remains profitable
    (agent gets gt 0).
  • In general, there is y s.t. R(w)-h(w) miny,
    r(w), and h(w) maxR(w) y, 0

If both parties are risk-averse
  • The first-order condition for the first-best
  • The first-order condition for incentive
    compatibility is
  • The first-best and incentive-efficient contracts
    only coincide if

An example 2 states W (win) or L (lose)
  • We assume winning is worthwhile R(W) gt R(L)
  • The necessary condition is
  • If effort is productive (i.e. pgt0), this implies
    paying the agent the full marginal
  • This does not satisfy condition B unless the
    agent is risk neutral on the interval h(L),

Optimal incentives, 1
  • Assume the principal is risk-neutral (always
    prefers the action with higher expected revenue
    if costs are equal).
  • There are a finite number of states and actions,
    strictly increasing revenue
  • The monotone likelihood ratio property (MLRP)
    for any actions altb, the ratio p(w,b)/p(w,a) is
    non-decreasing in w. Also assume that the vectors
    p(.,b) and p(., a) are distinct (ratio sometimes
    rises). Expected revenue is increasing in a.

Optimal incentives, 2
  • Because it only uses a one-sided IC constraint,
    is at least as big as V. Suppose it is bigger
    for some a, so the agent wants to choose more
    effort but the principal will always prefer
    more effort if it comes at the same price, so the
    a that maximises the two V-functions will be the
    same., so we can limit attention to the modified
  • Most incentive schemes are increasing a higher w
    brings a higher h though not necessarily a
    higher h(w)/R(w). Is this true of the optimal
  • Rearranging the Kuhn-Tucker conditions for an
    interior solution to the modified problem, we
  • By the MLRP, the RHS is non-increasing in w so
    too is the LHS, hence the optimal h(w) is also

  • 2 states W (win), L (lose)
  • 2 projects or effort levels (A,B)
  • let 0 lt pA p(W,A) lt pB p(W,B) lt 1
  • Effort cost J(A) 0 lt J(B).
  • U(0) reservation utility 0.
  • To implement the inferior project (A), set
  • h(L) hL h(W) hW 0
  • Constraints to implement BICIR

Relation between IC, IR constraints
  • Can rewrite IC as
  • IR implies positive consumption in at least one
    state, so
  • Therefore, IC implies IR holds strictly (doesnt
  • We can thus rewrite principals problem as

Optimum and project choice
  • Clearly, optimality implies hL 0, and the
    optimum level of hW satisfies pB -
  • What makes managerial compensation hW higher?
  • Higher effort cost J(B)
  • Higher managerial risk aversion U(hW) U(hL)
  • Lower managerial marginal productivity pB - pA
  • Optimal project compare profits from both schemes

Incentive-efficiency example
  • Set-up as before (2 states, 2 effort levels, 0
    reservation utility, risk-neutral agent,
  • Also assume
  • R(L) 0 lt R(W) revenues in 2 states
  • J(A) 0 lt J(B) effort cost to 2 actions
  • 0 lt pA lt pB lt 1 probability of winning state
    for 2 actions
  • Optimal implementation
  • Project A hW hL 0
  • Project B hL 0 hW J(B)/pB pA
  • Principals payoff V(w)
  • Project A pAR(W)
  • Project B pBR(W) - J(B)/pB pA
  • If it happens that v(W) V(L), the contract
    implementing project A solves the principals
    problem, but is not incentive efficient, because
    the project implementing B gives the agent
    strictly higher utility.

Corner solution example
  • In previous example, the agent gets 0 in state L
    regardless of which action (project, effort
    level) he chooses. You might think this is due to
    risk neutrality, but corner solutions are
    possible even when U(0) ?. Suppose U(h) ha
    for 0 lt a lt 1.
  • U(0) is still 0, so the optimal incentive scheme
    implementing A in the above example is still h(w)
  • To implement B, the optimal scheme is h(L) 0
    and h(W) J(B)/(pB pA)(1/a)
  • Thus it is not always safe to simply assume
    interior solutions
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