Washington Legislative Update - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Washington Legislative Update


Full-time speech language therapists with a master's degree working exclusively ... Overall spending is $3.55 trillion - $146.2 billion less than Obama's proposal ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Washington Legislative Update

  • Washington Legislative Update
  • Or
  • Perkins Reform and Thoughts on Surviving It
  • COHEAO Mid-Year Conference
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • August 3, 2009
  • Harrison M. Wadsworth
  • Executive Director
  • Coalition of Higher Education Assistance
  • Principal, Washington Partners, LLC
  • hwadsworth_at_wpllc.net
  • 202-289-3910
  • www.coheao.org

Presentation Outline
  • HEOA Followup
  • New Administration, New Congress
  • Presidents Budget HE Overview
  • Presidents Budget New Perkins
  • Response to Budget Proposal
  • Appropriations
  • Whats Next?

HEOA and Perkins Loans
  • Reauthorizes Program through 2015.
  • Increases the authorized Federal Capital
    Contribution from 250 million to 300 million
    for FY2009-2014, the maximum length of time
  • Authorized does not mean appropriated, but
    authorization is needed before appropriation
    normally can happen.

HEOA and Perkins
  • Permits transfer of 25 of annual appropriation
    of College Work Study annual appropriation to
    Perkins Loan fund, at campuss discretion
  • Treated as additional FCC
  • Transfer from Perkins to CWS, SEOG still
  • Transfer from CWS to SEOG still permitted
  • Increases annual Perkins Loan limits to 5,500
    for undergraduates, 8,000 for graduates
  • Expands consolidation loan disclosures
  • Remember when that was a problem?

HEOA and Perkins
  • Deletes requirement that forbearance requests be
  • Loan Rehabilitation 9 on time payments needed,
    not 12
  • No other changes
  • Increases book allowance from 450 to 600 per
    year in cost of attendance
  • Death or disability discharge of Perkins loans
    made consistent with how a loan is discharged in
    FFELP and Direct Loans.

HEOA and Perkins
  • Loan Cancellation Expanded to include, for all
    Perkins loans
  • Full-time staff members in a prekindergarten or
    child care program that is licensed or regulated
    by the state
  • Full-time public defenders
  • Full-time faculty members at a tribally
    controlled university
  • Librarians with a masters degree in library
    science who are employed in a school served under
    Title I of the ESEA, or a public library serving
    a Title I school
  • Full-time speech language therapists with a
    masters degree working exclusively in Title I
  • Full-time firefighters.
  • Member of the armed forces who served in an area
    of hostility, at the rate of 15 for the 1st and
    2nd years of service 20 for the 3rd and 4th
    years of service and 30 for the 5th year of

HEAO on Loan Assignment
  • Mandatory assignment of a loan by ED only allowed
    if school knowingly fails to maintain acceptable
    collection record on defaulted loan, or
  • School leaves the Perkins Program.
  • Referral program to ED still permitted but not
    required. New collected funds MUST BE returned
    to institution that assigned them every six
    months, less 30 collection cost.
  • Voluntary assignment repealed but Department
    continues to permit under general authority to
    protect the federal fiscal interest. (Same
    authority they wanted to use for mandatory
  • No funds being returned to the School

Congress Makes Itself Clear on Mandatory
  • From the Statement of Managers
  • The Conferees note that the Secretary of
    Education lacks the authority under this section
    to require assignment of defaulted Perkins loans.
    Furthermore, it is the intent of the Conferees
    that any funds collected from defaulted Perkins
    loans, including loans that have been assigned to
    the Department of Education for additional
    collection activities, be returned to the
    institutions revolving fund and available for
    new loans to future students.

More from Congress on Mandatory Assignment
  • The Conferees intend to prohibit administrative
    measures that would weaken the program by
    reducing the Perkins Loan funds available to lend
    to students. For this reason, the Conferees
    agreed to provisions clarifying that the
    Secretary is only permitted to require the
    assignment of defaulted Perkins Loans to the
    Secretary when an institution of higher education
    has knowingly failed to maintain collection
    records. The fact that a loan has been in
    default for any period of time does not mean that
    the institution has failed to perform due
    diligence in its collection and is not grounds
    for the Secretary to require the assignment of
    the loan.

Congress on Perkins Keep it
  • It is the sense of Congress that the Federal
    Perkins Loan Program, which provides low-interest
    loans to help needy students finance the costs of
    postsecondary education, is an important part of
    Federal student aid, and should remain a
    campus-based aid program at colleges and

Other HEOA Highlights
  • Disclosures of college costs, listings of price
    increasers, decreasers
  • ED compiles information, publishes on website
  • Schools have to say why they raised prices
  • FAFSA simplified
  • Adopts student loan sunshine rules, similar to
    those already in regs
  • Private loan pricing disclosure, sunshine regs
  • Year-round Pell Grants
  • More aid and support for military, veterans
  • More support for those with disabilities

The 111th Congress
  • Senate
  • House
  • 60 Democrats
  • 40 Republicans
  • Before
  • 51 Democrats
  • 49 Republicans
  • Two Democrats are in ill health and have missed
    most of the session Byrd (WV) and Kennedy (MA)
  • 257 Democrats
  • 178 Republicans
  • Before
  • 236 Democrats
  • 199 Republicans

President Obamas Department of ED 2009-2012
  • Arne Duncan Secretary friend from Chicago
  • Bob Shireman Deputy Undersecretary
  • Mike Smith Senior Advisor
  • Martha Kanter, Under Secretary
  • Carmel Martin, Assistant Secretary for Planning,
    Evaluation and Policy Development
  • Gaby Gomez, Asst. Secty for Legislation and
    Congressional Relations (former Cong. Staff)
  • Dan Madzelan Acting Asst. for Postsecondary Ed
  • Peter Cunningham, Assistant Secretary for
    Communications and Outreach
  • Emma Vadehra, Depty Asst. Secty for Planning,
    Evaluation, Policy Development
  • White House Ed. Advisor James Kvaal
  • OMB Ed. Asst. Director Robert Gordon
  • William Taggart COO/Head of FSA

HEOA Neg Reg Team 2 School Based Loan Issues
  • Consensus Achieved, Draft Regs published
  • Others will provide details
  • Lots of focus on Preferred Lender Lists Private
    and FFELP
  • Perkins mandatory assignment changes dropped from
  • New private loan rules apply to schools
  • Federal Reserve drafts Truth In Lending Act regs
  • Comment period closed 5-26-09
  • COHEAO, NASFAA, NAICU, NACUBO, ACE joint comments
    submitted to FED.
  • Final regs published July 30, 2009.

Private Loan Regs
  • Exemption provided for institutional loans of 90
    days or less.
  • Exemption provided for tuition payment plans with
    no interest rate applied and the term of the
    transaction is not more than one year.
  • Exemption applies even if more than four
    installment payments, a change from previous
  • Borrower self-certification still required, but
    e-signed forms OK.

Congresss Budget Process
  • Appropriations for FY 2010 passed in Feb.
  • Perkins cancellations increased by 2.837
    million, first increase in years. No FCC
  • FY2010 Budget Resolution
  • Final budget passed along party lines
  • Overall spending is 3.55 trillion - 146.2
    billion less than Obamas proposal
  • Includes 530 billion in domestic discretionary
  • Function 500 (includes Education) is 89.4
    billion in discretionary spending which is 5.6
    billion more than FY09

Congresss Budget Process
  • Budget Resolution sets stage for Major Policy
  • Reconciliation process tells Committees to write
    legislation saving 1 billion from education.
  • Reconciliation passes Senate by simple majority
    no filibusters
  • Fast Track to change Thats where Perkins
    changes, Pell entitlement, elimination of the
    FFELP may occur
  • Wild Card Health care reform included

Stimulus Package Student aidAmerican Recovery
and Reinvestment Act
  • Pell Grant max increased 500 for 2 yrs
  • Hope tax credit raised to 2,500 per year,
    extended to four years, made 40 refundable
  • Work Study funding raised by 200 million for
  • 100 million for teacher education
  • Huge amounts of funding for K-12 doubled ED

Obama Budget for 2010
  • Financial Aid Changes
  • Increase Pell Grant max to 5,550, make an
    automatic entitlement, increase 1 over CPI every
  • Eliminate FFEL Program all schools to DLP for
  • Continue expanded tax credits
  • Eliminate Perkins Loan Program
  • Create New Perkins Loan Program

Budget FY 2010 Perkins
  • New Perkins program new Unsubsidized Direct
    Stafford Program
  • Funding 6 billion a year mandatory
    permanent appropriation
  • Schools expanded from 1,800 to 4,400
  • Federal share of current loans sent to ED
  • 5 interest charged in school and grace
  • All new loan servicing done by ED
  • Old loans serviced by schools
  • New by FFELP Put/DL Contractors
  • Cancellation benefits same as Stafford

Budget FY 2010 Perkins
  • Administration says
  • 2.7 million more students get loans
  • Loans targeted to needy students and the schools
    they attend Schools with many Pell recipients
  • Colleges encouraged to control tuition
  • Current formula sends more funds to schools with
    higher tuitions. New formula would encourage cost
    control and targeting of grants to prevent
    excessive indebtedness
  • Budget rules require ED servicing
  • Arcane federal accounting/scoring rules

New Perkins COHEAO Views
  • COHEAO comments submitted as Testimony to House
    Education and Labor Committee (see web site)
  • Increased funding welcome!
  • Expansion to more schools welcome!
  • With funding, less controversy over allocation
  • Keep servicing at schools, if they wish
  • Funding stream necessary to pay servicing costs
  • Keep in-school interest benefit for students
  • Keep Perkins unique cancellation benefits
  • Institutions retain their contributions (historic
    matches plus interest and fees, plus overmatches
    or loans) if revolving funds sent to Washington

New Perkins COHEAO Views
  • Existing borrowers retain cancellation benefits,
    schools are reimbursed their share
  • Institutional match supported, similar to
    longstanding match requirements (lots of new cash
    not possible)
  • Current institutions held harmless receive
    new allocations of at least the annual average
    over past five years.
  • Can compete for additional allocations
  • Allocation of new funds based on of low income
    students so all institutions receive minimum
    threshold of funding
  • Retain 5 fixed interest rate
  • Retain campus-based student allocation process

House Loan Bill, HR 3221
  • Education and Labor Committee approved July 22
    30-17 vote
  • Partisan all Dems, only 2 Rs voted yes.
  • House action likely Sept. 9 or 10
  • Some changes possible then
  • Senate HELP Committee staff just starting
    drafting process
  • Most of the attention on FFELP vs. DLP, only now
    on Perkins
  • Senate Committee Action by October 15, full
    Senate to follow
  • Health care legislation affects Senate more than
    House Reconciliation or not?

House Bill, HR 3221
  • The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act
  • Republicans attacking fiscal responsibility
  • Creates Federal Direct Perkins Loan Program in
    Part D of the HEA, the direct loan section.
  • Current Perkins Program, Part E, repealed as of
    July 1, 2010.
  • Existing loans retain same terms
  • Some students would have both types of Perkins
  • Same Terms as Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans
    except interest rate is 5, allocation is
    limited, loan limits same as current Perkins.
  • Interest charged during in-school, grace periods
  • Grace period reduced to 6 months
  • Loan cancellations same as Direct after 10
    years of repayment in public service occupation
  • Institutions required to pay matching funds in
    unspecified amount into escrow account For the
    purpose of providing loan benefits to borrowers.
  • Servicing and collections by ED contractors

HR 3221
  • Complex new allocation formulas designed to
    pressure schools to hold down tuition and fees,
    enroll low-income students
  • Half of funds allocated according to self-help
    need of current Perkins schools (they are held
  • Quarter of funds allocated among schools whose
    average tuition and fees, minus average
    institutional aid and discounts, is less than the
    average for the schools sector. Sectors same as
    those created by HEAO for cost reporting
  • Quarter of funds allocated based on how many
    students who ever got a Pell Grant are graudated.

HR 3221
  • Schools can continue servicing existing loans or
    assign to ED. Administrative fee paid of .50 of
    outstanding interest and principal
  • Federal share of repayments sent to ED,
    institutional share can be used for any purpose.
  • For existing Perkins, voluntary assignment
    clearly restored, with institution allowed to
    keep it share.
  • Compromises on defaulted loan repayments are
  • Mandatory assignment OK if institution fails to
    maintain acceptable collection record knowingly
    or not.

HR 3221 Other Issues
  • Terminates FFEL Program 7/1/10
  • Servicing done by ED contractors, but non-profits
    get to service 100,000 loans made at schools in
    their home states.
  • College completion and Innovation Fund 600
    million annually in grants for 5 years.
  • Grad and prof. students can still get subsidized
    Staffords (change from 1st version of the bill)
  • Sub Stafford rates variable after 2012 T-bill
    plus 2.5, capped at 6.8.
  • FFEL borrows can reconsolidate into DL
  • Pell Grants NOT an entitlement Appropriated
    amount plus extra increased from 490 to 690 a
    year, then increased at CPI plus 1 after that.
  • Community college Initiative 2.5 billion for
    modernization and construction, plus funds for
    workforce development
  • 5 billion for modernization, repair of public
  • 1.2 billion for HBCUs.
  • Early Learning Challenge Grant Program states
    offer grants for birth to 5 programs.
  • 10 billion for deficit reduction numbers

Criteria for Servicing Contracts
  • Who is included  "The Secretary shall, if
    practicable, award multiple contracts, through a
    competitive bidding process, to entities,
    including eligible not-for-profit servicers, to
    service loans originated under this part."
  • Criteria for contract award  "...price,
    servicing capacity, and capability, and may take
    into account the capacity and capability to
    provide default aversion activities and outreach
  • Special considerations  "In awarding contracts
    to such State agencies, and such eligible
    not-for-profit servicers, the Secretary shall, to
    the extent practicable and consistent with the
    purposes of this part, give special consideration
    to State agencies and such servicers with a
    history of high quality performance and
    demonstrated integrity in conducting operations
    with institutions of higher education and the
  • Non-profit servicers appear to get guaranteed
    allocation "Notwithstanding any other provision
    of this section, in each State where one or more
    eligible not-for-profit servicer has its
    principal place of business, the Secretary shall
    contract with each such servicer to service loans
    originated under this part on behalf of borrowers
    attending institutions located within such State,
    provided that the servicer demonstrates that it
    meets the standards for servicing Federal assets
    and agrees to service the loans at a competitive
    market rate, as determined by the Secretary."

Criteria for Servicing Contracts
  • Secretary's determination of competitive market
    rate   "In determining such a competitive market
    rate, the Secretary may take into account the
    volume of loans serviced by the servicer.
    Contracts awarded under this paragraph shall be
    subject to the same requirements for quality,
    performance, and accountability as contracts
    awarded under paragraph (2) for similar
  • Allocation of volume to non-profit servicers 
    "Lesser of loans of 100,000 borrowers (which
    would include loans of borrowers who had used
    servicer previously) OR the loans of all
    borrowers attending institutions within the
  • Additional allocation at discretion of
    Secretary  "The Secretary may allocate
    additional servicing rights to an eligible
    not-for-profit servicer based on the performance
    of such servicer, as determined by the Secretary,
    including performance in the areas of customer
    service and default aversion."
  • Secretary will make all attempts to avoid split
    servicing of loans. 

COHEAO Actions
  • COHEAO is working closely with Higher Ed
    Community, Administration and Congress, will
    continue to do so
  • Higher Ed Community Perkins Working Group
    includes COHEAO
  • Some divergence from COHEAO priorities
  • C2 Group hired on three-month contract to help
    with lobbying focus on the Senate.
  • Most important grassroots support

Perkins in the Future
  • Weigh in keep the benefits of the current
    Perkins Program while supporting expansion so
    many more students can benefit from it.
    Information on COHEAO activities, including
    position papers and sample letters, available at

  • COHEAO Mid-Year Conference
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • August 3, 2009
  • Harrison M. Wadsworth
  • Executive Director
  • Coalition of Higher Education Assistance
  • Principal, Washington Partners, LLC
  • hwadsworth_at_wpllc.net
  • 202-289-3910
  • www.coheao.org
  • www.wpllc.net
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