Title: Meteor
Tim Cameron, NCHELP John Gill, Texas
Guaranteed NCHELP Summer Institute July 14-17,
2Meteor Out of the Box
- Whats on the Meteor CD?
- Installing Java or the JVM
- Installing the Application Server
- Installing the Access Provider Software
- Installing the Data Provider Software
- Installing MYSQL database
- Configuring the Access Provider
- Configuring the Data Provider
3Whats on the Meteor CD?
- Meteor installation and configuration
instructions - Windows platforms, Sun,IBM, Linux for
- Java
- Tomcat
- MySQL Database
- Meteor Software
- Access Provider
- Data Provider
- Index Provider
- Meteor source code
- Meteor Test Data
- High Performance Channel (HPC) software, code,
and documentation
4Installing Java or the JVM
- The following examples are simulating a windows
install. - On the CD find the directory
- D\Windows\Java Sun
- Double click
- j2sdk-1_4_0-win.exe
- Set your Environment variables
- Go to your control panel and click the system
icon - When the dialog box appears. Select the
Advanced tab. - Click the Environment Variables button.
- Click the new button
- Add the following in the variable name Box
JAVA_HOME - Add the following in the variable value Box
f\apps\java (Directory you installed java) - Click the ok buttons until the dialogs are
5Installing the Application Server
- On the CD find the directory
- D\Windows\Tomcat
- Double click
- jakarta-tomcat-4.0.4-b1.exe
- Set your Environment variables
- Go to your control panel and click the system
icon - When the dialog box appears. Select the
Advanced tab. - Click the Environment Variables button.
- Click the new button
- Add the following in the variable name Box
TOMCAT_HOME - Add the following in the variable value Box
f\app_servers\Tomcat (Directory you installed
tomcat) - Click the ok buttons until the dialogs are closed.
6Testing the Application Server
- Start Tomcat from the menu.
- Execute a web browers like Internet Explorer.
- Enter a url like
- http//jdlr.com8080/index.html
- http//localhost8080/index.html
- You should see the Jakarta main page.
7Meteor Software Install
- Stop Tomcat from the menu.
- On the CD find the directorys and files
- D\Meteor\AccessProvider\dist
- AccessProvider.war
- D\Meteor\DataProvider\dist
- DataProvider.war
- Copy the war files to the Tomcat web-apps
directory - Start Tomcat
- Stop Tomcat (When you see that it created the
Access Provider and Data Provider directories. - You have just completed the meteor install.
8Installing MySQL Database
- On the CD find the directories and files
- mysql-3.23.49-win.zip
- Unzip to a temp directory
- From the temp directory. Execute setup.exe
- Go through the install.
9Creating a database
- Go to the mysql bin directory and execute
- Winmysqladmin.exe
- A dialog of my admin should appear
- Go to the Databases tab
- Right click and in the databases area. Dialog
should appear. - Enter Meteor
- Click Create Database
- Close all dialogs.
- You have just created the database
10Creating your Meteor Tables
- On the cd find
- D\Meteor\DataProvider\etc
- meteor.mysql.ddl
- Go to the windows command prompt and type
- Mysql
- Connect meteor
- At the mysql prompt, type source
meteor.mysql.ddl The database schema will be
created. Verify this with the command show
tables. - You have just created the tables for meteor.
11MySQL Setting Up a User Account
- From the mysql prompt
- mysql u root mysql
- UPDATE USER SET PasswordPASSWORD(new_password)
12Loading some test data
- At the MySQL prompt run
- source c/mysql/testdata/sbs/testcase500_load554.x
ml.txt ltentergt - To view data run
- select from person ltentergt
13Configuring the Access Provider
- You must now make several changes to the settings
files located in TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\AccessProvid
er\WEB-INF\classes - Accessprovider.properties
- Meteor.default.institution.id
- Some unique value that identifies your
organization. - Authentication.properties
- Authentication.signassertion
- Authentication.identifier
- Directory.properties
- Directory.providerurlLdap//x.x.x.x389
- (some URL for the directory provider LDAP server.
- Directory.basednDcdoe,dcorg
14Configuring a Data Provider
- Example of database connection
- Modify TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\DataProvider\WEB-INF\c
lasses\dataprovider.properties - Set the following keys to appropriate values for
your particular JDBC Database. - com.prioritytech.sample.JDBCClassorg.gjt.mm.mysql
.Driver - com.prioritytech.sample.JDBCURLjdbcmysql//local
host3306/meteor - com.prioritytech.sample.JDBCUserIDadmin
- com.prioritytech.sample.JDBCPasswordadmin
15Configuring a Data Provider
- Example of demographic information
- Set the following keys to values appropriate for
your organization. - DataProvider.Data.NamePriority Technologies,
Inc. - DataProvider.Data.IDED.PTI
- DataProvider.Data.URLhttp//www.prioritytech.com/
Meteor - DataProvider.Data.TypeSBS
- DataProvider.Data.Contacts.PhoneNum(402)
292-1212 - DataProvider.Data.Contacts.Emailmeteor_at_priorityte
ch.com - DataProvider.Data.Contacts.Addr1508 J F Kennedy
Dr. - DataProvider.Data.Contacts.Addr2Suite 101
- DataProvider.Data.Contacts.CityBellevue
- DataProvider.Data.Contacts.StateProvNE
- DataProvider.Data.Contacts.PostalCd68005
16Running Meteor Standalone
- For running Meteor without LDAP (demo /
stand-alone mode)in directory.properties change
directory.classfrom LDAPDirectoryto Properti
esDirectory Then populate (create file / get
from CD) directorydata.propertiesThen change
17Testing the Access Provider
- Start Tomcat from the menu.
- Go to http//localhost8080/AccessProvider/ and
test the system using a known SSN. The system
should return data (test SSN is often
987-65-4321). - Should see the Meteor screen.
- This completes the testing of a meteor setup
18Getting Ready for Production
- Before you can test and go into production within
the Meteor network you must obtain the following. - A digital certificate from a CA, like Verisign.
- You must present it to MAT to be signed.
- MAT will gather information needed to add you to
the LDAP registry. - They will add you to the LDAP registry.
- They will provide you with information to load
your properties files. - You will have to comply with all Meteor
19HELP ! Who can I call to get more information
- Until the RFP is awarded, you can contact the
Meteor Technical team members. They are listed on
a number of sites. - Meteor will be holding an installation seminar
soon after the final release. - E-mail me directly or post a question to the
Yahoo Tech site. All members of the technology
team receive the e-mails.