Title: METeOR update
1METeOR update
- David Braddock
- Nigel Mercer
2Agenda for this presentation
- System and website development update
- Help text and guides
- Content reengineering update
- Outcomes and implications
- Opportunity for comment and discussion
3System and website development update
- Solution selected
- Progress to date
- Timetable for software development
4Solution selected
- Synop (company), Sytadel (product)
- Content management system customisation
- Benefits of editing and version control within
Registry - XML-based
- Focus on portal and help
5Progress to date
- Synop commenced work in July
- User functional requirements analysis completed
- Use case analysis
- Data architecture and website architecture
documents produced
6Progress to date
- First release to AIHW October 1
- 87 object classes loaded as test
- Graphic design for web-site ongoing, including
logo - Administrator and web-content developer training
7Help text and guides
- Important element of METeOR to make the site
user-friendly and to support users in
understanding metadata - Provide support for metadata developers
- Status
- Plan developed (AIHW)
- Timetable December/January
8Help text and guides
- 3-level model
- Metadata standards help
- What is a standard, how developed etc.
- METeOR help
- About the site, how to find/create metadata
- Contextual help
- Fields, buttons etc.
9Timetable for system development
- Original version October 1
- Prototyping, development and refinement October
January - Create and load help December/January
- Load final metadata January 2005
- Testing and release February 2005
- Publicly available March 2005
10Content reengineering - status
- 972 items from current Data Dictionaries and
Knowledgebase - 603 reengineered
- 369 not required e.g. superseded items
50 glossary items
Data element
Total 1821 metadata items (31 ratio)
12Content reengineering further work
- Related metadata items review each existing
relationship e.g. x supersedes y - Some made redundant by METeOR structures
- Identify and load new related data links
13Content reengineering further work
- Data Set Specifications (which include NMDSs)
- Load DSS item
- Link to Data elements
- Populate new attributes e.g. obligation, number
of occurrences, sequence, justification,
verification rules
14Content reengineering further work
- Add Registration Status values for each new item
e.g. Standard, Retired, Candidate - Check for new items added during project
- Work with NDDSU to address items in the
development cycle
15Content-reengineering timetable
- All items begun by end September 2004
- Definition of
- Object class groupings
- Property groups
- Review of all items
- Completed by end of December 2004
16Next development steps
- Prototype development of system and website
- First demonstrations for stakeholders
- Finalise content reengineering
- Once launched METeOR will deliver..
- A registry is consistent with new version of
ISO/IEC 11179 international standard - Metadata structures (object class, properties
etc) that show great promise for future
development and management of national metadata
- Metadata reengineered consistently defined and
stored across all sectors - Integrated items now stored only once
- Ability for different Registration Authorities
(sectors) to register items at different stages
in the standardisation process
- Website providing help and support for users
- Simple or complex searching and browsing to
locate metadata - Record interest in items with email alerts
- User session Basket of items of interest
- Ability to print or download (word or pdf)
- Developers can create metadata on-line, with help
to guide them - Groups of developers can collaborate and edit
- Submit to AIHW (as Registrar) when ready
- Defined process for metadata items to progress
through the Registry
- National data dictionaries with consistent format
- Significantly reduced time to produce national
dictionaries - Significantly improved functionality for the
Registrar to maintain and manage the metadata
contents - DSS structure more flexible and focussed on
aspects of data collection
- Glossary includes defined terms used in the
Registry - Number of issues/ inconsistencies/ deficiencies
apparent in existing metadata - Much more obvious in METeOR
- Unresolved issues
- Issues that will arise with the arrival of METeOR
25New definitional material
- Need to develop some new definitional material.
- For example, where object classes are identified
but where inadequate definitions are provided. - Authoritative references have been used, and the
sources quoted in most cases.
26Detailed metadata names
- Data element (DE) names reflect the Data Element
Concept (DEC) and the Value Domain (VD) names. - The DEC name reflects the Object Class and
Property name. - DE names will therefore be long, but meaningful
- Exploring options for short synonymous names
27Object class model
- Object classes continue to be the most difficult
area to communicate and for users to accept - User confusion with modelling
- User confusion over sub-types
- Potential for overlap with properties
- Need to balance technical correctness with
usability - Subjective everyone has a view about which
object classes need to be created
28Object class model
- Object classes have only been identified where
justified by existing metadata content - The information presented in the object class
model does not replace that in the national
information model (i.e. different model for
different purpose)
29Object class model
- Object classes are primarily used in METeOR to
help users navigate to the metadata that they
need - This functionality replicates the now defunct use
of information model entities as an organising
framework for the national data dictionaries
30Environment e.g. associated resources, assets,
knowledge etc.
can be used to inform and assist
Person / group of persons, including their needs
and well-being
may lead to or contribute to
supports the organisation of
is the recipient of
31Implications for work of HDSC
- HDSC will need to review and provide comment on
metadata created in the new structures - HDSC will need to implement the new business
rules - AIHW can assist with training and support
- Suggestions welcome on training requirements
- Reengineering has highlighted distinction
between - Guiding standards i.e. where we want the world to
be or head towards - Application / implementation standards i.e. where
the world is right now (agreed) - Is there tension between the two? Is this a
problem? Do we need to distinguish?
- Risk minimisation plan developed
- System development
- Initial testing phase about to start on
interface, response times, usability not yet
34Impact on users
- Managing change to new content and structures
- Added complexity
- Longer names
- More components to a data element than previously
- Acceptance of changes made during reengineering
35Maintenance and sustainability
- Ongoing maintenance of METeOR and its content
will be critical - This will require resources
- IP negotiations with developer to ensure
commercial opportunities can be pursued - Any ideas to generate resources and ensure
sustainability of METeOR?
- Questions?
- Issues?
- Comments?