Title: Advanced GUI Components
1Chapter 2
- how to render HTML and Rich Text Format (RTF)
pages - how to do split panes and tabbed panes
- how to create MDI (multiple-document interfaces)
- how to do drag and drop
- how to use the Command Design Pattern (Action
Interface) - what Java mechanisms exist for multiple languages
and countries - what Java mechanisms exist for disabled users
(not covered)
3HTML and the JEditor Class
- JTextComponent - base class for other text
components - JTextField - single-line text component used for
simple user input, displaying calculation
results, etc. - JPassword, subclass of JTextField, used for
obtaining passwords. - JTextArea provides larger visible area, used for
plain-text documents. - JEditorPane provides enhanced text-rendering
capabilities. Can render html and rtf (rich text
format) documents. Enables hyperlinks if text is
not editable make your own web browser! - JTextPane renders only styled documents, not
plain text. Use for fine control over visual
display of document.
4Enhanced Pane Options
- JSplitPane provides a divider which users can
reposition. - JTabbedPane uses folder-style tabs to provide
access to different panels. - JScrollPane provides a container that enables
5Multiple-Document Interfaces
- Multiple Document Interfaces (MDI) allow users to
view multiple documents in a single application. - Each document appears in a separate window.
- JDesktopPane and JInternalFrame are used to build
MDI applications. - JDesktopPane is the application's "desktop."
- JInternalFrame is similar to JFrame, with a title
bar and buttons to iconify etc.
6Swing toolbars
- JToolbar allows toolbars to be added to GUI
- Can modify appearance, "dock" toolbar on top,
side or bottom, can be a floating toolbar. - A toolbar is a container, so it can contain other
GUI components. - Orientation specifies how child components are
arranged. Default is horizontal.
7Command design pattern/Action Interface
- Design issue it's good for an application to
provide multiple ways to perform a function
(e.g., menu, toolbar, pop-up menu). BUT, don't
want to repeat functionality in multiple places. - Solution define functionality once in a reusable
object that can be accessed via menu, toolbar,
etc. - Action interface defines required methods for
Command design pattern. - Extends ActionListener so it can process
ActionEvents generated by GUI components. - Uses an actionPerformed method that is invoked
when the user requests an action (e.g., by
clicking a button). - Can add an Action to a JMenu, which causes the
JMenu to create a JMenuItem, using the Action
properties to configure the JMenuItem. - Ex fileMenu.add(exitAction)
- // creates menu item with properties determined
by exitAction - Can enable/disable all GUI components by
enabling/disabling the Action. Action items are
enabled by default. Can use setEnabled to change.
8Command/Action cont.
- Class AbstractAction implements Action. It's
abstract because actionPerformed is not defined.
It also implements Cloneable and Serializable. - Each Action has properties (key/value
combination). The keys are - NAME (component label)
- MNEMONIC_KEY (menu items)
- ACTION_COMMAND_KEY (retrieves command string used
in ActionEvents), - LONG_DESCRIPTION (e.g., for help).
- Use putValue to set properties.
9Drag and Drop
- Two Java APIs used in drag-and-drop data
transfers - java.awt.datatransfer enables copying and moving
within a single application. - Data can be transferred from a data source to a
data target. - API enables programs to recognize drag-and-drop
gestures. - Class DropTarget is associated with a Component
via a call to the DropTarget constructor. Other
optional parameters to the constructor include an
integer that represents acceptable actions, a
DropTargetListener and a boolean that determines
whether the target is currently accepting drops.
- Methods of DropTarget include some which deal
with events (e.g., drop, dragOver), methods
dealing with auto scrolling (e.g.,
updateAutoScroll), methods to manage listeners
(e.g., removeDropTargetListener) and others.
10Drag and Drop cont.
- DropTargetListener interface includes methods
dragEnter, dragExit, dragOver, drop and
dropActionChanged. - DnDConstants include ACTION_COPY, ACTION_MOVE,
ACTION_LINK and ACTION_NONE. - Class DropTargetDropEvent is delivered when an
object is dropped. It reports the source drop
actions (DnDConstant, drop options supported by
source) and the user drop action (depends on
modifier keys ctrlshift link, ctrl copy,
shift move). User drop action will be
ACTION_NONE if the selected option is not
supported by the drag source. - The getTransferable method of DropTargetDropEvent
can be used to access the Transferable object
associated with the drop. - Class DataFlavor represents the data format used
during drag and drop, in the clipboard, or in a
file system. It provides static constants that
can be used for comparison to common formats.
11Drag and Drop
JEditorPane (our program - WebBrowserPane)
html doc rtf doc text doc
associates handler
DropTargetHandler (implements DropTargetListener)
dragEnter dragExit dragOver drop dropActionChanged
drop get Transferable from event check
DataFlavor (image, fileList, string, MIME
etc.) event.acceptDrop process (we
goToURL) event.dropComplete indicates success
- Process of preparing an application for
distribution in multiple locales - A locale identifies the language, currency,
character set, date formats etc. for a particular
country or region. - To internationalize, replace hard-coded strings
such as labels, tooltips etc. with strings
contained in a ResourceBundle. - The ResourceBundle class includes a static method
getBundle which is used to load application
specific strings. - The getString method of ResourceBundle is used to
retrieve strings. The parameter to getString
should match one of the strings listed in the
resource file. - NumberFormat and DateFormat classes can use
information about the locale when producing
output. For example, the format command of
DateFormat can take both a Date and Locale as
arguments. - Internationalized applications must use Unicode,
the 16-bit character code that includes symbols
from many different languages (more than can be
represented in the 8-bit ASCII code). Java
always uses Unicode, but data generated by other
applications might not be.
13Format of the resource file
- Files must be named properly to be associated
with various locales. - The filename for the default Locale is ltfile name
matching parameter to getBundlegt.properties - Ex StringsAndLabels.properties
- For other locales, the name is ltfile name
matching parameter_languageCode_countryCodegt.prope
rties - ExStringsAndLabels_fr_FR.properties.
- Escape characters in the resource file should be
Unicode escape sequences, which are \u followed
by four hexadecimal digits. - ISO language codes are available at
- ISO country codes are available at
- www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html
- Properties for English English language strings
for internationalized WebBrowser application
titleapplicationTitle Deitel Web Browser
title for WebToolBartoolBarTitle Web
Navigation tooltip for forward toolbar
buttonforwardToolTip Next Page tooltip for
back buttonbackToolTip Previous Page
15Example cont.
- Properties for French
- French language strings for internationalized
WebBrowser tooltip for back buttonbackToolTip
Page pr\u00E9c\u00E9dente application
titleapplicationTitle Logiciel de Navigation
de Deitel title for WebToolBartoolBarTitle
Navigation des Pages sur la Toile tooltip for
forward toolbar buttonforwardToolTip Prochaine
16Obtaining a list of Locales
- import java.text.DateFormat
- import java.util.Locale
- public class Locales
- public static void main(String args)
- // Locale class contains the default location
- System.out.println("Default locale is "
Locale.getDefault()) -
- // Date Format class maintains list of all
locales - Locale locales DateFormat.getAvailableLoca
les() - String spaces " "
- for (int i 0 i lt locales.length i)
- if (localesi.getCountry() ! "") // omit
locales with only language - // add spaces to keep columns aligned
- System.out.println(localesi
spaces.substring(localesi.toString().length()) - localesi.getDisplayName())
17Seeing Number Formats
- / Formats numbers, currency, and percents, first
in the - default locale, then using a language and
country passed - as program arguments.
- /
- import java.text.NumberFormat
- import java.util.Locale
- public class Numbers
- public static void main(String args)
- NumberFormat numDefault NumberFormat.getNumb
erInstance() - NumberFormat curDefault NumberFormat.getCurr
encyInstance() - NumberFormat perDefault NumberFormat.getPerc
entInstance() - System.out.println("Max fraction digits "
numDefault.getMaximumFractionDigits()) - double d 12345.67899
- System.out.println(numDefault.format(d))
- System.out.println(curDefault.format(d))
- System.out.println("Min fraction digits "
numDefault.getMinimumFractionDigits()) - System.out.println(perDefault.format(d))
18Seeing Date Formats
- import java.text.DateFormat
- import java.util.Locale
- import java.util.Calendar
- import java.util.GregorianCalendar
- import java.util.Date
- public class DateTime
- public static void main(String args)
- Calendar calendar new GregorianCalendar(2000
,6,4,14,10,5) - Date theFourth calendar.getTime()
- DateFormat fullDefault DateFormat.getDateTim
eInstance - (DateFormat.FULL,DateFormat.FULL) // style for
date and time - DateFormat longDefault DateFormat.getDateTim
eInstance (DateFormat.LONG,DateFormat.LONG) - DateFormat mediumDefault DateFormat.getDateT
imeInstance (DateFormat.MEDIUM,DateFormat.MEDIUM)
- DateFormat shortDefault DateFormat.getDateTi
meInstance (DateFormat.SHORT,DateFormat.SHORT) - DateFormat justDate DateFormat.getDateInstan
ce() - DateFormat justTime DateFormat.getTimeInstan
ce() - System.out.println(fullDefault.format(theFourt
h)) - System.out.println(longDefault.format(theFourt
- MessageFormat provides a means to produce
concatenated messages in language-neutral way. - Ex The date is Tuesday, July 4, 2000
- First part (The date is ) is constant.
- Actual date format will vary with location.
- String s The date is 0
- String formatted MessageFormat.format(s,
20Chapter 2 Exercises
- Read/execute web browsers. Next homework will
involve web browsing. - Add another action to ActionSample. Be sure to
update toolbar, menu and add a button. - Add another country to BrowserLauncher.