Title: Dia 1
1Figure 8.1 James Meade (1907-1995)
2Figure 8.2 Tariff reductions in successive GATT
3Figure 8.3 Impact of tariff partial
equilibrium, small country
4Figure 8.4 Impact of tariff partial
equilibrium, large country
5Figure 8.5 Impact of tariff in general
6Figure 8.6 Tariffs a double distortion
7Figure 8.7 Production (square), consumption
(circle), and relative price of Manufactures
8Figure 8.8 Derivation of the offer curve
9Figure 8.9 Determination of trade equilibrium
with offer curves
10Figure 8.10 Trade equilibrium if Austria imposes
a 40 tariff
11Figure 8.11 Derivation of trade indifference
12Figure 8.12 The 'optimal' tariff
13Figure 8.13 Tariffs and retaliation
14Figure 8.14 Human-capital intensive manufacturing
exports share, 1998
15Figure 8.15 USA average tariffs, 1821-1992