Title: Graduate Student Senate General Meeting
1Graduate Student Senate General Meeting
2Meeting Agenda
- Indian Consulate General Lecture
- Global Union Collaboration
- Graduate Research Review Update
- Unit Rep Appreciation
- Graduate Appreciation Week
- Announcements
- Open Floor
3Global Union
- Representation
- Meetings Wednesdays 415-500 in the GU
- Dates 2/6, 2/20, 3/12, 3/26, 4/9, and 4/23
- Collaboration
- Graduate Student Appreciation Week
- Friday, April 11, Lamberton Hall
- International Grad Student Idol competition?
- Showcase our clubs
- Any other suggestions?
- Volunteers?
4Graduate Research Review Update
- Call for abstracts
- http//www.lehigh-gss.org/grr/abstract.php
- ingrr_at_lehigh.edu
- Email ingrr_at_lehigh.edu
5Graduate Research Review Update
- Conferences for academic year 2007-2008 (March 1st
2007- June 30th 2008)Unit Reps- please promote
abstract submission!If your department has not re
ceived an e-mail invitation to submit please let
us know!Photo submission for cover art-you can
submit photos electronically to ingrr_at_lehigh.edu
Photos submissions should contain1. your informa
tion (name, dept, advisor)2. type of photo3. typ
e of researchAs always if you'd like to voluntee
r let us know!
6Graduate Research Review Email
Fellow Students, I would like to invite you all
to contribute your abstracts for the Graduate
Research Review, a new publication sponsored by
fellow students through the Graduate Student
Senate. We are accepting abstracts for posters
and talks presented at scientific and
professional conferences. Currently, web
submission is available at http//www.lehigh-gs
s.org/grr/abstract.php It should as easy as
copying and pasting. The submitted abstract
must have been presented at a conference between
Mar. 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. The deadline for
submission is Feb 29. The Graduate Research
Review will be published shortly thereafter, and
a reception is to follow near the end of the
semester. Thank you all, and have a great day.
7Unit Rep Appreciation
- Lehigh vs. Bucknell Mens Basketball Game
- Wednesday, Feb. 27
- Dinner Game Free for Unit Reps
- See Holly to sign up
8Graduate Appreciation Week
Volunteers Needed
Monday, April 7 Ice Cream Social (330 to
530) 0 (Tower Room) Tuesday, April 8 Pizza
Taste-Off (1130 to 130) 12 judges (Lamberton
) 8 helpers Wednesday, April 9 Dessert
Reception (3-5 p.m.) 2 (Maginnes
Lobby) Thursday, April 10 Advisor/Advisee
Luncheon 0 (Wood Dining Room) Spa
Night 2 (Location TBA) Friday, April
11 GSS/Global Union Party ? (Lamberton?) Satu
rday, April 12 Saucon Village Picnic 5
- Dont forget to renew your health insurance if
necessary! - Arts Lehigh Mini-Grants
- www.artslehigh.org
- Lehigh Commencement Speaker 2009
- Science Fair Judges
- Dead of Winter Party
- Friday, Feb. 22
- Free food and drinks
- Co-sponsored by CSSA
- Next Meeting
- Visit from new Lehigh Ombudspersons
- Other guest speaker requests?
11Open Floor
- Any issues/concerns/suggestions for future
12GSS Executive Board
- President, Hannah Dailey
- General questions, university administration
- Vice President, Holly Richendrfer
- General questions, committees
- Treasurer, Federico Halpern
- Budget, finances, graduate clubs
- Secretary, Markus Gnerlich
- Minutes, records
- Communications, Stephen Lee-Urban
- Website, unit rep updates
- Grants, Veronica Howell
- Travel grants status
- Historian, Marie Maradeo
- GSS history, event photos, constitutional updates