Title: Basel Protocol Financial limits and insurance
1Basel Protocol Financial limits and insurance
- Katarína Lenková
- SEA CWEM Bratislava, Slovak Republic
- Warsaw, 18 20 January 2006
2Insurance and regulations
- Environment
- Transportation
- Banking and insurance
3Environmental legislation (1)
- Law No 443/2004 Coll. whereby the Law No 223/2001
Coll. on wastes is amended and supplemented
(effective as from 1 August 2004) - Financial security
- Guarantee
- Equivalent insurance
4Environmental legislation (2)Guarantee
- Notifier
- Ministry of Environment
- Amount of guarantee depends on
- Provable costs on waste transport
- Costs on waste disposal/recovery
- in the amount of one and a half multiple of these
5Environmental legislation (3)Guarantee
- Calculation formula
- (Length of route30 costs of disposalwaste
amount for one transport) 1.5 - Rate per ton of waste
- Landfilling HW 100 Non-HW 50
- Incineration HW 500 Non-HW 83
6Environmental legislation (4)Guarantee
- Guarantee is furnished in the bank or foreign
bank branch by earmarking funds on unlimited time
period in favour of the Ministry of Environment - Guarantee will be returned to notifier
- after submission of confirmation on waste
disposal in environmentally sound manner - if the notifier proves that transboundary
movements were cancelled or will not be effected -
7Environmental legislation (5)Guarantee
- Guarantee does not cover liability for damage
under the Basel Protocol and therefore it is an
insufficient measure. - Slovakia applies guarantee in transboundary
movements of wastes
8Environmental legislation (6)Equivalent insurance
- Is practically an insurance that covers provable
costs on transboundary movements and costs on
waste disposal/recovery in the amount of one and
a half multiple of these costs. - Financial security of this kind is not used in
9Environmental legislation (7)
- Law No 261/2002 Coll. on prevention of major
industrial accidents and on amending and
supplementing certain laws - The operator is obliged to
- - make a contract on liability insurance for the
damage, or - - ensure financial coverage of reliability for
damage incurred as a result of industrial hazard
- The Law is not applied to the transport of HW or
10Legislation of transportation
- Road transportation Law No 168/1996 Coll. on
road transportation - Railway transportation Law No 164/1996 Coll. on
railroads and on the change of the Law No
455/1991 Coll. on enterpreneurship, as amended -
- Both laws set inter alia a duty of liability
insurance of carrier the insurance covers a
material damage and also a loss of life or bodily
11Regulations concerning banking and insurance (1)
- Law No 483/2001 Coll.on banks describes bank
duties and their activities - Law No 95/2002 Coll. on insurance policy sets
up the insurance operations, i.e., making
insurance contracts and defining insurance types
and individual insurance groups
12Regulations concerning banking and insurance (2)
- Individual insurance groups
- insurance of damages on
- road transportation vehicles other than tracked
- transportation vehicles tracked
- inland navigation vessels
- insurance of damage during carriage of goods
including baggage, and other property regardless
of transportation vehicles used
13Regulations concerning banking and insurance (3)
- insurance of damages on other property caused by
fire, explosion, etc. - liability insurance (damages done by use of motor
vehicles or carriers damage) - general liability insurance for damage based on
the generally binding regulation concluded e.g.
by driver, etc. - insurance of guarantee
- insurance of different financial losses
14Regulations concerning banking and insurance (4)
- Liability insurance of damage to environment is
not a common product on insurance market in
Slovakia. - Reasons
- Damage to environment will appear after several
years from the proper pollution - Risks of human activity cannot be assessed in
advance - Negative impacts on environment and their extent
cannot be assessed in advance -
- For these reasons, the liability for damage of
environment is not a subject of insurance.
15Regulations concerning banking and insurance (5)
16Financial limits
- In the SR no financial limits of liability are
set in the light of the Protocol - Insurance companies do not offer specific
products concerning transboundary movements of
wastes or environmental damage - Even the minimum financial limits of liability in
the light of the Basel Protocol are relatively
17Basel Protocol
- Thank you for your attention
- E-mail lenkova_at_sazp.sk