Title: Continuations, Backtracking and Limits: a notion of
1Continuations, Backtracking and Limitsa notion
of Construction for Classical Logic(Ongoing
work)Kyoto, November 2004
Stefano Berardi, Semantic of Computation
group C.S. Dept., Turin University,
2Abstract of the talk
- We describe Classical Principles in term of
constructions, of a general kind, learning a
value by trial-and-error, rather than computing
it exactly. - This notion of construction may be described
in term of continuations and backtracking, or by
Coquands game interpretation, or by Hayashis
Limit Interpretation.
3 1. Heytings notion of construction
- Heyting defined a notion of construction for
a formula F. - For Heyting, a construction of F is something
computing all informations about F we expect from
a proof of F. - We will now introduce Heytings notion of
construction in some details. - Later, we will consider a generalization of it
- Limit Realizability.
4An inductive definition of a construction for a
formula F
- If F P(t1, , tn), with P decidable predicate,
then a construction of F is anything, provided F
is true. - If F F1?F2, then a construction r of F is any
pair lti,sgt, with i?1,2, and s construction of
Fi. - If F F1?F2, then a construction r of F is any
pair ltr1,r2gt, with r1 construction of F1, and r2
construction of F2.
5An inductive definition of a construction for a
formula F
- If F ?x?I.G(x), then a construction r of F is
any computable map - f I?constructions of G(x), for some x?I
- such that, for all x?I, f(x) is a construction of
G(x). - If F ?x.G(x), a construction r of F is a pair
lti,sgt, with i?I, and s construction of G(i).
6An inductive definition of a construction for a
formula F
- If F F1?F2, then a construction r of F is any
computable map - f constructions of F1?constructions of F2
- If F ?G, a construction of F is anything,
provided there is no construction of G.
7?0n- and ?02-formulas
- ?0n-formulas are all formulas
- A(x1, x2, ) ?x1?N. ?x2?N. . P(x1, x2, )
- with n alternating quantifiers, starting with ?,
and with P decidable. - ?0n-formulas are all formulas
- B(x1, x2, ) ?x1?N. ?x2?N. . P(x1, x2, )
- with n alternating quantifiers, starting with ?,
and with P decidable.
8Constructions as programs
- By unfolding definitions, a construction r for a
closed ?02-formula B ?x?N. ?y?N. P(x,y)
provides some map f, satisfying P(x,f(x)) for all
x?N. - If we think of B as a specification, a
construction for B provides some program f
satisfying the specification B.
9Intuitionistic and Classical Proofs
- EM (Excluded Middle) is the axiom schema
- ?x?N. A(x) ? ?A(x)
- n-EM is the axiom schema EM restricted to ?0n-
formulas. - Intuitionistic proofs are all proofs not using
Excluded Middle (in any equivalent form). - Classical proofs are proofs possibly using
Excluded Middle (in some form).
10Intuitionistic Proofs are constructions
- We may interpret any intuitionistic proof of F as
defining some construction of F, and therefore a
program if F is ?02-formula. - Programs extracted from proofs in this way are
usually very naive, but they are a starting point
in order to design real programs. - Constructive interpretation of Heyting is a
bridge between Mathematical proofs and
11Classical Proofs are not Heytings constructions
- There is no construction for Excluded Middle. Let
A(x) ?y?N.P(x,y) be any ?01-formula. By
unfolding definition, there is some construction
for the formula - ?x?N. A(x) ? ?A(x)
- if and only if there is some computable
characteristic map in N for A(x) (i.e. some
fN?N such that f(x)0 if and only if A(x) is
true). But for some P, there is no computable
characteristic map in N of A(x).
12Preliminary Conclusion
- Most Mathematical proofs are Classical. By what
we said, apparently, such proofs define no
program. Therefore they have no applicative
interest. - This preliminary conclusion, however, is false.
13Plan of the Talk
- We will define a relaxed notion of construction,
obtained from Heytings by replacing everywhere
computable with limit computable. - With this new notion of construction there is a
construction for Excluded Middle. Constructions
of closed ?02-formulas still correspond to
programs. - Before introducing limit computability, we give a
quick account of what is known about extraction
of programs from Classical Proofs.
14 2. A constructive content for Classical Logic
- Call PA (Peano Arithmetic) Arithmetic with
quantification over integers, Induction axiom for
all formulas, and Excluded Middle. - Call HA (Heyting Arithmetic) PA without Excluded
Middle. - Godel proved ?02-conservativity of PA w.r.t. HA
If B is a ?02-formula and PA proves B, then HA
proves B. Besides, there is a computable map
turning every proof of B in PA into a proof of
the same B in HA
15Classical proofs are programs
- If we interpret proofs in HA by constructions,
?02-conservativity implies that every proof in PA
of a ?02-formula B ?x?N. ?y?N. P(x,y) may be
turned into a program f such that P(x,f(x)). - ?02-conservativity is a bridge between
Mathematics and applications. - However, this result has also some limitations,
as we will see.
16Some limitations of ?02-conservativity result
- No intuitive explanation is given. How can
classical proofs of ?02-statements be programs,
if they use Excluded Middle, and there is no
construction for Excluded Middle? - As a consequence, we miss a global understanding
of the program we extract from a proof. This
means that, if the program is naive, as usually
is, we have no way of making it better. Therefore
we have no real way of using it.
17A refinement of ?02-conservativity result
- The first refinement of ?02-conservativity is due
to Griffin (around 1980). - Griffin defined a programming language in which
classical proofs could both be written and
executed lambda calculus with Continuations. - Griffins programming language was simplified by
Parigot (??calculus), and by Berardi (symmetric
? calculus). Eventually Curien and Herbelin
merged the last two calculus, defining symmetric
??calculus (possibly the best so far).
18Continuations and Classical Logic
- There is a common idea underlying Griffins
calculus and those who came later to interpret
Excluded Middle by means of Continuations. - Let ? be any computation. The continuations of ?
are some set of computation states M1, , Mn,
stored in the memory of ?. - At any moment, ? can store the current state E
(or part of it) in the set of continuations.
- At any moment, the computation ? can either
- move from the current state E to the next state
E (an ordinary step) - move to some state M1, , Mn in the set of
continuation (an exceptional step). - If Mi is some previous state of the computation,
we call this second choice backtracking.
20Continuations and simply typed lambda ?calculus
- We may add continuations to simply typed lambda
?calculus by adding a constant C of type (??F ?
F), together with the rewrite rule - (C) EC(M) False ? M(?x.Ex)
False - The axiom schema (??F ? F) is intuitionistically
equivalent to Excluded Middle. This is the
connection between C and Classical Logic. - The rule (C) say that M is a continuation the
computation of E can move to M. A copy of E, in
the form ?x.Ex, is saved as argument of M. E
can added by M to the set of continuations of the
21Advantagesof continuations
- Using continuations, we may describe step-by-step
the evaluation of the classical program extracted
from a proof. - Continuation are a major advance in extracting
programs out of classical proofs.
22Disadvantagesof continuations
- Using continuations, we miss a global and
intuitive understanding of the program. - This means we cannot rewrite naive programs in
order to obtain efficient programs. In fact, we
still cannot use them. - In the rest of the talk, we will outline a
semantical constructive interpretations of
classical proofs.
23 3. Semantic of Classical Proofs
- By a Tarski structure M for a language L we mean
a set X, equipped with an equivalence relation ,
and, for each relation R and map f of L, some
relation RM and some map fM, both compatible with
. - A formula F of L is true in M if it is is true
the formula obtained by replacing, in F, the
symbol with , and all symbols R, f with RM,
fM. - A Tarski model of a theory T is a Tarski
structure M for the language of T, such that all
theorems of T are true in M.
24Interpretation of a theory inside another one
- A model of a theory T is the usual way of
explaining the mathematica concepts of T. - An interpretation of a theory T inside a theory U
defines some model M of T using predicates and
maps of U, and proving in U that all theorem of T
are true in the model. - An interpretation of a theory T inside a theory U
is the usual way of explaining the mathematical
concepts of T in term of the mathematical
concepts of U.
25An example of interpretation
- We may interpre the theory H of Hyperbolic Plane
inside the theory E of the Euclidian plane. - The set of elements of H is some set of points of
the Euclidean Plane. The equivalence relation is
equality on the Euclidean Plane. Any geometrical
operation or relation of H is defined through
some geometrical operation or relation of the
Euclidian Plane.
26?02-sound models of PA
- A model M of PA is ?02-sound if all closed
?02-formula B ?x?N. ?y?N. P(x,y) true in M are
true in the usual sense - for all n?N there is some m?N such that P(n,m)
- If M, B are as above, then any intuitionistic
proof that B is true in M provides some program f
such that P(x,f(x)) for all x?N.
27Interpreting PA inside HA
- We want to define an interpretation of PA inside
HA, in order to interpret Excluded Middle as a
construction in some structure. - This is no easy task. There are several
impossibility results we have to turn around (see
1). - We also want to get some intuitive explanation of
the programs we extract from classical proofs. - Therefore we only consider ?02-sound models M of
28The main result
- Let PA?,? be the variant of PA whose set of
logical connectives is - ?i?1,n.Ai, ?i?1,n.Ai,
- ?i?P(i), ?i?N.P(i)
- Theorem. There exists a ?02-sound interpretation
M of PA?,? in HA. - We may interpret every step of every classical
proof of PA by some construction in some model M,
in such a way that a proof of a closed
?02-formula defines a program.
29The model M of PA in HA
- M is the set of all iterated limits of
integers, taken over List(N), the set of lists of
integers. - Definition of M generalizes Hayashis Limit
Computable Mathematics 4, in which limits are
taken over N, and M is defined in PA itself. - Limits over List(N) are intended to give a more
accurate descriptions of computations hidden in
classical proofs. - M is defined in HA in order to show we may
completely describe EM in term of limits.
30Conclusion and Future Work
- Eventually, we switched to a semantical
interpretation of classical proofs, looking for
some intuitive understanding of the programs we
can extract from them. - This is a work in progress. The model we found
looks promising, but it should be checked against
some relevant examples. We have also to implement
the computations in the model in term of
backtracking and continuation. - We are quite confident this is possible.
31 4. Appendix. Intepreting HA 1-EM in HA
- We sketch the definition of the interpretation of
PA in HA in a simple case when EM is restricted
to 1-EM. - We define a structure we call N1 (see 3)
- The same construction also produces some model of
(n1)-EM out of any model of n-EM. - A model of EM is obtained by defining a
succession of models of 0-EM, 1-EM, 2-EM, , then
taking the direct limit of them.
32A notion of Computation State
- Let S List(N) be the set of all finite lists of
integers, ordered by prefix. We call the elements
of s computation states. - Intuitively, s is a list of (codes of) pairs
- ltn1,?x.P1(x)gt, , ltnk,?x.Pk(x)gt
- of some integer ni and some ?01-formulas
?x.Pi(x). - If PPi and Pi(ni) is false, we know that ?x.P(x)
is false. - Otherwise we assume that ?x.P(x) is true.
33Dynamic Integers
- We call any LS?N a dynamic integer.
- Intuitively, L(s) is an hypothesis about a value,
depending on the hypothesis about ?01-formulas
associated to the state - s ltn1,?x.P1(x)gt, , ltnk,?x.Pk(x)gt
- If some hypothesis change, then L(s) can change.
L(s) will be a convergent limit if - in any correct computation of L,
- eventually L(s) stops changing
34A notion of Agent
- Let Pfin(N) be the set of all finite subsets of
N. - We call any FS ? Pfin(N) an agent of the
computation. - Intuitively, F(s) is a set of elements of the
same kind of those which are in the state s - F(s) ltn1,?x.P1(x)gt, , ltnk,?x.Pk(x)gt
- The agent F requires to add the set F(s) above to
the state s of the computation.
35A notion of Computation
- Let ? be any recursive weakly increasing
successions s0 ? s1 ? s2 ? in S - We say that ? is a computation of an agent F, or
?F for short, if, eventually, any element a of
F(si) either drops out of F(si), or it is added
to si. - Formally ?F if, for all a,n?N, there is some
m?n such that either a?F(sm), or a?sm. - Remark that this definition describes a notion of
parallel asyncronous computation.
36Convergence and Equivalence of Dynamic Integers
- Let FS ? Pfin(N) be an agent, L, MS?N be
dynamic integers. Abbreviate (L is convergent),
(L, M are equivalent), with L?, (LM). Then we
define - F is a construction of L?, or FL? for short, if
for all computations s0 ? s1 ? s2 ? of F, there
is some n?N such that L(sn)L(sn1). - F is a construction of (LM) , or FLM for
short, if for all computations s0 ? s1 ? s2 ?
of F, there is some n?N such that L(sn) M(sn).
37The Tarski structure N1
- Let FS ? Pfin(N), and L, MS?N. For any n?N,
define nºS?N by nº(s) n for all s?S. - L? if FL? for some F
- (LM) if F (LM) for some F
- N1 is the set of all convergent dynamic
integers, with equivalence relation . Maps of N1
are all computable maps fN1 ?N1 such that - f(L)(s) f(L(s)º)(s) for all s?S.
38A construction for 1-EM in N1
- A characteristic map in N1 for a ?01-formula
?y?N.P(x,y) is any map f of N1 such that, for all
x?N1, f(x) Trueº if and only if Pº(x,y) is true
for some y?N1. - Maps of N1 are computable, yet they include
characteristic maps for all ?01-formulas, and
therefore some construction for 1-EM. - Characteristic maps in N of ?01-formulas,
usually, are not computable. This is no
contradiction. Characteristic maps in N1 are such
only up to .
- 1 S. Berardi, Intuitionistic Completeness for
First Order Classical Logic, J.S.L., vol 63,
Number 1, March 1999. - 2 S. Berardi, Classical Logic as Limit
Completion, MSCS, 15, 2004 (to appear). - 3 S. Berardi, A Model for ?02-maps within
Intuitionistic Arithmetic, Techical Report, Turin
University, 2004.
- 4 S. Hayashi and M. Nakata, Towards Limit
Computable Mathematics, Types for Proofs and
Programs, Springer LNCS, 125--144, 2001. - 5 Y. Akama, S. Berardi, S. Hayashi, U.
Kohlenbach, An Arithmetical Hierarchy of the Law
of Excluded Middle and Related Principles, pp.
192-201, 19th IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer
Science (LICS 2004), 14-17 July 2004, Turku,
Finland, Proceedings.