Title: Florida Community College at Jacksonville
1Florida Community College at Jacksonville
Object-Oriented Concepts Overview
COP 2551 Object-Oriented Programming Spring,20
2Florida Community College at Jacksonville
- Objective
- Overview of Object Orientation
- Object Attributes and Operations
- Difference between an object and a class
- 3 basic Object-oriented principles
(Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism) - Reference Thinking in Java (Bruce Eckel)
- Free download _at_http//www.BruceEckel.com
COP 2551 Object-Oriented Programming OO
Concepts Overview
2 of 10 slides
3Florida Community College at Jacksonville
- Overview of Object Orientation
- Object orientation is a technique for system
modeling, Object oriented analysis and design, or
OOAD, attempts to describe a system as it exists
in real life. - The system is modeled as a number of related
objects that interact. Any system needs objects
to do work. It asks its objects to do its work,
just as you might ask objects in an online store
to deliver goods to you and charge the cost to
your credit card. - All objects have attributes (characteristics),
this is sometimes referred to as state. - They also have operations (or methods), this is
sometimes referred to as behavior.
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COP 2551 Object-Oriented Programming OO
Concepts Overview
4Florida Community College at Jacksonville
- Examples of Objects
- Use an online store (such as amazon.com) as an
example, the following things may consider as
Objects - Book
- Customer
- Order
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COP 2551 Object-Oriented Programming OO
Concepts Overview
5Florida Community College at Jacksonville
- Object Attributes and Operations
- Attributes know something (Attributes are often
data, like order ID and customer ID for an Order
object. Attributes can also be another object,
such as the entire Customer object rather than
just the customer ID. - Operations do something with what the attributes
know, (Operations can be actions that the object
does, often affecting its attributes.)
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COP 2551 Object-Oriented Programming OO
Concepts Overview
6Florida Community College at Jacksonville
- Difference Between Object And Class
- A class is how you define an object. Classes are
descriptive categories or templates. Book could
be a class. - Objects are unique instances of classes. This
Java Certification book that costs 59.99 with
item ID 62467-B is an object of the Book class.
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COP 2551 Object-Oriented Programming OO
Concepts Overview
7Florida Community College at Jacksonville
- Difference Between Object And Class (continue)
- The attributes and operations defined by a class
are for its objects, not for itself. There is no
concrete realization of the class Book, but there
are Book objects, i.e. a class is a logical
construct, an object has physical reality. - A class can be compared to a blueprint. Imagine
you are in charge of building a housing
development, with one housing blueprint. Each
house in a development is shaped the same way,
but some have brick or aluminum siding, some have
custom paint colors inside and some are just
white, and so on.
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COP 2551 Object-Oriented Programming OO
Concepts Overview
8Florida Community College at Jacksonville
- Object-oriented Principle Encapsulation
- Encapsulation is the mechanism that binds
together the code and the data it manipulates,
and keeps both safe from outside interference and
A Class
Public variables and methods
Private variables and methods
Public variables is not recommended
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COP 2551 Object-Oriented Programming OO
Concepts Overview
9Florida Community College at Jacksonville
- Object-oriented Principle -
Inheritance - Inheritance is the process by which one object
acquires the properties of another object. By use
of inheritance, an object need only define all of
its characteristics that make it unique within
its class, it can inherit its general attributes
from its parent.
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COP 2551 Object-Oriented Programming OO
Concepts Overview
10Florida Community College at Jacksonville
- Object-oriented Principle Polymorphism
- Polymorphism(from Greek, meaningmany forms) is
a feature that allows one interface to be used
for a general class of actions, i.e. one
interface, multiple methods. - Example Account.calculateInterest()
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COP 2551 Object-Oriented Programming OO
Concepts Overview