Title: Minoan Crete
1Minoan Crete
2Cretan Bull
- Bull leaping fresco from Knossos
- Minoans abroad the case of Avaris in the Nile
delta (18th dynasty LM I) - Ivory acrobat
- Horns of Consecration
- Bulls Head rhyton
- (and remember the Minotaur story)
3Bull leaping fresco from Knossos
4Avaris (Tell el-Dab'a) in the Nile Delta royal
citadel here excavated by an Austrian scholar
named Manfred Bietak
5Fragmentary painting of a bull-leaper, found in a
royal citadel at Avaris in recent excavations and
dated to the 18th dynasty (c. 1530 BCE).
6Reconstruction of the painting at Avaris
7North propylaia at Knossos
8Ivory bull leaper or acrobat, and seal impression
9Horns of consecration
10Reconstruction of west façade at Knossos (nb
11Bulls head rhyton, made of steatite
12Women and religion
- Rhyton from Mochlos (EM III)
- Dancing Girl (LM I)
- Gold seal rings (LM I)
- Snake goddesses from the Temple Repositories at
Knossos made of faience and other materials (LM
13Rhyton from Mochlos (EM III)
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15Minoan tombs at Mochlos see http//www.uncg.edu/
16Fragmentary fresco of a Dancing Girl
17Gold seal ring from Isopata
18Gold seal ring with a religious scene
19Faience Snake Goddess from Temple Repositories at
Knossos (29.5 cm tall)
20Snake Goddess from the Temple Repositories,
Knossos (details of dress) Faience work is an
Egyptian technique, requires high heat
21A gold and ivory snake goddess,Boston Museum of
Fine Arts.The snake goddess is usually thought
to be a household divinity.
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23Peak sanctuaries
- Petsofa and Iuktas are the main sites
- Remote, but associated with the palaces by
inscriptions and pottery (Kamares Ware) - Many figurines
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25Sanctuary rhyton from Zakro (LMIB)
26Figurines from Petsopha
- Crete and Thera
- Crete and Mycenae