Title: Basic terminology for different scales
1Basic terminology for different scales
- session
- run
- volume
- slice
- voxel
2Image Type 1 Scout (localizer)
- First acquire quick scout images
- One each
- Axial
- Sagittal
- Coronal
- Allows for headpositioningslice positioning
- Ignore afterwards
3Image Type 2 High-res Volume
- MPRAGE T1-weighted sequence
- Typical dimensions
- 256 x 256 pixels/slice
- 128 slices
- 1mm cubic voxels
- (example axial, but we do sagittal)
- Acquisition time
- 6-10 minutes
4Image Type 3 Functional
- EPI T2 weighted sequence
- Typical dimensions
- 64 x 64 pixels/slice
- 10 - 30 slices
- 3x3x(3-6) mm voxels
- Acquisition time
- 1.5 - 3 sec
- This speed, plus theBOLD response,
enablesfunctional MRI
5Compare MPRAGE vs. EPI
- Differences are
- Speed minutes vs. seconds
- Contrast T1 vs. T2
- Resolution high vs. low
- high-res MPRAGE in 3D vs. low-res EPI in 3D
6EPI speed enables fMRI
- 1 slice from EPI
- New image every 2 seconds
- Look at small signal changes
- Map changes to experimental events
7Functional Time Series
- Look at one voxel of EPI images, over time
Time (TRs) --gt
Some changes due to task manipulations (colored
bars),others are noise masking the desired
9fMRI Data Preprocessing
- Importing viewing different types of MR data
- Functional (EPI)
- Volume (MPRAGE)
- Other anatomical (In-plane T2 SE, T1, scout,
etc.) - Preprocessing functional data
- 3D motion correction
- Slice timing correction
- Spatial filtering
- Temporal filtering
- Less-used corrections (EPI distortion, mean
intensity) - Spatial Normalization
- Aligning data to common reference brain (e.g.,
10Preprocessing to Diminish Noise
- 3D motion correction
- Slice scan timing correction
- Spatial filtering
- Temporal filtering
- Less-used corrections
- EPI distortion
- mean intensity
113D motion correction the Problem
- Subjects move, like it or not
- EPI image also moves from B0 shift
- Along phase encode
- (L-gtR or A-gtP)
- If voxel at high-contrast edge, then time
series will show changes just from motion
123D Motion Correction the Solution
- Computer tries to align all images over time
- Typically, align each image to first image in run
133D Motion Correction the Solution
- Use 6 parameters of rigid-body motion
- Shift X, Y, Z (in mm)
- Rotate X, Y, Z (pitch, roll, yaw in degrees)
14Preprocessing to Diminish Noise
- 3D motion correction
- Slice scan timing correction
- Spatial filtering
- Temporal filtering
- Less-used corrections
- EPI distortion
- mean intensity
15Slice timing correction the Problem
- Slices of an EPI image acquired separately
- Therefore, information from different slices come
from varying points in time after task events - Different orders of slice acquisition
- ascending vs. descending
- sequential vs. interleaved
16Slice scan timing correction the Solution
- Correction shifts each voxel's time series so
that all voxels in a given volume "appear" to
have been captured at exactly the same time
The slices of one functional volume are shifted
in time.
This is correctedby sinc (or linear)
interpolation in time.
17Preprocessing to Diminish Noise
- 3D motion correction
- Slice scan timing correction
- Spatial filtering
- Temporal filtering
- Less-used corrections
- EPI distortion
- mean intensity
18Spatial filtering
- Gaussian spatial filtering blurring
- gt SNR if spatial filter same size as activation
- Don't use TOO much!
19Spatial Filtering
- Results with different smoothing FWHM values (in
20Preprocessing to Diminish Noise
- 3D motion correction
- Slice scan timing correction
- Spatial filtering
- Temporal filtering
- Less-used corrections
- EPI distortion
- mean intensity
21Temporal Filtering the Problem
- The time series from each voxel contains
- low frequency drifts
- high frequency noise
- caused by
- scanner
- physiology
- Both can hide your effect
22Temporal Filtering the Solution
- FFT, then remove frequencies high, low or both,
without removing the frequencies of interest - Lowpass temporal blurring
- Be careful don't remove your effect!
- Highpass detrending
- Bandpass both
23Preprocessing to Diminish Noise
- 3D motion correction
- Slice scan timing correction
- Spatial filtering
- Temporal filtering
- Less-used corrections
- EPI distortion unwarping
- Helps EPI align correctly with structural scans
- Like motion correction, different parameters
- Mean intensity adjustment
- Not recommended anymore by anyone!
24Effect of Preprocessing