Title: Steves Science Smorgasbord
1Steves Science Smorgasbord
- Reference Sources
- Bankier Library
- Feb. 2007
2Reference Information
- Why?
- Background information on a topic
- Beginning of the research process
- A quick look-up of information
- Must Be
- Relevant
- Readable
- Trusted
3Two Places to Go for Reference Information
4The Reference Stacks
Bankier Library, First Floor
5College/Career Info A BF177
Reference Resources, 1st Floor
Library of Congress Classification
BF181 CT100 CT101 D410
A General Works B Philosophy, Psychology
Religion C Civilization,
Archaeology Genealogy D World History E-F
American History G Geography, Anthropology
Recreation H Social Sciences, Economics,
Finance Sociology J Political Science K
Law L Education M Music N Fine Arts P
Language Literature Q Science
(general) R Medicine S Agriculture T
Technology U Military Science V Naval
Science Z Bibliography Library Science
D410 - DT E E183.8
E184 F G H35
H40 - HF HG - HX
Courtyard Cell Phone Use Area
J KF50 KF51 - LC
Library Faculty
Learning Assistants
Print Indexes Indexes NY Times, Reader's Guide
PN4321 - PZ PN800 PN3503
PN50 PN771 NA PN45
Z1225 Index AI3 TT Z1224
M - N Vertical Files
Tech Specialists
Printers Copy Cards
Revised 9/05 PQ/SC
6Accessed from the U.S. Library of Congress at
http//www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/lcco/lcco_q.pdf on
5 Feb. 2007.
7Science DatabasesWays Scientific Information is
Generated, Accessed, Communicated, Used
Scientific Info
Computer Databases Searchable with Articles,
Data, etc.
- Articles from the latest edition of the
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science Technology - Research Updates from the McGraw-Hill Yearbooks
- Illustrations
- Current news headlines, biographies, and more.