Title: Why have a Leadership Class
1Dexter High School
Scheduling Your Freshman
2Meet the Counselors
Gerry Holmes
Kristy Doyle
Larry LeBlanc
3Graduation Requirements
4Graduation Requirements
Mathematics - 4 credits Algebra 1 A/B or Algebra
Concepts Skills A/B- 1 credit Geometry A/B or
Geometry Concepts Skills A/B - 1 cr. Algebra 2
A/B or Algebra 2 Concepts Skills A/B/C- 1
credit 1 additional math or math-related
credit (1 credit must be taken during the final
year of high school)
5Graduation Requirements
English - 4 Credits American Studies A/B
(English 9 component) 1 credit World Studies
A/B - (English 10 component) 1 Credit Required
Selection English Courses 2 Credits
6Graduation Requirements
Science - 3 Credits Earth Science (9th) 1
Credit Biology (10th) 1 Credit Chemistry or
Essentials in Chemistry or Physics (11th/12th) -
1 Credit
7Graduation Requirements
Social Studies - 3 Credits American Studies
(9th) (U.S. History Geography component) 1
Credit World History Geography (10th) - 1
credit American Government (Civics) - .5
credit Economics (11th) - .5 credit
8Graduation Requirements
Physical Education Health - 1.5
Credits Lifetime Fitness .5 Credit Physical
Education Elective .5 Credit Health Wellness
.5 Credit
9Graduation Requirements
Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts 1
credit May be taken in areas of art, music,
graphic arts, interior design, video production,
web design, journalism, photojournalism, drama,
speech, or debate/forensics
10Graduation Requirements
World Languages 2-4 years STRONGLY RECOMMENDED,
however the World Language requirement of 2
credits does not begin until the Class of 2016.
11Graduation Requirements
On-Line Learning Experience 1 unit 20
hours Planned experience for all students to be
12Total Credits
- The Class of 2012 and beyond will need 28.0 (out
of 30 possible) credits for graduation. (16.5
credits are earned from the Michigan Merit Core
requirements listed above and 11.5 consist of
13Academic Plan
14Academic Plan
15Please refer to the gold sheet in your packet!
16Freshman Course Request
17Course Request Instructions
18Co-Curricular Activities
- Boys soccer
- Football
- Pom pons/Cheerleading
- Girls swimming
- Girls Volleyball
- Girls Golf
- Equestrian
- Girls/Boys cross country
- Boys Tennis
- Boys Water Polo Club Sport
- Field Hockey Club Sport
19Co-Curricular Activities
- Girls Basketball
- Boys Basketball
- Pom pons/Cheerleading
- Wrestling
- Boys Swimming
- Ice Hockey
20Co-Curricular Activities
- Girls/Boys Track
- Girls Soccer
- Baseball
- Softball
- Boys Golf
- Girls Tennis
- Boys Lacrosse - Club Sport
- Womens Water Polo - Club Sport
- Rugby - Club Sport
21Co-Curricular Activities
- Language Clubs Science Olympiad
- Key Club Homecoming
- Future Leaders of America Ocean Bowl
- Forensics Student Council
- Literary magazine Art Club
- Drama Prom
- Debate Student Newspaper
- Foreign Exchange Dances
- Writers Block Pep Band
- National Honor Society S.A.D.D.
- Model United Nations Marching Band
- Quiz Bowl Yearbook
22Packet Information
Whose Homework is it? Student Performance Counselo
rs Orientation
23Whose Homework is it?
- Students responsibilities
- 1. Keeping track of assignments
- 2. Obtaining all the essential materials to
complete assignments, including resources - 3. Asking for help from appropriate sources
teachers and fellow students (tutor?!) - 4. Doing the homework assignments and checking
for clarity, accuracy adequacy - 5. Handing homework in on time
- 6. Carrying travel card, if used, getting
necessary signatures from parents/teachers -
- 7. Check progress via PowerSchool on a weekly
24Whose Homework is it?
Parental (guardian) responsibilities 1.
Checking that the student has the necessary
materials and a quiet study area 2. Serving as
consultants to their student being available,
assigning responsibility, encouraging
independence, and sending positive messages 3.
Maximizing the students autonomy by offering
appropriate choices avoiding the use of material
rewards which support an external focus, rather
than the desired internal focus 4. Clarifying
and interpreting directives, monitoring homework,
checking for clarity, accuracy and adequacy (they
shouldnt do the homework nor provide
shortcuts) 5. Explaining and enforcing
consequences if necessary, without criticizing or
otherwise chastising their student. Note If
the student is upset because of consequences,
remaining calm and firm and standing by ones
decision avoids a power struggle. 6. Monitoring
a travel card, if one is used.
You may re-enter the site and alter your
selections until Thursday, February 7, 2008. At
that time, the on-line registration process will
come to a close. If you do not have access
to a computer at home or an alternate location,
Principal Moran is making the DHS Media Center
available to families to access PowerSchool
on-line course registration during the evening of
Thursday, February 7th. It is important to
include your parents in the registration. On a
final notemake careful choices, as there will be
few if any schedule changes in the fall.
26Parents, Students, and Staff working together
Creates a Win-Win-Win Situation!