Title: Catch a Wave:
1(No Transcript)
2Catch a Wave What User Studies Tell Us About
the Water
Henry Pisciotta, Penn State University
3Catch a Wave What User Studies Tell Us About
the Water
What wins acceptance? Has acceptance been
won? So what do we do?
4What Wins Acceptance?
5Moores Technology Adoption Model
Late Majority
Early Majority
Early Adopters
Geoffrey Moore, Crossing the Chasm. (New York
HarperBusiness, 1991 1999).
6A Few User Studies
DLF Digital Library Federation / Outsell, Inc
survey - 2002 - all media - multiple schools
n100s UDR Ctr. for studies in Higher Ed.,
Berkeley, Use of Digital Resources survey -
2004 - all media - multiple schools
n1000 VIUS Visual Image User Study survey,
Penn State 2002 - images only 1 school
7Has Acceptance Been Won?
8Wellpeople use pictures
- in whatever form
- 4th most-used format for teaching (of 17) (behind
books, journals, news) (DLF) - 7th most used format for undergrads (DLF)
- 75 of faculty 55 of students (VIUS)
9And, increasingly, digital pictures
- 65 of faculty grads (DLF)
- 70 to 80 of faculty (Berkeley UDR)
- 75 of plan to increase use of pictures
- (VIUS)
10Which people?
- Arts / Humanities / Biological Sciences
- highest of picture users (DLF)
- Arts Architecture
- most pictures per capita (VIUS)
- Earth Sciences
- most digital pictures per capital
- twice as many picture users as Arts
Architecture (VIUS) - Agriculture
- twice as many picture users as Arts
Architecture (VIUS) - and many others
11Which sources?
- Licensed Databases
- Locally Produced Databases
- Personal Collections
- Search Engines
12Which sources?
- Licensed Databases
- (1 to 3 million images)
- 3 to 10 use them (VIUS)
- 20 of picture-using faculty (DLF)
- (also RLG/AGIT)
- 10 of picture-using students (DLF)
13Which sources?
Locally Produced Databases ???
14Which sources?
- Personal Collections
- (Sources and not sources)
- 0 to 17 of faculty grads (DLF)
- 32 of faculty (or 51 ?) (VIUS)
- 24 of students (VIUS)
- 64 to 71 of faculty have own digital resources
collection (UDR)
15Which sources?
- Search Engines
- (billions of pictures)
- Most used for any form of information
- Most used source for digital images
- (though much less than libraries for analog
pics) (DLF) - 4/5ths of faculty use for images (RLG/AGIT)
16So what do we do?
17So what do we do?
- Expose collections to search engines?
- Work more closely with personal collections?
- Focus on high quality?
- Find a content niche?
- Collaborate
18So what do we do?
Numbers dont use pictures. People use
pictures. we needed a methodology that would
allow us to explore with our partners, not to
investigate them. - Nitecki Rando (2004)
19So what do we do?
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