Title: Nouns and Articles
1Nouns and Articles
2The gender of nouns
masculine (end in O)
Spanish nouns
femenine (end in a)
____foto,____ moto, ____ mano, ___ radio
___ dÃa,____ mapa, ___planeta,
3Nouns ending in -ma
___anagrama, ____clima,____crucigrama,
___drama,____esquema, ___fantasma,____,
____programa,____ sistema,____sÃntoma
Nouns ending in ista invariable
___socialista, ____ciclista
Nouns with aje, -or, -án, -ambre are masculine
___paisaje, ___rigor, ____(but la labor, la
flor), ___desván, ___enjambre, ___sofá, ____café
4-Nouns ending in -ión, -dad, -tad, -tud,
-umbre, -ie, isis,-itis are femenine
__estación, __(but el avión, el camión, el
gorrión),__ciudad, __ virtud, ____
muchedumbre,___superficie, ___crisis,
-Words ending in tad -dad
English Ty are femenine
__ caridad (charity), __ ciudad (city),
__libertad (liberty)
-dads are femenine and mas are masculine
5Countries, regions , provinces, towns and places
ending in a are femenine Exeptions
___Canadá, ___Perú,____Uruguay
Coumpound nouns are masculine __ rascacielos
,___ limpiaparabrisas
6The plural of nouns
- Add an s if the noun ends in a vowel
- El coche
- La moto
- El café
- By adding-es, if the noun ends in a consonant
- La cuidad
- El paÃs
- Nouns ending in z change to ces
- la cruz
7- Nouns which have an accent in the last syllable
lose - the accent in the plural
- La crisis
- el lunes
- (and all days except for sábados y domingos)