Title: Internet Archaeology: a study in links, levels and layers
1Internet Archaeology a study in links, levels
and layers
Judith Winters Editor Internet Archaeology http//
2Archaeological publishing
- 1900-1950
- Publication seen as an integral part of
archaeological excavation - 1960s and 1970s
- Shift from exhaustive to selective publication.
Primary record is archive rather than the
publication - Today
- Great variation in publication policy across the
discipline - Greater integration between description and
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4Internet Archaeology
- issue 1 published in 1996
- peer-reviewed content
- international - no chronological restrictions
- no print equivalent
- text, data, images, VRML, QTVR, SVG, video,
sound, - archived by Archaeology Data Service
6Journal background
- 1995 - 3 year grant from eLib programme
- 1998 - grant extension
- 2000 - subscriptions (institutional and
individual), publication subventions, advertising - 2007 JISC Open Access agreement for UK Higher
and Further Education institutions
7Enriching archaeology
- 21st century archaeology is born digital
- a like-minded medium
- data
- addresses concerns about dissemination and
multi-vocality - facilitates the opening up of our work and our
interpretations to critical inquiry, immediately
and on a global scale
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9The Development of the Clay Tobacco Pipe Kiln in
the British Isles. Issue 1
10The Development of the Clay Tobacco Pipe Kiln in
the British Isles. Issue 1
11The Ave Valley Survey, Northern Portugal. Issue 9
12Anglian and Anglo-Scandinavian Cottam linking
digital publication and archive. Issue 10
13The LEAP project
- Linking Electronic Archives and Publications
- http//ads.ahds.ac.uk/project/leap/
- Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research
Council (AHRC) under the ICT Strategy Programme - To investigate ways in which electronic
publication can provide broad access to research
findings and make underlying data available in
such a way so that readers are enabled to 'drill
down' seamlessly into online archives to test
interpretations and develop their own conclusions.
14Changing Settlements and Landscapes Medieval
Whittlewood, its Predecessors and Successors.
Issue 19
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22Joining the Dots Continuous Survey, Routine
Practice and the Interpretation of a Cypriot
Landscape. Issue 20
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32Silchester Roman Town Insula IX The Development
of an Urban Property c. AD 40-50 - c. AD 250
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37The landscapes of Islamic Merv, Turkmenistan.
Issue 25
- allows users to explore the links between
interpretation and underlying data through a
variety of interfaces (maps, plans) - article still interprets the site in the light
of the original research agenda and tells a
story - data is made available and linked to the
interpretation so that users can examine the
assumptions upon which the interpretations rest - multiple pathways through the text into and out
of archive
39Preservation issues
- Digital data is fragile
- no changes post-publication
- hardware and software changes
- ongoing maintenance (migration) of content
(especially databases/GIS) - formats (web standards) - prioritises content
rather than presentation - Shared infrastructure with ADS
40Production issues
- flexible, responsive approach rights,
commissioning content, keeping options open, no
rigid template - appropriate standards - interoperability and
longevity, standard file formats, metadata,
storage media and delivery systems
- increased editorial contact results in a flexible
final publication. - authors have a greater say in the editing and
- authors
- more connected to their data - I had to come off
the fence and say what I thought it all really
meant - scrutiny of data during editorial process
- readers
- ability to respond (discussion list and articles)
- potential of drawing other conclusions. More
active users of data. - data rich
- complements authorship
- provides the reader with different levels of
information - information no longer split across several
44- integrated e-publications are based on
interaction, hypertext linking, navigation,
search, and connections to other online
resources. Capabilities that allow for much more
powerful user experiences than a linear flow of
45- integrated e-publications are more than
literate - oral characteristics are re-introduced -
immediacy, eliminate distance, extra-textual
content, social relationships - no longer just imparting information but allows
greater capacity for individual participation and
46Impact on archaeological research
- Electronic publication is shaping how projects
develop - what we photograph, how we record in
the field, what we record and to what level of
detail, what we excavate...
- boundaries are blurred
- integrating text with data, evidence with
interpretation creates a new dialectic - explicit interrogation - an active, used and
visible archive - shifts publication back towards data
- affects archaeological practice and the
narratives we create
48The future
- Subscriptions
- Subventions
- Delivery technologies
- Widening profile - collaboration
- Extending LEAP model
49Internet Archaeology a study in links, levels
and layers
Judith Winters Editor Internet Archaeology http//
intarch.ac.uk editor_at_intarch.ac.uk