Title: Steaming down the sunlight
1Steaming down the sunlight
HSIS, Galway, 17/11/07
- Professor Willard McCarty
- Kings College London
- staff.cch.kcl.ac.uk/wmccarty/
2(No Transcript)
- A parable
- Computer science the humanities
- The humanities and method
- Athens and Jerusalem
- Analytic computing
- Synthetic computing
- Conclusion
4Odysseus katabasis, from Padraic Colum,
Adventures of Odysseus (1918) a photograph of a
brickie (1947)
- A parable
- Computer science the humanities
- The humanities and method
- Athens and Jerusalem
- Analytic computing
- Synthetic computing
- Conclusion
62006 dhcs2006.uchicago.edu/ 2007
- A parable
- Computer science the humanities
- The humanities and method
- Athens and Jerusalem
- Analytic computing
- Synthetic computing
- Conclusion
8The specific problem that the humanities
present to thought is that one has not rightly
grasped their nature if one measures them by the
yardstick of a progressive knowledge of
regularity. Research in the humanities does
not endeavour to grasp the concrete phenomenon as
an instance of a universal rule. The individual
case does not serve only to confirm a law from
which practical predictions can be made. Its
ideal is rather to understand the phenomenon
itself in its unique and historical
concreteness.Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and
Method (2000/1960) 4f
9For the object of understanding human events is
to sense the alternativeness of human
possibility. Jerome Bruner, Possible Castles,
Actual Minds, Possible Worlds (1986)
- A parable
- Computer science the humanities
- The humanities and method
- Athens and Jerusalem
- Analytic computing
- Synthetic computing
- Conclusion
11Quid ergo Athenis et Hiersolymis? Quintus
Septimus Florens Tertullianus (ca 155-230)
- A parable
- Computer science the humanities
- The humanities and method
- Athens and Jerusalem
- Analytic computing
- Synthetic computing
- Conclusion
13Analytic modelling
Symbolic system
Non-symbolic system
14Effectively computable representation
Narrative meaning
- A parable
- Computer science the humanities
- The humanities and method
- Athens and Jerusalem
- Analytic computing
- Synthetic computing
- Conclusion
16(No Transcript)
17Autopoiesis in art Drawing hands, M. C.
Escher (1948)
- A parable
- Computer science the humanities
- The humanities and method
- Athens and Jerusalem
- Analytic computing
- Synthetic computing
- Conclusion
as A is to B, so C is to D
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