Title: The Arguments
The Arguments
Eric Jackson ejackson_at_carbonlesspromise.
Misinformation disputed by all major scientific
Quotes out of context
Misuse of statistics
Assertions that environmentalism socialism
Assertions that environmentalism plot to
overthrow US government
Assertions that environmentalism plot by United
Nations to take control of the world
3Skeptics' disputes of action on climate change
are commonly along one or more of the following
1. There is no conclusive evidence that climate
change is happening
4Skeptics' disputes of action on climate change
are commonly along one or more of the following
2. The changes in measured temperatures are part
of the natural cycle
5Skeptics' disputes of action on climate change
are commonly along one or more of the following
3. Even if the changes are human induced, the
scale is not sufficiently large to make changes
beyond sensible "least cost" measures and
6Skeptics' disputes of action on climate change
are commonly along one or more of the following
4. The economic impact of making substantial cuts
in greenhouse gas emissions on the scale
suggested by the IPCC or other groups is too
7There are several reasons why denial is
The implications of the science are frightening
Doubt is an easy product to sell. Climate denial
tells us what we all secretly want to hear
Science is portrayed as political orthodoxy
rather than objective knowledge
8In November 2004, leading climate change skeptic
Richard Lindzen was quoted saying he'd be willing
to bet that the earth's climate will be cooler in
20 years than it is today.
When British climate researcher James Annan
contacted him, however, Lindzen would only agree
to take the bet if Annan offered a 50-to-1 payout
9So who are the climate change skeptics?
Approximately 30 individuals have been the most
quoted leaders of the climate change denial
10So who are the climate change skeptics?
In the USA, there are two organizations that have
taken a leadership role in climate change denial.
Competitive Enterprise Institute
George C. Marshall Institute
11Competitive Enterprise Institute
CEI is a research and advocacy institute
dedicated to the principles of free enterprise
and limited government. We believe that
individuals are best helped not by government
intervention, but by making their own choices in
a free marketplace."
12The Competitive Enterprise Institute produced two
60-second television spots focusing on the
alleged global warming crisis and the calls by
some environmental groups and politicians for
reduced energy use. The ads were aired in 14 U.S.
cities from May 18 to May 28, 2006. The ads say
that polar ice is actually thickening and that
CO2 is a good thing.
13ExxonMobils funding of CEI was 2,005,000 for
the period 1998-2005.
CEIs other major efforts include support for the
tobacco industry, the pesticide industry, and the
pharmaceutical industry
14George C. Marshall Institute
GMIs mission is to encourage the use of sound
science in making public policy about important
issues for which science and technology are major
15George C. Marshall Institute
The earth is now on the brink of entering another
Ice Age, according to a large and compelling body
of evidence from within the field of climate
16George C. Marshall Institute
ExxonMobils funding of GMI was 715,000 for the
period 1998-2006.
17Is Climate Change Human Caused?
Human Caused?
Wrong Question?
Creation Stewardship?
18Climate Change Caused by Humans?
Wrong Question!
True or False?
gt20-50 sea rise
gt1 B displaced
gteconomic, societal, health systems collapse
20(No Transcript)
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22Monthly Measurements at Manau Loa
23Antarctic Vostok ice core 2.2 miles deep,
420,000 years of temperature and greenhouse gas
24Atmospheric CO2 Projections
25Most Reliable
Professional organizations
Statements that contradict normal bias
Peer-reviewed science
Proceedings from Nat Acad Science
Think tanks
Advocacy groups
Individual professional
Individual layperson
Least Reliable
Support for my beliefs
26Global warming is a manageable risk, not an
existential crisis, and we should get on with the
job of managing it. Conservatives should propose
policies that are appropriately optimistic,
science-based, and low-cost. This should be an
attractive political program It is.....a reality
that Americans usually respond well to the
conversion of political issues into technical
problems. After all, were very good at solving
the latter. New Atlantis, Summer 2008
27(No Transcript)
28Next in the Climate Change Series....
The Solutions
February 1 at 9 and 1030 AM February 5 at 7 PM
Eric Jackson ejackson_at_carbonlesspromise.