Title: ICT Strategy in the City of Vienna
1ICT Strategy in the City of Vienna
Ingrid Götzl City of ViennaExecutive Group for
OrganisationInformation and Communication
Technology ISSS 2005April 2005
2Vienna - Facts Figures
- 1.7 Mill. Inhabitants
- 70 000 staff
- 9.5 Bill. EUR budget
- 100 municipal departments
- 250 000 city-owned flats
- 400 schools
- 50 swimming/indoor pools
- 50 public libraries
- without public traffic and energy supplier, but
3Vienna - Facts Figures
...including public health
- 26 hospitals homes for the elderly
- 15.000 hospital beds
- 28.000 staff
- 2,2 bill. EUR budget
4Strategic Objectives of the City of Vienna
5IT Strategy Political Frame
Vienna Making Data move Making Time for
Dr. Michael Häupl, Mayor and Governor of Vienna
6Decisive are the needs, the wishes and the
expectations of the citizens - how they feel
about the results of the City Administration and
how they assess and accept the outcome.
Vienna Chief ExecutiveDr. Ernst Theimer
7ICT Strategy
- Defines development and direction of ICT
- in order to
- produce correspondence between ICT and the
objectives of the Enterprise City of Vienna - organise ICT sector (ICT Controlling and ICT
Services) - coordinate ICT infrastructure
8Vienna ICT Landscape
- 2 main frames
- 600 midrange servers
- 28.000 online PCs in administration (incl.
health sector) - 10.000 PCs in public schools
- 66 Mill. EUR ICT budget excl. staff
- 900 ICT staff - centralized
- 250 ICT staff in departments - decentralized
- 200 applications in production
9Organisation of ICT in Vienna
- Centralized
- Chief Information Office at executive level
(Municipal Directorate) 8 staff - Operative ICT department for municipal
departments approx. 470 staff - Operative ICT department for hospital and care of
elderly approx. 450 staff - Decentralized
- In municipal departments approx. 230 staff
10Framework Conditions/1
- To ensure
- Continuity and effectivity of ICT
- Municipality-wide use of common registers,
applications and functions - Recognition value of trademark Wien by
similarity of appearance
11Framework Conditions/2
- For Application Development and Maintenance
- Similar appearance and policy
- Similar services similar handling
- Electronic communication
- Information flow to top management
- Internet and Intranet as a common knowledge
12Consequences for ICT - 1
- Ensure technical future-orientation of ICT
infrastructure - Ensure communicability between all work places
- Ensure different access channels to the services
offered by the City of Vienna (incl. mobile
communication) - Ensure networkability of all applications
13Consequences for ICT - 2
- Internet is THE communication platform
- Intranet is THE technical basis for internal
knowledge management - Technical guidelines to ensure interoperability,
ease of use, prevention of media or system
ruptures, stable performance of individual
services - Use of Austrian-wide standards (E-GovG,
Identification by Citizen Card, etc.)
14Consequences for ICT - 3
- Use of (international) standards for data models,
interfaces, security, ... - Extensive use of standard software
- Use of Open Source Software as an alternative to
Commercial Software in terms of strategy,
economics and technology - Implementation, use of applications in
cooperation with federal govt., regions, cities
and townships
15Consequences for ICT - 4
E-Government-CooperationFederal RegionalLocal
16- Distribution of Tasks/1
- Municipal Department
- Role of Principal/Buyer/Client compliant to
strategic guidelines - Definition of departments requests
- Calculation of profits for new ICT projects
- Budgeting for ongoing ICT projects/services
- Commissioning of new ICT projects/services
- Cooperation in providing ICT projects/services
- Acceptance test
- In-time planning for ICT requests and required
budget - In-time provision of sufficient departmental
17- Distribution of Tasks /2
- ICT Department
- Operational ICT services (infrastructure,
applications) in service level agreed quality - incl. procurement of ICT ressources
- customer support in definition of request
- outcome responsibility for ICT projects by order
of departments and compliant to strategic
guidelines - request-oriented building up of required
ressources and know-how - support for CIO in creating and maintaining of
ICT strategy
18- Distribution of Tasks /3
- Creation and Maintenance of enterprise-wide ICT
strategy to ensure uniformity of ICT
applications, infrastructure and data
compatibility - Definition of set of guidelines for ICT with
enterprise-wide mandatory validity - Supervision and controlling of compliance with
ICT strategy and eskalation forum - Inititiation of strategic ICT projects and
masterplans - Coordination, and decision on priorisation, of
ICT projects - Coordination of relations between City of Vienna
and other public authorities in the field of ICT
does not mean...
- ... to equal digitalisation with modernisation
- ... to replace analogous bureaucracy by digital
bureaucracy. - Stephan Jansen, Universität Witten
20E-Government Mantra
- Successful E-Government is not an ICT project.
- Successful E-Government is a Change Project.
- Successful E-Government is promoted by the top
management and put in charge of the relevant
21E-Government Principles
- 1)Â E-Government is more than E-Services.
- Citizens are more than Customers.
- 2)Â E-Government is of use for all even for
those who dont use the Internet. - Catchword Multichannel.
- 3)Â E-Government customer orientation
horizontal integration. - Data should be on the move, not the citizens.
- 4)Â E-Government vertical integration speed
and cost reduction. - Media rupture hurts!
- 5)Â E-Government means benefit by BPR.
- Revolution instead of Evolution.
22E-Government Principles
- 6)Â E-Government is not for free.
- Those who want to reap must sow.
- 7)Â E-Government must bring profit.
- Otherwise, we tell beforehand.
- 8)Â E-Government is about use and usefulness.
- Only the useful is used.
- 9)Â E-Government is Usability for the sake of
the user. - No riddles, please.
- 10) E-Government needs PR.
- New products need advertising.
23What Did We Achieve ?
- 100 eGov Applications
- ca 27 Use
- 1.9 Customer Satisfaction (Poll 6/2003) of a
range 1-5
24Whats the Use for the Citizen?
- We offer quick and competent services to Citizens
with easy and simple Access. - We aim to make Citizens feel not only very well
administrated but also well informed and
involved, - in order to make Public Administration and
Politics more transparent and accessible
25...Whats the Use For the Businesses?
- For Vienna to present itself as a professional
partner to the Businesses - to perform required processes promptly and with a
minimum of resources - This City is in itself a Business Advantage!
- Ca. 8.000 ICT enterprises in Vienna 3rd in
Europe after London and Munich!
26...And What does Administration Get Out of IT/it?
- Better ROI through better services
- Supervision for free through more transparency
- More satisfaction and identification of citizens
with their administration - Cost savings allow successful service delivery in
the future
27Thank you for your attention!
Ingrid Götzl ingrid.goetzl_at_mdo.magwien.gv.at